Isn't it time to start, at least thinking about, raising the payscale for the reserves? Doesn't anyone else think that a reserve/or junior lineholder making less than $25,000 a year is too low? When AFA negotiates the contract, wouldn't one of the items to negotiate be a more equitable wage for the flight attendants who make less than $25,000 for an entire year, (and that's before taxes)? What percentage of flight attendants make a wage of $25,000 and less? Wouldn't a company that offered 10 billion to buy another company be in a position to have their crew members not qualify for food stamps? Does the AFA feel this is okay as long as the more senior flight attendants make a fair wage? Is it at all possible to raise the lower end of the pay scale without the upper end?
I totally agree! We need more pay. I am based out of PHL and I fly about 45 hours a month because there aren't enough trips for reserves. My take home pay is about $1300 a month. I refuse to fly on my days off after sitting in based for most of the month. It is next to impossible to live on this.
Do senior members, AFA and the company think it's okay for junior flight attendants to work for rent money and collect food money from the government?
Apparently so! They don't care about us.
Does AFA collect the same amount of dues irregardless of vast differences in salary?
Yes, and what they do with it is beyond me. Oh wait, it all went to the PHL AFA council members that were in office so they could have a decent living.
Are the job qualifications/expectations more of a senior flight attandant than that of a junior flight attendant?
They treat blockholders like gold and reserves like crap. Reserves are expected to be able to get to the airport in 90 minutes if they are quick called, even if there is a storm brewing or if there is snow or ice. Reserves are expected to sit in base for most of the month (except for 11 days when they are off, which is actually a lot less if you commute). Reserves are expected to live off the minimum guarantee and fly on their off days if they want extra cash. Reserves don't know when to eat and sleep and go to the store for fear they will be called for a trip and won't make it to the airport in time or won't be able to hear the phone ring. If a reserve can't commute into base for a trip or if he/she is going on duty, then the reserve is in deep sh*t. If a block holder can't make it in for a trip, it is OK. They are excused because they are a beloved blockholder. We get the crap trips that no one else wants.
I hope to God that we don't do like the "west" and have to call scheduling at the end of the trip before being release. I absolutely REFUSE to do that! They can fire me for all I care, but after getting off of a long 3 or 4 day with 5 legs and minimum overnights, I am dead. There is no way I can work more flights. Even worse, what if I get off of a red eye? I DON'T THINK SO!
Does AFA realize that the most junior flight attendant has 6+ years with the company?
They don't give a rat's ###!
Three more questions:
1. Are my facts right? Yep! Sad but true!
2. Is anyone out there outraged about this? or is the status quo good? I am beyond enraged!
3. What's wrong with my thinking? Nothing! You hit the nail on the head! A lot of people are angry over this. Our morale is so low.
and just to jump to one possible answer:
well, don't work for such a low wage. That probably would solve the problem for those making an adequate wage but I would think AFA's goal would be to keep mainline flying and not outsource more of our jobs, and to insure fair pay for fair work.
I agree. I came back from furlough not knowing that I wasn't going to be flying. While I could go back to my other job, I am going to wait and see what happens with the new contract. If it doesn't get any better, I will jump ship. I also just started a part time business that will hopefully bring in some more money soon. I don't know why others are taking it. I don't think they will take it to much longer. If they do, they are idiots!
Thanks for reading my post. Thanks for sharing!