Being optimistic is one thing and there's nothing wrong with it. When optimism prevents you from seeing reality, it's probably gone beyond mere optimism. Maybe another "O" word - ostrich-like.....
I understand your point and agree with you. Thanks for the reminder to me to clarify my point from my earlier post.
I agree that there have been some blunders from Tempe in the recent past (although, I don't agree that a/c reconfiguration is one of them ) and I have emailed Doug, Scott etc... with my disagreement and concerns and have frequently received responses in return. I also feel strongly that the contracts need to get sewn up sooner rather than later for the good of morale, operations and efficiency.
I therefore don't feel that I am "ostrich" like in the least. Some may be and that is not good either. I do not hesitate to voice my opinion when I feel it is warranted either at work or off duty.
But, I do think that far too many people on this board are stirring the pot sometimes with false information, gossip and often with malice. It is not helpful and it seems at times that many wish to just make the situation worse rather than trying to do something constructive about an issue.
Reading this board used to be enjoyable and informative, it has rapidly become not just a b**** fest and therefore is not much fun anymore.
My point it just this: let's be constructive when we critisize and instead of b****ing on here all the time, be pro-active and work to change something you don't like.
Thanks and have a good day Jim.