Cwa Need Better Communication With Employees


Aug 20, 2002
Reminder...the employees pay the union would be nice to have an update on progress if there is any ...and if there is not we need to be aware of that as well. We feel that we are always kept in the dark....plz share any info or timeline information with us...the troops are restless...
I agree, we should at least get a daily email or posting briefing at the end of every day. I dont know if they are even still talking. I heard rumors they walked out last week. I dont know.
CWA Local Presidents, staff, analysts and attorneys will meet in DC on Tuesday, August 3rd, to plan a strategy for the response to the management's Transformation Plan. These discussions cannot stay on track if management will not acknowledge our legitimate proposals and alternative cost savings strategies. If management's goal is to save the airline and passenger service careers, then we should be able to accomplish that. If their goal is to degrade the passenger service jobs and to profit by undermining our standard of living, then there is a big fight looming on the horizon. We need to prepare for both possibilities.

This was from the CWA News Bulletin they sent out on the 27th. Since they havent met since then until Tues, there wasnt really a lot to update. And I doubt seriously that they are going to email the proposal to the company out to the employees BEFORE they present it back to them at the next meeting. If you arent getting the CWA Bulletins emailed to you, you need to sign up for them. Every one that has been sent has also been posted here. You can always call or email your Local President to get specific questions answered. If there is no meeting since the last update, I really dont see a need to send out an email saying No meeting, no news each day. Maybe you can get your Local President to do something about it if you want more detailed info. There are also several local CWA websites (I think its CLT and PHL) that have updated info on a weekly or daily basis depending on whats going on.
Is there really anything to update the members on other than where to place their "NO" vote? :down: :down: :angry:
networking said:
Any information on the August 3rd meeting?
See tadjr post above, including>>"Since they havent met since then until Tues, there wasnt really a lot to update. And I doubt seriously that they are going to email the proposal to the company out to the employees BEFORE they present it back to them at the next meeting. "
The company has not shown any sense of urgency in wanting to meet with the CWA. The meeting this past tuesday was just between CWA president's and staff in DCA to further discuss the proposal the company gave us last week. They shared ideas and will be giving a counterproposal back to the company reinforcing the cost saving issues the CWA offered the company before. There is no update at this time nor have any decisions been made. I believe we are very far apart just like the other unions and the company has not given us a date to reconvene. But you are being given all the information as it happens so dont feel like your being left out because your not.....
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Thanks for the info, I'm on the CWA mailing list but did not rec anything....I'll have to check on that. When is the next meeting scheduled...if at all any time soon? We have a cwa info board in the break room..maybe a cwa elected person could post ..either no news or update us once a least we'd know they are still talking if that's the case. Thanks again ...
There is a definate lack of communication between the CWA and the employees and it would be helpful to the employees if we got some news on a regular basis. Here is a example of what is so frustrating to the employees: Last week there was a CWA meeting on Tue (3Aug) as the news spread the office everyone wanted to find out what happened in the meeting. I checked the website after Tuesday and could not find out any information even if nothing was said in the meeting a posting on CWA.Net just saying nothing happened would of made the employees feel better. I came in to work on Wed and everyone was asking what the heck happened in the meeting?? Of course no info as usual and all the employees walk around having to listen to rumors that we hear. I went to the pilots union website and they get regular updates on what is going on with their meetings I just don't understand why it would be so difficult to post weekly updates on our website??
Frustrated employee ;)
I spoke to my local person this morning,and Admin reps who are being paid 15.00 per hour received raises..hmmm? imagine that?

wondering where it's coming from...?

I vented since I;'m really torked off today-what else is new?...:)

The re-call need's to be changed from 3yrs and still accruing seniority down it to 1-2 yrs..
Another agent who left when we went Mainline Express, has returned and went to the head of the class......again.....DISGUSTING>>

It's THEIR decision, but don't leave an OPEN door to P*** everyone else off and return..2 at our station did it.
One has left and returned 4 X...
That's all.. :down:
I'll send this request to the CWA, will post it here just in case anyone has the info:

What is CWA's percentage of UAIR headcount and payroll?
Check out
This site is updated as events unfold.
Please share this site with your co-workers.
We need to work together to ensure every one is updated.

In Solidarity,

Res Call Girl
Thanks RESCALLGIRL for the CWA website I will make sure to spread the news to keep everyone informed :D
CWA'ers will meet again next week with management...

CWA will schedule a meeting with management next week, either Wednesday or Thursday, to respond to management's July 27 proposal. Our presentation will focus on further developing the buyout and work-at-home offers, and pointing out the significant cost saving areas of our earlier proposals that management did not acknowledge or address in their July 27 proposal to us.

Management has already heard from CWA that their July 27 proposal is extreme ($13.10 per hour top rate) and it has provoked an angry response from passenger service employees. Their July 27 proposal also ignores our significant offers to cut costs through voluntary buy-out and res work-at-home.

Management will fax CWA the details of their proposed profit sharing plan on Monday. Also on Monday, CWA research department analysts will meet with US Airways analysts to exchange and review data. These meetings between analysts are not negotiation sessions; they are only intended to make sure both sides are referencing the same data when we are in discussions.

There is an important petition circulating in your workplace. If you haven’t signed it or seen it, call your CWA local office for a copy.

We'll keep you informed.

CWA Local Officers and Staff

Notes of the Union-Management Healthcare Task Force Meeting Friday, July 30th, 2004
BY: Marylou Stone, Secretary-Treasurer - CWA Local 3641
In Attendance:
John Hedbloom - Chair Karolin Cheboski - HR
Valerie Edwards - HR Linda Crawford - Towers Perrin
Karen Browne - ALPA Don Piarulli - TWU Dispatch
Tom Regan - Maintenance and Related John Dewitt - TWU Ground Instructor
MaryLou Savage - AFA MaryLou Stone - CWA Passenger Service

For almost two years, consulting firm, Towers Perrin has been the actuary for US Airways to oversee US Airways monies and the funding of the Pension, Health and Welfare plans. They are responsible for the administering of the rules of the plans and eligibility issues; they cannot change the plans.

The 2005 enrollment will be web only and a passive enrollment; if no changes are necessary, then no action needs to be taken. A few days before the enrollment is to begin, Oct 18, 2004 - Nov 05, 2004, two letters will be mailed to the homes of the employees. For security reasons, one will contain a new PIN number and the other, a worksheet. A benefit representative will not be able to access any PINS; access will be available to the employee through a series of questions only. No social security numbers will appear anywhere.

Benefits, Vendors, and Towers Perrin are accessible thru the web at:

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