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Cwa Reaches A New Ta

Seems the more heard about the contract the more that are going to thumb their nose at it.
skyflyr69 said:
yeah, your bigger in employees per airplane. those other 4 are MORE productive than U ever will be. you need to re visit any business courses you took in high school.

Why don't you factor in all the employees that the company has given the work too by outsourcing, I bet you would see the # of people per plane jump above what the total is for US.

Yes it does stink! That being said, there has been a foul oder around these parts sinces early 2001. The events of 9/11/01 merely accelerated the economic tide that has washed over this industry. The reality is, we cannot do better than what is in the TA. The only rational choice is to accept it and keep your eyes wide open for better opportunities. When opportunity knocks, trust, verify and grab the bull by the horns. This industry is in flux and it will never be a career for anyone other than the fly boys. The rest of us are expendable. Everyone should respect their co-workers by doing nothing that will disrupt the operation. Poop rolls down hill and chaos only makes your fellow employees jobs more difficult. Think before you act, you will hurt only yourselves in the end. The customers deserve our best service. They are not flying on our planes for our convenience. We are here for them, and they are here for us. You never know, one of those people you serve today could be your employer tomorrow. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Have a Merry Christmas. Remember why we celebrate.
Bottom line...the reason why you have this TA to vote on is because of YOUR FELLOW CWA AGENTS. Thats right...not NAFTA, GWB or who ever else some want to blame. I would recommend all ask their local CWA officers how the phone was ringing off the wall here in INT and maybe other locals after the last companys proposal with agents wanting to vote on that piece of garbage. Why don't go back a few pages and read postings made about that proposal and how ANGRY this one agent was about that situation. Amazing what you find out when one ASKS QUESTIONS!!! I did. Asked more than one CWA officer about the phone ringing off the hook after the last companies wishlist and was STUNNED at what they told me. CWA lost what little advantage they had with that form of desperation from some of its members. That is who you can thank for this TA. So the bottom line is you either vote yes or no and the outcome of either vote will tell you what the future holds. No surprises in that regard.
MarkMyWords said:
I just find it hysterical that details of the T/A haven't even been presented to CWA members yet and people on here are already talking about voting it down, speculate about office closures, complain about buyout's, etc....yet there is nothing in writing yet.
I've seen it and it's pure crap. It's A 5 DOLLAR AND 17 CENT CUT for me. Plus If I take the buy out I'll be stuck here for 15 months because of my seniority as I'm sure the bunglers (called management by you) will not be fast enough in getting things in place to let us go. Also, I think the company will somehow shirk its responsibility to pay out the buy out money. The companys credibility when dealing with labor is lacking.