Dave Hand Picks Audience


Corn Field
Nov 11, 2003

Among the 75 handpicked employees whisked to a secretive location in Washington, D.C., for Siegel's talk was Jim Drummond, a gate agent at Pittsburgh International Airport.

Siegel still slapped at the unions, Drummond noted. Siegel told workers that any job is better than no job and that individuals need to make their own decisions. Drummond inferred from Siegel's remarks that members shouldn't trust their unions.

"Now he's alienated labor," Drummond said - only to sit and negotiate with them next month.

If a new plan exists, Fox wondered, why isn't Siegel sharing it?
This article is so correct. I can tell you something though, that was aparent by his answers. The questions were not a set up. I know two people who where in the audience, and while already written questions were screened, they were able to switch questions if they wanted. That would be suicide of course.
I believe them because of the open ended responses he gave. I feel that if they were set up previously, he would have better answers, not the sorry ones he gave to good questions.
Siegel gave a very good speech. He outlined what was needed for survival and growth. The article is funny in that the workers ask what the plan is, and answer their own questions. The plan is obvious, the plan is a good one.
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marco, what were you drinking or smoking while watching it?

He gave no plan, no specifics, just he wants labor to finance everything once again.

Go back and watch it again.
Watched it once, then went back through. Took notes each time. The plan was certainly outlined, now just a matter of seeing the specifics in a formal business plan. I suggest you take another glance, and like Sister Jim used to tell us, pay attention.
marco90821 said:
Watched it once, then went back through. Took notes each time. The plan was certainly outlined, now just a matter of seeing the specifics in a formal business plan. I suggest you take another glance, and like Sister Jim used to tell us, pay attention.
Since no-one else saw the plan, tell us what it is.
The plan was there....it is the concessions that weren't being talked about in detail. I think that is the information that people were hoping for. I don't think Dave or anyone else was going to come on and say we are going to do this, then this, then this step by step.
I posted this in another topic, but feel it is relevant here.

For those that say that they have not seen anything in the presentation that shows what "the plan" is, perhaps you should listen to it again.

- we are reevaluating our entire fleet seat configuration.
- we are simplifying fares
- we are rolling the PHL hub
- we are changing the entire management team in PHL (see the COB releases)
- we will redeploy our assets with the introduction of additional MDA assets
- we are going to transform ourselves into an HP or AS.
- we are going to stand and compete - WE HAVE NO CHOICE
- Dave will toss the golden parachute and accept LCC type contract and pay
- Daves executive team will also change their compensation
- we will change the web to be more user friendly
- we will invest in more technoloogy
- we will increase flight frequencies with the addition of MDA aircraft
- we will add cities as more mainline aircraft become available
- we will replace turbo prop aircraft
- we will update mainline a/c with a new IFE
- we will update our facitilites with things such as wireless web access
- we will increase aircraft utilization
- we will increase employee productivity
- we will increase point to point flying
- we will increase internet sales
- we will grow the fleet and the network
- we will continue with our alliances with UA and Star
- we will change the company culture
And just how will they change "company culture"?

What will be the signs? And when?

Just asked Wonderful Jerry to look at a denied LTD case, and he told AFA to go pound salt. He only worships the medical doctor at CCY, and takes her word as God's. This Co. agent never looks at x-rays or medical documentation, fights with surgeons , who end up writing hem up,and basically calls the employees liars and trying to get out of work. And nothing was done about her unprofessional behavior. Its sanctioned by the head honcho union buster himself.

Yea, this idiot believes that folks want surgery, multiple, to get out of working, and LTD is a 50% pay cut.

So, run that by me again on "culture change"? From what...bad to super bad?

They stink, and so does Jerry Glass! No, there has been no movement on their part except in blah, blah, words...I'm not budging in my position either.
marco90821 said:
Siegel gave a very good speech. He outlined what was needed for survival and growth. The article is funny in that the workers ask what the plan is, and answer their own questions. The plan is obvious, the plan is a good one.
You are 100% correct. Dave actually had a good speech:

1. He gave the history(and why past concessions were not enough)
2. Explained the competitive/economic forces
3. Reviewed strengths
4. Discussed plans to build on strengths
5. To succeed you have to have competitive costs and he told everyone that they will have to sacrifice or they will perish

Now exactly how was that not a plan? I keep reading all these posts about "where's the plan", "there's no plan", these people either didn't watch the webcast or they had the volume turned off. There was a plan outlined, a lot of people living in denial just didn't want to hear it. Unfortunately, he did not give any details or specifics for any one work group on the ways he plans to get labor costs competitive. I'm not sure how practical that would be though since it has to be negotiated and it would take hours to walk through that level of detail.

What is stupid is the article that this thread was started from. If the reporter wants to write about the webcast, write about it, but don't take a clearly biased person that was there and propel their obviously distorted view.

Posts keep ranting about "there's no plan". That is denial. If you disagree with the plan then say so, but to say there is no plan is wrong.
PITbull said:
And just how will they change "company culture"?

What will be the signs? And when?

Just asked Wonderful Jerry to look at a denied LTD case, and he told AFA to go pound salt. He only worships the medical doctor at CCY, and takes her word as God's. This Co. agent never looks at x-rays or medical documentation, fights with surgeons , who end up writing hem up,and basically calls the employees liars and trying to get out of work. And nothing was done about her unprofessional behavior. Its sanctioned by the head honcho union buster himself.

Yea, this idiot believes that folks want surgery, multiple, to get out of working, and LTD is a 50% pay cut.

So, run that by me again on "culture change"? From what...bad to super bad?

They stink, and so does Jerry Glass! No, there has been no movement on their part except in blah, blah, words...I'm not budging in my position either.
PitBull -

The above list were notes I took from the webcast. I never said that they had changed the corporate culture. That was one of his points, that they realize they have to change the corporate culture. You have advocated that for years now. The AFA told the company that a change in corporate culture was essential prior to any AFA involvement in concessionary talks. I applaude you for that.

People on here were asking what "the plan" was.....that they didn't hear anything about "the plan". Well there is the list. What we didn't hear was what sacrifice we are going to each be asked for. I think we were all looking for that. Many people were looking for a step by step process that we would follow and exactly what we would look like when it is over. The problem is, it will never be over. In business you have to evolve and change continually or you become obsolete.

I am encouraged by the step above.....I dont' know why most of these steps haven't already been taken or aren't already in work. I am more critical of the lack of speed in implimenting these ideas. I would be more inclined to talk concessions if all of these things were already done to minimize the effects on the employees.

"I am more critical of the lack of speed in implimenting these ideas. I would be more inclined to talk concessions if all of these things were already done to minimize the effects on the employees."

A hearty Amen.

As many of us have asked when the issue of work rules comes up - what work rules stand in the way. I'm not that familiar with every group's contract, so I'll stick with my own - and I don't see anything standing in the way.

Apparently, in the case of pilots, Dave wants to do the flying created by extra a/c utilization without recalling anyone. So he forgoes 5 cent a seat mile for the extra flying because he wants it to be 4.8 cent a seat mile. In the meantime he's got 11+ cent a seat mile flying.

MMW: I agree with alot of what you said. On the other hand, a big step forward for a 'Culture change" would have been to have been more honest and more specific. That is what we all desire. Dave hedged way to much with all of this "we're looking into this and that", rhetoric. I frankly didn't hear one thing new that hasn't been tossed around forever.

I believe this whole Southwest thing was just a smoke screen. A mind game. Everyone sitting there all ready knew SW is in the picture. He used SW to try and instill more fear before he dropped his "little bomb" on the more concessions. Like it or leave it deal.

He bored me so much, I was ready to turn it off. I didn't and watched the whole thing afraid I would miss something important and NEW.

Jim -

I agree....I have not seen a thing that they are talking about doing that is restricted in any contract that I know of.

I have a question for you. It seems that you always hear the company toss around Pilot productivity hours as a concern. Depending on the rumors you hear, Pilots generally work 50-55 hard time hours for their 85 hours of pay. 1) is that any where near being true and 2) isn't that the fault of the company for piss poor scheduling? Things like productivity breaks would hopefully be phased out as we increase a/c utilization, so wouldn't this also increase the Pilot productivity rate?

Personally, I think that the company has more control over this then the ALP contract does......but I wanted to get your input. It is a number you hear tossed around by other uninformed groups all the time.
