Congratulations Mr. Siegle

SDavis, by law, the Duty of Fair Represenation means the unions have to represent everyone and if they don''t they can be sued. Just like I said the first three steps of the grievance procedure is handled by the company, the very same people that issued the discipline in the first place.

And maybe this person has a medical condition or a addiction problem that they are being treated for or have FMLA.
While I agree it is Mesa''s fault for not updating FLIFO information (which BTW they should get fined by US for failing to meet their contractual obligation for), they are operating with no spare RJ aircraft as US is pushing to get as many RJs on the property as fast as possible.
On 7/11/2003 11:59:52 AM LavMan wrote:

SDavis, by law, the Duty of Fair Represenation means the unions have to represent everyone and if they don''t they can be sued.  Just like I said the first three steps of the grievance procedure is handled by the company, the very same people that issued the discipline in the first place.

And maybe this person has a medical condition or a addiction problem that they are being treated for or have FMLA.


nope..just screw ups...

Battle is NOT over yet, only in your mind. Guess what? we as labor are still standing. And, we are NOT disenchanted by unionization, because we understand the process, purpose, and goal. We got "blind sided" yes. Won't be fooled again by trusting this management. You can take that to the bank. None of the labor groups...Co. "trump cards" have all been used. If there is a next time, Labor will not "bail out" the company, and I doubt the gov. will either.

We will all be looking for work...Labor and MANAGEMENT. And that will be fair in itself.


We are all ready "reinventing ourselves". However, no more Mr. nice guy.

The public view is also changing. I have folks where I live and patronize feeling sorry for all of us here at U. Infact, when I go to gatherings and meet new folks they jump in and say...Gee, I feel so sorry for the employees at U and having to deal with such a horrible mangement team. They understand more than you think or would believe.

I have folks that feel sorry for all of labor in all the airlines that this has happended to. No one who is educated is thinking...gee, let me see if I can get this great job in the airline industry. After U goes through the furloughed employees at Mid Atlantic,(cause the turnover rate at the wholly-ownes is 42%, and the conract for Mid Atlantic is one of the worst in the industry), U will have a very difficult time keeping "rank and file" employment.
I find it rather amusing that people are arguing over whether Wolf would have handled things differently, given that Siegel is a student of the Wolf School of Airline Management.

During his tenure at US, Siegel has essentially done little more than carry out those elements of the Wolf business plan (e.g., full network rationalization, labor cost restructuring) which Wolf was unable to carry out himself. To this day, there is no Plan B for US Airways, and the goal is for US to tread water until a final merger or sale can be brokered.
Bob answer this:

If union workers at US are lazy then how come we have been #1 in the quality ratings for a few years and in the top tier of the DOT measured performance statistics for several years now?
One of the differences between management of 30-40 years ago and todays management is mobility. Previously, major company were self contained. That is senior management came from middle management who came from junior management. When a person entered management is was a career path within the company. Therefore, the managers futures were just as tied up in the company as the employees. Now, we have management jumping from job to job and company to company. It doesn''t matter what level of the company you look at. The dedication of the manager is now to himself and how fast he can advance. What happens to the company is only important in how it looks on the resume.

Managers today don''t make mistakes. Outside factors, poor employee performance or something else sabotaged them. It is still OK if they can "spin it" correctly. Bankruptcy is not a failure, it just a business tool.

Is Dave and the rest of senior management here for US Airways or here til they find something better?

I think I know the answer. It seems ironic that someone who is here for himself would expect the employees to show dedication to the company.

Please note-this is not Dave and company alone. American and world business has become the business of business. Actually making anything great has been lost. Pride and sense of accomplishment are only words now, thrown around, put on plaques, but not something for the person going someplace.
Union YES or Union No...
Panaceas for all problems, unions aren''t. And some are better than others. But given US as my employer, I know I''m better off unionized than not. Perhaps not much better off, but better.
And as for the argument that unions protect those who would otherwise be fired, I''m not so sure that true, at least in my stations where I''ve been 15 years. We''ve many who don''t pull their weight, don''t know how to do their jobs, etc. But this was true before being unionized and nothing happened then either!
Mgmt. has never had a clue who performs well and who doesn''t. They may think they do, but not from my intimate perspecitive, or the passenger''s, working side-by-side, hour and after hour. Mgmt and PSS''s, don''t know how to do my job, and get "it" merely on a theoretical level,or with attendance records, etc. Evaluating performance, as passengers see thigns or fellow coworkers is a foreign concept. Who knows their job, who''s helpful, accurate, or efficient? They haven''t a clue!
If the plane leaves on time, all''s well.
Funny, many comment here about various political and economic systems, state-owned vs. private. And I''m often amazed with how US Airways can resemble the stereotypical government agency; with the same inefficiencies, same bad decisions, poor information flow and more than a few who been around for ages yet never should have made it past probation (when there wan''t a union)!
Piney, I have been reading your posts for months now and have not responded. You have hit the nail on the head repeatedly and this one is another home run. alpa is the worst joke of a union I have ever seen. All unions do anymore is make lazy people lazier. It''s the american way anymore. We are turning into the lazy country. It''s the attitude that I deserved to be pay highly for doing nothing
lavman, you say the union workers at us aren''t lazy? I have a few friends that went to work for us as mechanics. They were told to slow down and not get so much work done. When they didn''t slow down the work that they did was ruined so they would have to start over and then it would take them longer to do things. After numerous times of putting up with that they decided to be like the rest and do very little. It was far easier to do that than put up with the harrassment.
On 7/15/2003 4:04:54 AM bassin wrote:

Piney, I have been reading your posts for months now and have not responded. You have hit the nail on the head repeatedly and this one is another home run. alpa is the worst joke of a union I have ever seen. All unions do anymore is make lazy people lazier. It's the american way anymore. We are turning into the lazy country. It's the attitude that I deserved to be pay highly for doing nothing



Don't know who you are, and don't want to. Don't know where you work, and don't care. You are FULL OF IT!

You no nothing about unions, or its people. You base your opinion on a few of your so-called friends which has absolutely NO WEIGHT with me. Only 9% of the private business sector is uniionized and don't know what percentage is gov., but if you are viewing folks that are lazy, then you must be talking about the non-union sector, counting management types, or don't they count in as LAZZZZYYYYYYYYYYY? All I see is mangement ypes that come in late, leave early, and have company golf outings on the corporate dollar, NEVER pitch in, and always always blame someone else for ineffeciencies. PLLLLLLLLLEAAEEEESE!

no pitbull I''m not talking about the private sector. I''m talking about you and the other workers in pit to be specific. I have more than a few friends that went to work there and all of them told the same stories. Sheetmetal projects ruined and needing to be redone becuase they wouldn''t slow down....etc,etc. They couldn''t believe the amount of time mechanics took to do "EVERYTHING". The amount of time spent each shift doing absolutely nothing. Sorry don''t try to pull the blinds over peoples eyes to make the public see everything as managements fault. It''s just as much labor fault as managements that us is in the shape it is. It''s just that labor can''t admit it because it''s beneath them and they deserve everything.

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