This post will DEFINITELY get reaction !!
But I only know one way to call it. AS I see it !!
WN coming into DEN is VERY BIG !!
Very bad news for F9, VERY BAD !!
Not good news for UA, meaning that unless TED can afford to start giving away food, and start (almost)
matching WN on DEN fares, "for as long as it takes", we "may" see TED go bye bye, and return to mainline
UA flying DEN n/s to their strenght destinations.(DEN/IAD...DEN/ORD) etc.
I base this partially on the fact that, before the LCC's came along, that the legacy's could get away with running "3" hubs. (Heck, UA is running 4)(ORD/IAD/SFO/DEN)
This "may" be the begining of the end of the weakest hubs, for the legacy's.
(CLE-CO/MEM/IND-NW/CVG-DL... just to name a few .
Thoughts ????????
Yes! Another city gets to experience Southwest! BTW, is there any indication that SWA's coming to MSP?
Personally, I hope NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But the way "DOUG" is acting lately, I'm afraid to speculate.
One thing is for sure, WN will be watching that scenario like a hawk !!