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Dallas Love Field Gate Feud


Apr 26, 2005
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What does the Spirit takeover bid have to do with gates at DAL?...

Delta will pay $200K annually to lease one gate from Alaska Airlines.

Southwest will be left with 17 out of 20 gates, DL with 1 subleased gate from AS. AS keeps one gate. That seems to leave one of WN's gates bought from United as a forced city managed common use gate?

The article says it's a six year deal. I believe those gates are still ultimately AA's gates that Virgin was subleasing from AA after the 2014 DOJ settlement on the US-AA merger, and my guess is the master lease AA has with the City runs thru 2028.
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What does the Spirit takeover bid have to do with gates at DAL?...

Delta will pay $200K annually to lease one gate from Alaska Airlines.

Southwest will be left with 17 out of 20 gates, DL with 1 subleased gate from AS. AS keeps one gate. That seems to leave one of WN's gates bought from United as a forced city managed common use gate?

The article says it's a six year deal. I believe those gates are still ultimately AA's gates that Virgin was subleasing from AA after the 2014 DOJ settlement on the US-AA merger, and my guess is the master lease AA has with the City runs thru 2028.
E, thanks for posting that article, that was the same one I was trying to add in opening post about the settlement coming. Below is another with more info on Delta staying at LF after all...
