Congratulations Mr. Siegle

It''s just about time for Alabama Dave to come in with his threats to the employees again.
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On 7/9/2003 2:45:41 PM PITbull wrote:


THAT IS JUST WHAT THIS MANAGEMENT DID AND DOES! So, what''s good for the goose is good for the gander. OR, what goes around comes around to BITE, TIT for TAT.... etc.

I will not act in "good faith" when this management does not know how to spell it, let alone live it. I have learned from the best of them...huh ITRADE? "Eat _ _ _ _ and die.

Can you explain what this "sick on assignment is for reserves"? Tell this management that an e-line will be going out to the f/as to let them know that if at any time they are required to get a doctor''s note or on weekends are demanded to get a note through ER, the company will pick up the medical tab.

Have fun!


And once again you missed the point. You said, "The way I see this mangement team is the way I view a loaf of bread. Once you see a little mold on one slice, you have to "trash" the entire loaf in the dispenser." My point is that not everyone in this management team is "bad". You would have gotten that if you weren''t so busy flying off the handle.
On 7/9/2003 10:38:45 AM ramprover wrote:

I wanted to be the first to congratulate you on taking a "World Class Airline" operated by Steven Wolf and turning it into a "Keystone Cops" operation. Here are just a few examples in the last few days.
1. Large church group checks in at Philadelphia, and on arrival no bags.Twenty four hours later and still many bags missing. The sad thing is this was a direct flight.
2. Senior citizen traveling thru Pittsburgh and no luggage. Twenty four hours later and still no word.
3. Customers now waiting up to sixty minutes to claim luggage and then waiting up to a hour to file a claim,
We have become a ghost ship traveling the ocean with no one at the helm. I wonder what history will say about you and your management team.

"If you only see half the problem, the other half will bury you."
I have a novel idea. How about NOT EVERYTHING wrong at US Airways is management''s fault. Dave isn''t responsible for putting the bags on the planes. Can I get out on a limb and say that maybe theie is gross incompetence if some employees can''t put the right tag on a bag or take it off the plane at the right stop. FedEx and UPS can pick up bags at millions locations and deliver them to the correct millions of locations. The airlines have their passengers drop their bags off at the airport and those passengers pick up the same bags at another airport (presumabily). But U (and the others) can''t seem to find the right people to get the bags on and off the plane. Of course, that is Dave''s fault.
On 7/10/2003 9:25:49 AM AirplaneFan wrote:

I have a novel idea.  How about NOT EVERYTHING wrong at US Airways is management''s fault.  Dave isn''t responsible for putting the bags on the planes.  Can I get out on a limb and say that maybe theie is gross incompetence if some employees can''t put the right tag on a bag or take it off the plane at the right stop.  FedEx and UPS can pick up bags at millions locations and deliver them to the correct millions of locations.  The airlines have their passengers drop their bags off at the airport and those passengers pick up the same bags at another airport (presumabily).  But U (and the others) can''t seem to find the right people to get the bags on and off the plane.  Of course, that is Dave''s fault.


There is only one I know that is THE BEST, and he is old mangement.

What ones up there have any value? They say they care about their employees, while they are stabbing them in the back. Only if you are in good health, are you considered a good employee. I am very upset right now with Labor Relations and Dave. There is no trying to give them any ideas or convince them to pay attention to the needs of the "rank and file" who are trying desperately to hold on and do the job they have always done to maintain this company. They have cut the staffing down so severely, that we who are left can not give the same service we have always given. BRING BACK SOME PEOPLE. We are losing our "franchise" bit by bit, converting over to all RJ flying with small jets, while our competitors are making money taking our routes and using big jets.
They are encroaching on us as we downsize. Hell, we can't even handle the volume we have, CAUSE THERE IS NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE TO DO THE JOB.

I gave you an example above on how this management thinks, blames their employees for noncompliance, and you just walked over me.

Morale????? They can take their incentives and shove it!
On 7/10/2003 8:23:43 AM MarkMyWords wrote:

And once again you missed the point. You said, "The way I see this mangement team is the way I view a loaf of bread. Once you see a little mold on one slice, you have to "trash" the entire loaf in the dispenser." My point is that not everyone in this management team is "bad". You would have gotten that if you weren't so busy flying off the handle.


A better analogy is: you find one case of mad cow disease and have to destroy the herd. Get it? If management can't make it work with the tools labor has given them, they need to be replaced with folks that can. PERIOD!
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OK, same analogy, different take. If the employees can''t make it work, then replace them with ones that can. Works both ways and I am sure you don''t like that statement any more then I like yours. There are good and bad managers/executives and there are good and bad employees. Rewarding and keeping the good in both, while eliminating the bad should be our goal. I agree with Pity when she talks about retraining managers/supervisors on how to treat employees with respect and appreciation. It is time that everyone from Dave on down stops the doom and gloom and starts pumping some positive vibes back into the employees. Following your analogy then people should be rejoicing at the recent firing of a VP, but instead people want to make him a marter and say he is the CEO''s whipping boy because he didn''t play by the club rules. Can''t have it both ways.
sdavis29, are you privy to all the details in their case?

Also do you know the first, second and third steps of the grievance procedures are with company personal making the descision to uphold or overturn the decision in the greivance process?

And I do agree unions do need to get back into policing themselves, but if I went up to a member who was slacking and told him/her "You need to tighten up", their reply would mostly be "Go F**K yourself!". It is a people problem, not a union problem.
another thing unions do.....protect the misfits....
i know 4 employees in the station i was in who were fired for legit reasons but managed to have the union get there jobs back....i dont think anywhere else in corporate america this would fly

they can fire a vp....but not lousy employees....whats wrong with this picture?

Bob the Soviet Union was about communism, nothing to do with labor.

1 a : a theory advocating elimination of private property
b : a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
2 : capitalized a : a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialism and Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the U.S.S.R.
b : a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production
c : a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably
d : communist systems collectively

Without unions, children would still be working instead of going to schools, there would be no overtime pay, no health benefits, no safety laws and thousands of other protections that working men and women have, plus the ability to make a living wage.

Do you think companies would give employees what they earn if it was not for labor unions? Non-union workers make as much as they because of unions.

Labor Union: an organization of workers formed for the purpose of advancing its members' interests in respect to wages, benefits, and working conditions.

Bob, you really need to brush up on your history.

Back in 1992 the fleet service and customer service employees were non-union, in one swift move those employees lost the following:

1. No more vacation time
2. No more sick time
3. No more OJI protection
4. No more pension.
5. No longer worked express flights, mail and cargo
6. Took 40% of the full time workers and made them part time, which
increased their health care coverage for families to over $300 a month.
7. Cut their hours from 40 a week to no more then 25.

So Bob don't tell me or anyone else that unions are bad, at the time they did this to those employees I had three years with the company and I enjoyed vacation, sick time, OJI protection, family medical, full time, a pension and many more benefits, because I had a contract and the company had to negotiate concessions, not impose them. Yes Bob back in 1992 the unionized employees at US Air gave concessions before.
On 7/11/2003 8:07:08 AM LavMan wrote:

sdavis29, are you privy to all the details in their case?

Also do you know the first, second and third steps of the grievance procedures are with company personal making the descision to uphold or overturn the decision in the greivance process?

And I do agree unions do need to get back into policing themselves, but if I went up to a member who was slacking and told him/her "You need to tighten up", their reply would mostly be "Go F**K yourself!".  It is a people problem, not a union problem.


privy to all the details along side these employees yes..
abuse of sick time...late to work....leaving early and being caught multiple times...(which can be construde as stealing). sleeping on the job constantly...the list goes on...

the attitude you talk of is there because these people feel powerful and insulated with a union card in their pocket..
>>Ever notice that CEO's don't usually rise from the ranks of organized labor? Ever ponder why that is?
On 7/9/2003 10:38:45 AM ramprover wrote:

     I wanted to be the first to congratulate you on taking a "World Class Airline" operated by Steven Wolf and turning it into a "Keystone Cops" operation. Here are just a few examples in the last few days.

1. Large church group checks in at Philadelphia, and on arrival no bags.Twenty four hours later and still many bags missing. The sad thing is this was a direct flight.

2. Senior citizen traveling thru Pittsburgh and no luggage. Twenty four hours later and still no word.

3. Customers now waiting up to sixty minutes to claim luggage and then waiting up to a hour to file a claim,

     We have become a ghost ship traveling the ocean with no one at the helm. I wonder what history will say about you and your management team.

     "If you only see half the problem, the other half will bury you."

50% of our current problems I attribute to RJ''s that are being used to replace 737''s/Airbus rather
than supplement them. Yesterday, we had 2 Mesa cancellations and one rtg lengthy mtc delay. Sad thing is they don''t update their flifo''s. These RJ''s are being over used and therefore breaking down more often. It''s not just Mesa, all our express operators are just as unreliable.

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