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Congrats To The Fa's


Jul 9, 2003
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UPDATE - Southwest Air flight attendants approve contract
Friday July 30, 4:36 pm ET

DALLAS, July 30 (Reuters) - Flight attendants at Southwest Airlines
voted to approve a new contract that would increase pay by an average of
31 percent over the course of the six-year deal, the union said on

Southwest Airlines and the Transport Workers Union Local 556 ended more
than two years of talks and announced they had struck a tentative deal
last month. Almost 83 percent of the votes cast were in favor of the
deal, the union said on its Web site.

The deal between Southwest and the union is from 2002 through 2008 and
will provide pay increases of between 22 percent to 126 percent over the
course of the contract, the union said.

It also provides changes in work rules that the union bills as "industry
leading," as well as provide pay protection provisions and stock options
for flight attendants. The stock options are new for the labor group.

The union represents about 7,400 flight attendants. It was the last
major labor group at Southwest without a new contract. The main
stumbling block in the talks had been wages.
Are the SWA flight attendants bunched in with the baggage handlers or are they in their own Craft and Class.
It only took the twu over two years and Herb Kellerher to finally get it done. I think if Herb would have not got in the game, the twu would still have nothing but more pickets signs being made.

I have a SWA flight attendant friend, and I know she deserves a good contract. We've had many discussions about the twu. She dislikes the twu international as much or more (if that's possible) than I do.

Congrats to the FA's of SWA. Now its time to launch the twu SWA !!!!!

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Functional Illiterates, Felons, and Scabs. The twu's finest.

Speaking of 2 years..how's Horizon doing?...Did delle ever show?...BTW..how's Danny boy doing? Let's have a hot dog fry and get him some moolah...HAHAHA!
Hey Hackman, that reminds me of the mechanic and related at SWA. The IBT finished negotiating them an industry leading contract and once complete the membership fired them. Within three weeks they had enough cards and tossed their happy asses out the door and brought in AMFA.

Just gotta luv that story!!!!
Rusty said:
Hey Hackman, that reminds me of the mechanic and related at SWA. The IBT finished negotiating them an industry leading contract and once complete the membership fired them. Within three weeks they had enough cards and tossed their happy asses out the door and brought in AMFA.

Just gotta luv that story!!!!
Yeah Rusty. It blew me away how fast the M@R SWA dumped the ibt for AMFA. This was at the most profitable airline flying. They should have been happy right?

It is a fact. Industrial Unions are dead and dying with M@R in the airline industry.

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Functional Illiterates, Felons, and Scabs. The twu's finest.

hey hackSCAB why is it then that SW m&rs want to EXTEND the present contract????
could it be SW don't want ANYTHING to do with amfa(PUKE) TRYING to negotiate something for them? the IBT got them the best in the industry & don't want to LOOSE it. keller had nothing to do with the contract getting done. I have a friend @ SW who happens to be a FA & she says that only a few voted against it, therefore, the reason it took so long? the system being so large getting the FA's proper info was the reason for the delay. she said the TWU did "a wonderful job" in maintaining the bargaining/negotiating when at times it seemed that SW wanted to just give it up BUT, the TWU stayed by the stuff & came through with a good contract. you can read the story in the TWU EXPRESS 😉
Rusty said:
Hey Hackman, that reminds me of the mechanic and related at SWA. The IBT finished negotiating them an industry leading contract and once complete the membership fired them. Within three weeks they had enough cards and tossed their happy asses out the door and brought in AMFA.

Just gotta luv that story!!!!
??????????"Brought in amfa"????????????

:shock: 🙁 :shock: 🙁 :shock:
hey hackSCAB why is it then that SW m&rs want to EXTEND the present contract????
Hey scab scrapper have your wife or kid read you that article and explain it to you. It is SWA who wants to extend the contract DS not the M&R.
The Board has determined that the single craft or class of Airline Mechanics, Ground Service, Plant Maintenance, and Fleet Service Personnel is no longer a proper craft or class at either American or TWA-LLC. The proper crafts or classes are Mechanics and Related Employees, and Fleet Service Employees. American Airlines, Inc./TWA Airlines, LLC., 29 NMB 240, 251 (2002).1.
NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!
twuer said:
??????????"Brought in amfa"????????????

:shock: 🙁 :shock: 🙁 :shock:
You know, I think you are correct twuer, I could have said that better. How about, [The membership became AMFA]. You see if you are a member with AMFA you are the union. It is a top down organization with the members at the top. In other words, as an AMFA member you are Delle's boss. I do realize this is a hard to understand concept for a twu lover but, given time I am sure you will begin to accept it and then embrace it.

Like Mark said, the the company offered M&R the extension. The offer in dollar terms is worth approximately 42$ /hr. Personally, I find it interesting that SWA is doing their best to avoid having to go to the table with AMFA, it's either that or thats what a mechanics average pay should be.