The next 30 to 90 days is critical because without new labor accords the S&P credit rating could drop to C+. If that occurs, then GECAS will pull the MDA RJ financing and we could then likely fall into default of the ATSB loan -- without the MDA RJ revenue.
If that occurs there will be additional asset sales, which is why Siegel reiterated that the airline is considering selling assets, but he said: "While everything is on the table, it is not inevitable that the company will have to spin or sell assets off." Further, Siegel said, he doesn't see another bankruptcy filing from US Airways "in any kind of relevant time horizon."
Without labor accords the company will not enter bankruptcy, it will just sell chunks of the company to protect Bronner's investment and prevent a default on the loan guarantee, which could provide an involuntary bankruptcy filing where Bronner would lose about $650 million.
As I have said countless times before, if US Airways can stabilize its finances and Untied will emerge there will be a corporate combination.