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Dear Mr. Frizzell


Aug 20, 2002
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This man is an absolute embarassment to AMR and it's thousands of employees, every time he opens his mouth. His press releases read like a smitten third grade drop out and the man doesn't appear to have an original thought of his own to speak of.

Every time another carrier makes an announcement about their services, he has to jump in with his "we did it first" or a "that's no big deal" press releases. He's making a joke out of the entire industry, his rants are childish, and potential customers look at American like they are embroiled in a school-yard bully competition.
I think he's doing a GREAT job...at advertising other carrier's activities! Who cares if AA was first...the other carriers are showing their innovation by doing things they haven't yet done while Frizzell is stuck looking backwards. This is great free press for other carriers and a waste of effort by Mr. Frizzell. The sad thing is that I think he believes the response will be tremendous. Send him back to the schoolyard...it's almost recess.
American Airlines Comments on JetBlue Announcements
Thursday November 13, 6:55 pm ET

FORT WORTH, Texas, Nov. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- The following was released today by American Airlines:
Introduces High Speed Wireless Service

In 1998, American Airlines was the first carrier to offer wireless Internet connections to customers in airports. Today, American provides customers with secure, wireless service through T-Mobile Hot Spots at more than 90 gates in 25 airports around the country. "We realized long ago that our customers wanted an easy way to remain connected during the travel experience," said Stacey Frantz, spokesperson for American Airlines. "And when you make a sincere commitment to reliable and expansive wireless access in airports, you partner with an expert like T-Mobile and let them focus on what they do best."

Adds More Legroom Across Fleet

"American Airlines completed the transition to more room coach seating almost 20 months ago, investing 332,000 man-hours of work to remove 9,670 coach seats from about 875 aircraft to give customers more legroom, not just in one part of the airplane, but throughout the entire aircraft. This completed a process begun in February 2000. With market conditions changing in the post 9/11 era, American recently decided to restore standard coach seating to its fleet of 140 757s and 34 A300s. But even after this is accomplished, we still offer more room throughout coach, and we do mean throughout coach, on 75 percent of our airplanes and 80 percent of our departures," said Al Becker, spokesperson for American Airlines.


Current AMR Corp. (NYSE: AMR - News) news releases can be accessed via the Internet. The address is http://www.amrcorp.com

Source: American Airlines

Well, here is another one, although, in a way, it goes hand in hand with the "I flew American for" campaign. Pointing out that AA offers low fares and amenities. So while it does seems a bit childlish and "me too-ish", perhaps there is some sense in the madness.

That my 2 cents, what do I know?
WingNaPrayer said:
This man is an absolute embarassment to AMR and it's thousands of employees, every time he opens his mouth. His press releases read like a smitten third grade drop out and the man doesn't appear to have an original thought of his own to speak of.

Every time another carrier makes an announcement about their services, he has to jump in with his "we did it first" or a "that's no big deal" press releases. He's making a joke out of the entire industry, his rants are childish, and potential customers look at American like they are embroiled in a school-yard bully competition.
I agree with your arguments because thoes news releases are becoming RATHER ANNOYING AND POINTLESSbecause the average customer doesn't even care!
Andre1980 said:
WingNaPrayer said:
This man is an absolute embarassment to AMR and it's thousands of employees, every time he opens his mouth. His press releases read like a smitten third grade drop out and the man doesn't appear to have an original thought of his own to speak of.

Every time another carrier makes an announcement about their services, he has to jump in with his "we did it first" or a "that's no big deal" press releases. He's making a joke out of the entire industry, his rants are childish, and potential customers look at American like they are embroiled in a school-yard bully competition.
I agree with your arguments because thoes news releases are becoming RATHER ANNOYING AND POINTLESSbecause the average customer doesn't even care!
Maybe after another few weeks of these releases, another carrier could put all of them together in a print ad and have the big, bold header read..."...but what have you done lately?" But it would take a Frizzell to do that only this would have a point.
Disagree... I think his message is "hey no big deal these other airlines are just following the leader". You see it everyday "0% financing til 20xx" next day here comes the other guy "0% financing til 20xx plus" . What's wrong with one guy letting others know about his product. Its called advertising. 😉
These releases surprised me too when they first come out. But they're doing what they're supposed to do. They're getting everyone's attention. Keep up the good work Frizzell. Keep tooting our horn!!
AAmech said:
These releases surprised me too when they first come out. But they're doing what they're supposed to do. They're getting everyone's attention. Keep up the good work Frizzell. Keep tooting our horn!!
No, the only people who seem to be noticing are AA employees. The problem is not that Mr. Frizzell is tooting our horn, it's that he ain't doing it until someone else promotes a product. THEN, he comes along with "So do we" or "We did it first."

Sort of reminds me of the Democrats in 2000 (and I are one) with their "Us too, but not so much" message to counter the Republicans. Well, you see how far that got us!!! 😱
Nobody said you have to be nice and respect your competitors, folks. Every dollar and passenger that decide to try someone else, be it Jetblue, United, or Greyhound, is a dollar and passenger that we lost. If by chance people start noticing that AA offers everything these little guys offer, perhaps, just perhaps, they might actually consider looking at AA's prices the next time they buy a ticket. There's still a common misconception that we're one of the most expensive airlines to fly on, and that's not necessarily true. Who spread that myth? Little guys trying to get attention, and yahoos in the media who listen to a soundbyte from someone like Tom Parsons and take it as Gospel.

Something that is being lost in the uproar is Frizzell's title -- he's VP Corp Comm and Advertising. Perhaps Advertising is a new addition to Corp Comm's area of responsibility, and if so, then it shouldn't come as a huge shock that AA would start using the media to promote their product for free -- something done regularly by carriers like Ryanair, Easyjet, Virgin, and yes, even Jetbleu.

Personally, I'm glad to see AA going on the offensive for a change. We've sat silently too long and taken it on the chin while other airlines convince people (and the media) that they invented air travel...
Former ModerAAtor said:
There's still a common misconception that we're one of the most expensive airlines to fly on, and that's not necessarily true. Who spread that myth?

Personally, I'm glad to see AA going on the offensive for a change. We've sat silently too long and taken it on the chin while other airlines convince people (and the media) that they invented air travel...
Well, part of that "misconception" is coming from AA.COM. I wanted to go skiing at Whistler during the week of Dec. 8-13. If I look on Orbitz, I can get a ticket on Alaska Airlines from DFW to YVR with a change of planes in Seattle for $521.00. Oh, and the leg from DFW to SEA is on American as a codeshare. If I look at AA.com for non-stop from DFW-YVR, the CHEAPEST fare I am quoted is $1000.25.

And, again I have no problem with American being on the advertising offensive, but simply responding to other airlines ads with "we did it first" or "So, do we" verbiage is NOT being on the advertising offensive. It's poor defense at best.
Former ModerAAtor said:
Nobody said you have to be nice and respect your competitors, folks. Every dollar and passenger that decide to try someone else, be it Jetblue, United, or Greyhound, is a dollar and passenger that we lost. If by chance people start noticing that AA offers everything these little guys offer, perhaps, just perhaps, they might actually consider looking at AA's prices the next time they buy a ticket. There's still a common misconception that we're one of the most expensive airlines to fly on, and that's not necessarily true. Who spread that myth? Little guys trying to get attention, and yahoos in the media who listen to a soundbyte from someone like Tom Parsons and take it as Gospel.

Something that is being lost in the uproar is Frizzell's title -- he's VP Corp Comm and Advertising. Perhaps Advertising is a new addition to Corp Comm's area of responsibility, and if so, then it shouldn't come as a huge shock that AA would start using the media to promote their product for free -- something done regularly by carriers like Ryanair, Easyjet, Virgin, and yes, even Jetbleu.

Personally, I'm glad to see AA going on the offensive for a change. We've sat silently too long and taken it on the chin while other airlines convince people (and the media) that they invented air travel...
You missed the entire point...

-First of all, it's not a matter of "being nice" to the competitors...it's a matter of being intelligent about what you release. Frizzell is advertising FOR the competition, not against it.

-It's not a matter of free advertising that you mention...it's how you use it. And even though it's minimal...sending releases to a PR newswire is not free at all. It is a waste of any funds to constantly tout what new things other carriers are doing while AA is kicking back and only reminiscing about what they have done...BE PROACTIVE!!

-"on the offensive"?!! What in the world is "offensive" about these releases. He sounds like a squirrel backed into a corner trying to fight his way out. The word you meant to insert there was "defensive".

-And it's a poor philosophy to think that AA is "taking it on the chin" when new carriers are giving releases. These carriers are not stating that they were the first (as AA incorrectly did with MRTC as well as just about everything else) only that they are offering a new service. What has AA offered lately? Just a bunch of noise about how they had offered a new service starting 20 years ago.

Frizzell is terrible not because he makes waves...I like that. He is terrible because he is reactive and not proactive, is negative, freely advertises other carriers, and has drawn my attention to NOTHING that AA has done lately...only advances by all of the other airlines. Great move!
I'll be curious to see how Mr. Frizzell finds a way to put an AA-Spin on the latest IFE announcement from Song/DL.
WingNaPrayer said:
I'll be curious to see how Mr. Frizzell finds a way to put an AA-Spin on the latest IFE announcement from Song/DL.
"In response to Delta/Song's announcement today regarding live, inflight entertainment, AA is proud to say that we were the first to....oh wait...you mean we should do something proactively rather than defending 10 years ago??"

-PR Newswire, Mr. Frizzell.
AA has now responded to HP's announcement that they will be installing self-serve kiosks.

WE DID IT FIRST!! WE HAVE MORE MACHINES THAN YOU DO!! "Self-Service Check- In has been a way of life for American's customers for years," "more than 50 percent use American's automated check-in products such as Self- Service machines. . ."

Thank you, American Airines, for bringing such immediate and nationwide attention and recognition to America West. They couldn't have have received any better publicity than if they had paid for it themselves!
It's great to be competing with AA right now! Two-for-the-price-of-one advertising! Anything you advertise gets advertised again by AA.

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