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Couple sue airline in seat flap

if the seat was broken prior to take off ummm why were they seated there to begin with?
if the seat was broken prior to take off ummm why were they seated there to begin with?
Aha! The crux of the matter, ignored by most of the kool-aide drinkers here.

Poss. ans: On-time departure is the goal and not safety anymore.

If the article is true, I think a FA may get their feathers trimmed.
Aha! The crux of the matter, ignored by most of the kool-aide drinkers here.

Poss. ans: On-time departure is the goal and not safety anymore.

If the article is true, I think a FA may get their feathers trimmed.


Good Post.
This is strictly a money grab. I'd love to know just how many other companies this couple has sued.
I know things are really tough but it pains me to see you think that way.

It is quite likely, to me, that the gentleman was asked, just prior to takeoff, to bring his seat back to the upright position. It would not and rather than delay the takeoff to move the man to a different seat (there could also be separation issues with his wife), the FA passed, violating FARs and endangering those in the row behind should there have been a required evacuation.

Why the FA threw a fit for the seat on landing (it did not fix itself - what a surprise), is beyond me.

Surely you know that when a lawsuit is filed, everything, even the kitchen sink is included. Any judicial body can pretty much cut through the BS on this one. (Yes, I still have faith in our system of government - though my faith has been tested severely the last eight years).

The issue is that the problem should have been taken care of prior to takeoff, not after. Even after, the FA still had quite a bit of time to resolve the situation but chose not to.
I have a question for anyone that can answer.

How is this racial discrimination? Anyone care to answer that one?

What does race have to do with it?

I have to call BS on the racial part of this one.

I don't know about the rest of the suit.
None of really knows what happened in this situation. I suspect the truth will be flushed out through litigation. And I really hope my colleague is not guilty as charged. As a flight attendant, I know what we have to deal with both on and off the job. All I can say is this: Fellow flight attendant brothers and sisters please leave no stone unturned. Be diligent in executing your safety related duties. Do not turn a blind eye to any safety infractions and please remember that there will be no "providing good customer service" mulligans at the expense of safety. It not always easy, but we must maintain the safety of the cabin, and in so doing, we must always do so with due diligence because we never know who's watching. Frankly, I could care less about the #### who has a cavalier attitude about his safety. And if his cavalier attitude only affected him then to hell with him, he's on his own. But the reality is, through his devil may care attitude he may very well affect the safety and well being of the passenger sitting in 17c who has listened to us and is doing everything we've asked him to do. Cover your behinds folks. CYA!!!!!! Because if you don't, the company will not give you a mulligan. They will sanction you!
All flight atttendants know other flight attendants who will just turn a "blind eye" to seats that will not stay upright. Sometimes it's as Sharktooth says...they don't want to delay the take-off....other times it's because the flight attendant doesn't want to bother following a FAR. In my humble opinion, I would think it was a different flight attendant who did the walk through on descent and was someone who would not just ignore an unsafe situation. If there are no other seats available, that's one thing, but when there are other seats available you do need to move the passenger. And the racial card doesn't apply here....this situation sees no color. It is what it is.
I'm sorry the man's wife miscarried, I truly am, but as someone else mentioned...if flying stressed her out, she should have not been on that flight.
The "Race Card" always applies if the people involved smell a payday.

This is a Plantif's lawyers wet dream. 13 Billion Dollar Company, Race Card, Potential Media embarassment all create a strong need for US Airways to settle quietly for "An undisclosed sum"

This case will go to discovery and possibly depositions then settle IMO. US doesn't need this and has incentive to make it "go away".

Facts will have little meaning here and some F/A is going to wish they never came to work.

ah no piney , times have changed ...

companies can no longer afford to settle quietly like they could in the old days ... you settle quitely now , there will be a thousand miscarriages on board the AC due to FA's as people flock to the easy settlement money ....

it's akin to this ... if i had been in the wal-mart rush that killed that one worker ... who's to say i wouldn't have fallen down on purpose slightly off to the side so as not to get trammpled to death , then gotten up and gone like "awwww ohhh awww i'm hurt!" CHA CHING!!!! pay day ....

the days of hush money are gone , people are desperate , companies need to send a message to society and LAWYERS that they will fight frivolous law suits ...
Facts will have little meaning here and some F/A is going to wish they never came to work.
I guess your experience(s) has led you to such speculation(s).

I have little to no experience in the lawsuit thing but would think a rational ruling body (jury or judge) would be hard pressed to find causality between the broken seat back, someone getting yelled at and an alleged natural abortion (miscarriage).

All this speculation comes from a very poorly written article upon which we have overlaid our past experiences, good or bad, related or not. I suggest we all kick back and let the facts come out before assuming anything (for once) about the players. Let the (well tested) PR department of US do what they can.

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