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Conversation With Lakefeild On Thurs In Clt

There is always room to stand up against injustices that corporate america does to its workers.

And sorry they cant make me leave as long as I play by the rules.

See if you knew about just cause you would understand that.
700UW said:
There is always room to stand up against injustices that corporate america does to its workers.

And sorry they cant make me leave as long as I play by the rules.

See if you knew about just cause you would understand that.

Fair enough. Carry on. I will leave you alone
bookmdano said:
I would no more run with this thread that was started by someone so illiterate that they cannot spell or compose a sentence. I would not believe a word from anyone so illiterate. This is sad, maybe US should have conducted written testing before hiring.


The information about where Bruce's
itinerary on 24Mar has been confirmed,
so it is likely that ETOPS1 did speak with
bookmdano said:
I would no more run with this thread that was started by someone so illiterate that they cannot spell or compose a sentence. I would not believe a word from anyone so illiterate. This is sad, maybe US should have conducted written testing before hiring.

First, their r meny folks out thier ho kant spel but do rathr wel in othr areeas. eyed prefer a kurtius bad spelr as a F/A over a jurk ho spel gooder eny dae.

In all seriousness, we aren't all wired the same, and someone who has 'language issues' may in fact be a person who also pulls down close to 1600 on the GRE math and logic sections.
bookmdano said:
I would no more run with this thread that was started by someone so illiterate that they cannot spell or compose a sentence. I would not believe a word from anyone so illiterate. This is sad, maybe US should have conducted written testing before hiring.
listen , i am not illiterate . i had just gotten home from commuting and i was tired . i had not seen my wife for about a week so i wanted to spend time with her . the conversation i had wiht bruce was fresh in my head so i posted the topic as soon as i could so that i would not forget anything if i had posted it the next morning. sorry i kinda rushed through it . i should have spelled checked it before posting. but i had other priorities at hand like MY WIFE. if i have offended anyone because of my spelling , i am really sorry. but please stop calling me illiterate . i am far from it.
Everybody seems to forget UA is in bankruptcy and bankrupt carriers can't buy other carriers! US will possibly be liquidated by the time UA get out of bankruptcy.
etops1 said:
no agenda buddy , none.if there is one, i sure as hell don't know of any.

Do you really think Lakefield would have TOLD you what his agenda was? I think you may be just a bit star-struck getting to chat with the big boss like a buddy. Charm is mesmerizing. Don't feel bad, though. Most of the ALPA MEC have fallen for Lakefield's "real deal" manner, too.

He said he had no reason to bull#### you? I can think of dozens. ANd if he WAS bull####ing you, do you really think he'd tell you that?
nycbusdriver said:
Do you really think Lakefield would have TOLD you what his agenda was? I think you may be just a bit star-struck getting to chat with the big boss like a buddy. Charm is mesmerizing. Don't feel bad, though. Most of the ALPA MEC have fallen for Lakefield's "real deal" manner, too.

He said he had no reason to bull#### you? I can think of dozens. ANd if he WAS bull####ing you, do you really think he'd tell you that?

Thank you, I was beginning to think that I was the crazy one here. Apologizing for seeing reality! Yeah, Mr. L. spilling....LOL!! That was a good one!! One key short of a kiosk! Those that stand for nothing, fall for everything.
nycbusdriver said:
Do you really think Lakefield would have TOLD you what his agenda was? I think you may be just a bit star-struck getting to chat with the big boss like a buddy. Charm is mesmerizing. Don't feel bad, though. Most of the ALPA MEC have fallen for Lakefield's "real deal" manner, too.

He said he had no reason to bull#### you? I can think of dozens. ANd if he WAS bull####ing you, do you really think he'd tell you that?
your soooooooo dead wrong. let me guess, pilot right ? you weren't there. so let's just leave it at that. or at least i hope you were not the pilot who came up to lakefield while we were talking and thanked lakefield for coming to this "shipwreck" as he he said. blowing smoke up lakefield's ass. pilots like to do that from time to time. don't get me wrong i like pilots. i am one my self ( on my own private time with a private, instrument,and commercial rating) i for one was not trying to sugar coat things with lakefield. i asked him straight to point questions and he gave me straight to the point answers. plaine and simple. if he was lying, well then he was. but it sure did not seem like it. like i said , you weren't there. i know you really wish you were, but you weren't.
etops1 said:
your soooooooo dead wrong. let me guess, pilot right ? you weren't there. so let's just leave it at that. or at least i hope you were not the pilot who came up to lakefield while we were talking and thanked lakefield for coming to this "shipwreck" as he he said. blowing smoke up lakefield's ass. pilots like to do that from time to time. don't get me wrong i like pilots. i am one my self ( on my own private time with a private, instrument,and commercial rating) i for one was not trying to sugar coat things with lakefield. i asked him straight to point questions and he gave me straight to the point answers. plaine and simple. if he was lying, well then he was. but it sure did not seem like it. like i said , you weren't there. i know you really wish you were, but you weren't.

You must have surely discussed this with your cockpit crew members on the next leg of your trip. (Probably showed them Lakefield's autograph, too. Come on, you did ask him for his autograph, didn't you?) Did they mention that Lakefield had a totally different story to tell the MEC? If that's the case, he was surely lying. But now, tell me how you can figure out whether the lies were to you or the MEC?

And I wouldn't even recognize Lakefield unless one of his fans pointed him out to me. I certainly have nothing to say to him that he would want to hear. I think he's another incompetent carpetbagger here to suck us dry. If he came up to me and initiated a conversation, I would likely convey that impression, but I might choose slightly more tactful words (if I could find any in my rage.)
nycbusdriver said:
You must have surely discussed this with your cockpit crew members on the next leg of your trip. (Probably showed them Lakefield's autograph, too. Come on, you did ask him for his autograph, didn't you?) Did they mention that Lakefield had a totally different story to tell the MEC? If that's the case, he was surely lying. But now, tell me how you can figure out whether the lies were to you or the MEC?

And I wouldn't even recognize Lakefield unless one of his fans pointed him out to me. I certainly have nothing to say to him that he would want to hear. I think he's another incompetent carpetbagger here to suck us dry. If he came up to me and initiated a conversation, I would likely convey that impression, but I might choose slightly more tactful words (if I could find any in my rage.)
i did discuss it with "the guys up front" how did you know? and no man, i did not get his autograph. lol 😀 . and like i said , if he was lying, so be it. i really do not care. the only reason i did recognize him is because i read his column in attache from time to time. i respect what you think of him though. emotions are running high here at airways. everyone has the right to feel the way they do. i really do not care for the guy myself but he could give two flying feathers if i liked him or not. being pissed off is not gonna change anything . these guys are gonna do what they want. you nor i have any control over it. it sucks , but that's the way it is. gotta roll with the punches.

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