Well, so maybe, FINALLY a decision or, rather, settlement may be forth coming on the long, long lasting feud at LF over gate space.
My Lord it's been way too long.
My Lord it's been way too long.
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E, thanks for posting that article, that was the same one I was trying to add in opening post about the settlement coming. Below is another with more info on Delta staying at LF after all...What does the Spirit takeover bid have to do with gates at DAL?...
Dallas City Council to vote on settling lawsuit with Love Field, Delta and Southwest airlines
A seven-year legal battle appears to be over and Delta Air Lines will be permitted to keep using a gate at Dallas Love Field. The convoluted dispute involves Southwest Airlines which wants more space at Love Field.www.audacy.com
Delta will pay $200K annually to lease one gate from Alaska Airlines.
Southwest will be left with 17 out of 20 gates, DL with 1 subleased gate from AS. AS keeps one gate. That seems to leave one of WN's gates bought from United as a forced city managed common use gate?
The article says it's a six year deal. I believe those gates are still ultimately AA's gates that Virgin was subleasing from AA after the 2014 DOJ settlement on the US-AA merger, and my guess is the master lease AA has with the City runs thru 2028.