Cwa: Big Fight Looming


Aug 20, 2002
Quote ..... "If management's goal is to save the airline
and passenger service careers, then we should be able to
accomplish that. If their goal is to degrade the passenger
service jobs and to profit by undermining our standard of
living, then there is a big fight looming on the horizon. We
need to prepare for both possibilities."

Local 3641
I have to agree, and I think our work group is ready and prepared. We are willing to compromise but what they are asking for is just not within reason. We are aware as a work group that managements givebacks have been reinstated and they have since received raises, also some other work groups Admins etc..have also received a raise, we are only asking for something fair, which we have yet to see.
What is source of this quote? I'd like to read the whole item. I can't find it on the CWA website noted.
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nrthvlle said:
What is source of this quote? I'd like to read the whole item. I can't find it on the CWA website noted.


Some Good News: CWA wins important arbitration protecting rights
of furloughees...

CWA scored a 100 percent win over management attorneys in
Monday's expedited arbitration on whether management has to pay
full-time furlough severance pay to full-timers who are
involuntarily displaced to part-time, and then furloughed.

The arbitration panel ruled on the spot that our contract
clearly says those part-time employees must be paid their
full-time furlough allowance and benefits, and those denied the
pay and benefits must be made whole.

Management has violated that provision and sent many employees
to the street without their correct furlough allowance and
benefits. They will now have to go back and pay those employees
an additional 5 weeks pay and up to 125 days of
medical/dental/life insurance benefits (90 days plus 5 weeks -
35 days). If anybody can use the money, those employees can.

Management's attorney added insult to injury by commenting out
loud to the arbitrator, "This union is just trying to make a
grab. They're just trying to grab something at the company's

The CWA attorney replied to the arbitrator, "This is a
negotiated benefit clearly spelled out in the contract. If
anybody is trying to grab something, it's labor relations
management trying to grab the pay and benefits from an employee
who has just lost his or her job and is on the way to the

As we said, the arbitrator agreed with CWA and ruled against

If you believe you are eligible for benefits under this award,
please contact your CWA local union office ASAP.

Agent and Rep response to management's recent concession demands
are hot and heavy...

It is fair to say that Passenger Service agents and reps are
stunned by the disrespect and insult shown by management's
proposal. Here are a couple of email messages typical of the
many we have received:

** After reading your update July 27, 2004, I personally feel
that management is "marking" time until they file another
bankruptcy. I am an agent in TPA, and will start my 28th year in
August. I would like for the company to survive, expand, and
start making a profit. However, what they are proposing is
simply STUPID. Not ONE customer service agent would vote for
this proposal. Is this what I have worked for my entire career,
to be pushed into POVERTY? And what about all those single moms
and dads that rely on this job to support their family?

** This is not acceptable in any way shape or form. Not even
close! How in God's name are our families supposed to

** Please do all within your abilities, to bring to the
management of US Airways, the message that the rank-and-file do
not consider anything they have said acceptable. These are
demands, not negotiations. I do not accept anything that has
been offered so far. A 35 percent cut in pay is just not going
to happen. This kind of strong arm, take it away and renegotiate
all over is not what we are all about. We want to help the
organization survive, but not at the
expense of personal bankruptcies or health and well being. If we
need to find another job, it will be that all of US Airways
needs to find another job and the "money men" get their due in
bankruptcy court!

** I just saw the latest proposal from the company. First, I
would like to say that I have no intention of giving a single
cent until they first address a decent buyout that has been
shown to save millions for the company and then use that figure
to offset the burden for the remaining employees. Also, has CWA
considered doing informational picketing around the system? I'm
sure a lot of our customers could care less about us; however, I
feel a lot of our top
customers would be interested to know how little US Airways
cares about and values their employees.

** Please tell management to..."Go butt a stump"...No way!

** After reviewing the company's NEW proposal for CWA US Airways
agents, I would like to ask you to quit "negotiating" with the
company on our behalf. This is not negotiating and is not an
offer that I would hope that the CWA would even put out for a
vote. It is a slap in the face to every hard-working CWA US
Airways agent out on the line. Please do not open the contract.
The buyout is not worth the detrimental effects that it will
have on our retirees or those who are unable to accept the
leave. If the company cannot budge on anything and only adds
more reductions to their offer, there really is no need to
discuss things with them in my opinion.

CWA Local Presidents, staff, analysts and attorneys will meet in
DC on Tuesday, August 3rd, to plan a strategy for the response
to the management's Transformation Plan.

These discussions cannot stay on track if management will not
acknowledge our legitimate proposals and alternative cost
savings strategies. If management's goal is to save the airline
and passenger service careers, then we should be able to
accomplish that. If their goal is to degrade the passenger
service jobs and to profit by undermining our standard of
living, then there is a big fight looming on the horizon. We
need to prepare for both possibilities.
Good for the CWA for standing up to the thiefs in management, hopefully the IAM will be celebrating in less then a month also when we win the Airbus Arbitration!
I hope everyone continues to give the quality service we are known for. We need the customers on our side. Our disagreement is with our mismanagement not our customers. Our mismanagement is hell bent on having all of us in personal BK court. They are running out of airlines to compare us to. I propose the CWA make a rediculous counter offer and demand a raise and significant improvements to our medical and dental benefits and a dollar for dollar match on our 401k.

I've heard many of our pax at my city (a lot more this weekend than ever before)
how they dislike the treatment of all the hard working employees of usair by this inept mgmt i sure hope mgmt hears that more from pax. i hope that the cwa will take the tough stand that the IAM has taken.

I'd like to know what office that you work in and who you are talking to. Because I haven't heard of anyone that is even willing to give a red cent to this pack of thieves

This group has given plenty is not willing to give another dime.

Please don't start vicious rumors that agents are willing to compromise...the vast majority are not!!!!!!!!
IMO I think the other groups need to understand what we have been going through with management and no I am not talking about the 90s either. When this first hit the fan with Dave we were compared with WN. Ironic that once management found out that LUV customer service agents who have topped out make more than we do at U and the beni package was almost the same. Then the tune changes to we need to be more like JetBlue. Even though B6 has been around for 3 years the projected payscale and beni package if memory serves me correct was around the same ballpark as the CWA group is now. The tune from the company changes once again. No, they want us to be like HP. Lets see to top out at 13.10 and hour which would be a paycut of around 40pct and benis cut in half. What is ironic also about HP is that the CS agents are going to have a union vote. Gee I guess if this proposal goes through(which is doubtful IMO) and HP gets a pay raise based on if the union vote goes through, I guess the company would then increase our wages and benis to mirror HP. GUESS AGAIN!!!!! No way in you know what that the company would do that. It would not benefit them at all. The other groups also need to understand that the company wants to have Carte Blanche to outsource as they see fit. The other groups also need to understand that with the CS group we are one of the groups that CAN be outsourced. There are other groups that also can be too. As I have posted before the profit sharing plan is a step is in the right direction, but still I will vote no because it would only be not even a dent in what has been given up. Oh but wait, thats right according to some on the boards you still have your job. Yes that is true but I ask you would you vote yes to about a 40pct paycut, benis cut in half and little in retirement????? Would you vote yes after the Lake Norman incident or even the job postings???? One can only hope that what the company is asking from us is an opening bid so to speak. I for one do not think that it is. Yes we might see some "modifications" but IMO will not sway my vote. On the other hand if the modifications are far better than what I think they will be I will be more than happy to eat crow.
IMO I think the other groups need to understand what we have been going through with management and no I am not talking about the 90s either. When this first hit the fan with Dave we were compared with WN. Ironic that once management found out that LUV customer service agents who have topped out make more than we do at U and the beni package was almost the same. Then the tune changes to we need to be more like JetBlue. Even though B6 has been around for 3 years the projected payscale and beni package if memory serves me correct was around the same ballpark as the CWA group is now. The tune from the company changes once again. No, they want us to be like HP. Lets see to top out at 13.10 and hour which would be a paycut of around 40pct and benis cut in half. What is ironic also about HP is that the CS agents are going to have a union vote. Gee I guess if this proposal goes through(which is doubtful IMO) and HP gets a pay raise based on if the union vote goes through, I guess the company would then increase our wages and benis to mirror HP. GUESS AGAIN!!!!! No way in you know what that the company would do that. It would not benefit them at all. The other groups also need to understand that the company wants to have Carte Blanche to outsource as they see fit. The other groups also need to understand that with the CS group we are one of the groups that CAN be outsourced. There are other groups that also can be too. As I have posted before the profit sharing plan is a step is in the right direction, but still I will vote no because it would only be not even a dent in what has been given up. Oh but wait, thats right according to some on the boards you still have your job. Yes that is true but I ask you would you vote yes to about a 40pct paycut, benis cut in half and little in retirement????? Would you vote yes after the Lake Norman incident or even the job postings???? One can only hope that what the company is asking from us is an opening bid so to speak. I for one do not think that it is. Yes we might see some "modifications" but IMO will not sway my vote. On the other hand if the modifications are far better than what I think they will be I will be more than happy to eat crow.
folks, there wont be any fight. The airline is in no shape to sustain a long battle, I think BK court is the ultimate answer, so no need to b e concerned here.
usfliboi said:
folks, there wont be any fight. The airline is in no shape to sustain a long battle, I think BK court is the ultimate answer, so no need to b e concerned here.

Speaking as a res agent I have to agree with you and that is pretty much the prevailing attitude out there. Either way most res agents shouldn't expect to be employed by this time next year, either by an outsourcing or outright quitting because of the pay and benefits. I know plenty of agents that exploring other job and educational opportunities and making a killing in OT just to get prepared.

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