Comes From Al


Aug 22, 2002
We just had the new boarding pass printers put at our counter.It's amazing how the company we are buying the equipment to hold the printers is from Alabama.
I wonder if the company put it out for a bid or just gave it to one of Dave's buddies? :unsure:
what if it went out for a bid..and the alabama company was the actual lowest bidder..
thus rightfully receiving the job order..nothing wrong with that..
We also got new readers and 17 inch flat screen monitors at our gates.
nice! you know the end is near.
Just like UAL...anyday now we'll start painting the whole fleet with a bright NEW livery!!! If are days are numbered, why do we keep adding new "stuff" to do business. Ticket readers at the gates, new computers, FLL expansion...maybe I don't see the big picture. Maybe I DON'T want to see the pic!!

SPEND TO THE LAST DAY!!! I love it...something doesn't add up!
Flufdriver said:
Just like UAL...anyday now we'll start painting the whole fleet with a bright NEW livery!!! ..................
SPEND TO THE LAST DAY!!! I love it...something doesn't add up!

Your positively correct. Painting aircraft is a sure sign of "for sale", except of course SW, which are butt ugly. But there is no doubt whose aircraft it is. I think they painted the Titanic before its sailed, didnt they?

Denver, CO
Flufdriver said:
SPEND TO THE LAST DAY!!! I love it...something doesn't add up!
That is exactly how it adds up. They actualy make their money and profits through U spending and losing money. When they control the outflow of billions, into different businesses, they make their money even when U loses millions.
BILLIONS>millions. :blink:

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