BCWYWF's frustration is understandable.
AFA is sending elines to the membership that seem to indicate that no one is giving them what they want yet a "New Pin" will make it happen?
I kid you not. A new pin. I doubt that the NMB and the company fear pin re-design right now, no matter how controversial it is. The angry ones will wear it, the discouraged ones will not. Which group do you think most flight attendants fall into as we near the end of the "year that we were supposed to achieve a new contract"? You know, the year right before the year we are going into a merger.
The most recent communications that cover the realities of Merger and Negotiations have been so convoluted and redundant (i.e. Remain focused of our Negotiations? What Negotiations? Contracts improve in steps and we have an opportunity to to achieve two steps of improvements in a short period of time? No S*$T and what period of time? Another 5 years?). Is the reality is that they are running into walls every way they turn and that they are panicking?
Not to mention an Holiday Greeting that all in Caps shouting at me about being wealthier in 2013. So Bad. Won't fool me with that carrot, it's too painful to consider that empty promise again.
AFA has bludgeoned me to numbness with the terms Unity, Solidarity, Trample, Red Hot and on and on ad nauseum while I pay my dues and have to consider it the worst return on investment that I make.
BCWYWF's repetitive opinions are a necessary counterpoint for me. AFA pounds at me without any clear information on what everyone is most concerned about and they ARE in charge of my fate. I like the dissenting voices on here because you don't get it any where else. AFA has taken control of all sites, both physical and digital, and this lonely place is the only place that dissent can exist.
If what AFA is sending out in elines is the end game strategy that the NMB wanted them to not talk about, it sure is weak.