Exactly.BoeingBoy said:Probably putting the finishing touches on the deal to sell PSA and/or E170's to Mesa.
Um...I don't know where you got the idea that industry consolidation was a socialistic concept. In a capitalist system, as a market matures, consolidation naturally occurs. It's socialism when the consolidation is done on behalf of the "people" (whether that is in a democratic sense or a Stalinist sense depends on the situation). It's American-style capitalism when the consolidation is done on behalf of the shareholders. It's European-style capitalism when the consolidation is done on behalf of the shareholders and employees.PITbull said:Is this to be sublimial messages of true socialism of controling the wealth and consolidation?
Actually, I view consolidation as more of a facist concept.mweiss said:Um...I don't know where you got the idea that industry consolidation was a socialistic concept. In a capitalist system, as a market matures, consolidation naturally occurs. It's socialism when the consolidation is done on behalf of the "people" (whether that is in a democratic sense or a Stalinist sense depends on the situation). It's American-style capitalism when the consolidation is done on behalf of the shareholders. It's European-style capitalism when the consolidation is done on behalf of the shareholders and employees.
what dave seigel does in his personal life is none of anyones business. so what if he went skiing. its ok to judge on what he does inhouse but what he does with his personal life thats not cool.. remember thast he is a business man. he has to do what ever he needs to do to make a profit for the stake holders. we do not have to like it but thats the way it is. the guy did not come here to be anyones friend . frankly i don't want him to be my friend . just do what ever it is to make sure this company is here 60 years from now. this company is in the crap hole . and yes management has had alot to do with that . not only this management but alos our past management. but not only management the unions have had their hand in our mistakes as well. both sides are to blame for why we are the way we are now. so now both sides have to sit down and stop acting like children and and get this airline back on track!!! this is rediculous this bickering and name calling and all these rumors. you guys are supposed to be professionals!! he said this she said that. seigel lied or xidas is unreasonable. who cares . to the unions i say . " we pay union dues to be represented and to save my job. by the way the unions are acting it does not look like my job will be saved" to managment i say. you are our leaders not perry nor teddy . start acting like leaders and steer this airline into profitability. work together with the employees to build a strong and viable company. give us the tools to the the job right and let us do it. :angry:gowest said:Guess where Dave is this week. On a Colorado Ski trip hosted by Johnny O. I guess UsAirways really isnt in that bad of shape when the CEO can dart off and party.
USA 320,
I have some FACTS for you my dear and respected friend. It just so happes that I was present at the BK hearing last week when Judge Wedonoff granted the month to month extension possibility. Were you there?
If so you would have noted that the judge did not express any type of ANGER or irritation with UAL. He said that he was not comfortable granting 4 months at a time as he hoped a ruling from the ATSB would be made prior to that time frame. He would use the 1 month extension as neccessary to see the pace of the ATSB application process and the retirment issue report that is due in 30 days.
Your infer that you have inside knowledge into the judges thinking and other issues that you have no inside knowledge, other than a computer press report is pathetic. In a court of law you are not allowed to testify as to the thought process of someone else and perhaps you should have gotten some real time information prior to speaking about a court hearing that you did not even attend.
As you like to say things are changing and people are not going to like the process or the outcome. However, you might find yourself in that same boat as opposed to "this observers perch" that you like to banter about. I ask, Do you have a swivel on the bottom of that perch? With all the spinning you do I would think it would be neccessary. 😉