Could Don Carty & Bill Compton pass a polygraph test regarding AA''s purchase of TWA?

No one ever blames the price of fuel going up. 9/11 was a very unfortuneate event, more people died then the day Pearl Harbor got attached in 1941. The situation in the Middle East doesn't help low fuel prices or the economy, things that makes airlines profitable. Labor should blame Washington not the CEO's.

President Bush has lots of airline workers interests to think about in Texas, Cal & AA are headquartered their. The vast downsizing of St. Louis is awful for TWA workers, at the time the TWA/AA merger ocurred no one knew 9/11 was coming.
TWA workers should Dick Gephart's office in Washington.
Where do you come up with these topics? Who cares if they would or wouldn't. I think one of the requirements of being a CEO for an airline is to know how to lie and still pass a polygraph. :rolleyes:
MCI transplant said:
On 7/28/2003 2:06:30 PM L1011Ret wrote: <BR><BR>I believe they will be required to provide testimony at the Federal Court level and will either be deposed or asked (required) to testify.<BR><BR>----------------</blockquote>When??????<BR>
There are several pending lawsuits where one if not both men will have depositions taken. If they lie and there is proof that they lied...then they could just end up in the slammer.
Don't know about Compton, but Carty couldn't pass if the only question was "What is your name?"

To paraphrase Lillian Hellman...
Every word he says is a lie, including "the" and "a."

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