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CLT-FCO Non-stop?

I am glad for the reserves struggling to make ends meet on their guarantee. However, with the increase in international flying, I wish the company would implement the 12 hour shifts for reserves. Being quick-called at midnight after watching the computer all day is neither safe or humane. Horror stories abound in PHL-an entire crew quick-called-none of whom have ever flown the 330-and the company complains the service is inconsistent?! :huh:

The company and the FAA have this strange notion that crew members are machines that can be turned ON and OFF at their will.

In the OFF mode, the crew member is in perfect rest utilizing no energy and resulting in no wear-and-tear. When needed, the crew member is switched to the ON mode and proceeds to do their job without incurring any fatigue at all in the process.

At some point (I'm sure sure exactly how many more corpses must be counted before the FAA or Congress acts,) this may change. Obviously the death count due to crew (especially pilot) fatigue is not yet high enough. The NTSB reports and the FAA's own studies show that they are 100% incorrect in the way they are running things, but the airlines don't want it changed. So it doesn't change.
Congratulations for the new service, guys. I don't know why US has not built up the CLT International service more before now. One of the reasons that our (AA) RDU-LHR service is so popular (and profitable) is because people have discovered the ease of clearing customs and immigration in an East Coast airport other than BOS, JFK, PHL, ATL, or MIA.

Keep C&I as hassle-free as you can (not always easy when interfacing with the guvmint, I know) and passengers--particularly, business travelers--will flock to the service.
I am glad for the reserves struggling to make ends meet on their guarantee. However, with the increase in international flying, I wish the company would implement the 12 hour shifts for reserves. Being quick-called at midnight after watching the computer all day is neither safe or humane. Horror stories abound in PHL-an entire crew quick-called-none of whom have ever flown the 330-and the company complains the service is inconsistent?! :huh:
I don't think the company is upset because the service is inconsistent on recrewed flights. It's the normally scheduled and operated flights where the service is inconsistent that the company complains about.

Surprisingly enough service flow with an all RSV crew on a recrew is pretty spot on.
Congratulations for the new service, guys. I don't know why US has not built up the CLT International service more before now. One of the reasons that our (AA) RDU-LHR service is so popular (and profitable) is because people have discovered the ease of clearing customs and immigration in an East Coast airport other than BOS, JFK, PHL, ATL, or MIA.

Keep C&I as hassle-free as you can (not always easy when interfacing with the guvmint, I know) and passengers--particularly, business travelers--will flock to the service.

I'll take PHL customs and immigration over the cranks in CLT any time.
Sorry. I was assuming that it would be easier in CLT for the same reason that RDU is easier--fewer passenger per day through the facility.
I don't think the company is upset because the service is inconsistent on recrewed flights. It's the normally scheduled and operated flights where the service is inconsistent that the company complains about.

Surprisingly enough service flow with an all RSV crew on a recrew is pretty spot on.
Nor is the company upset when a reserve ends up working all night fatigued after sitting around all day waiting for daily. Unless you have sat reserve under the LTO system and worked a long international flight, it is hard to understand. :angry:
I'll take PHL customs and immigration over the cranks in CLT any time.
Absolutely! PHL is awesome compared to some of the grumps in CLT. Of course, as in any group some are fine but I never ran into any grumps in PHL.
I'll take PHL customs and immigration over the cranks in CLT any time.

Given that you are not waiting in line (presumably), what difference does it make? I don't wait either (early global entry adopters are permitted to use crew lines where they exist and the kiosks don't), but I can't say that there is a difference between CLT and PHL. Failing that, just sign up for global entry and hit the kiosk. Then you only talk to the customs guys at exit. When I was doing 4-6 intl trips a month in 2002-2006 (eg, as many as a crew), I think I got a secondary customs search from US authorities once. And that was on a company plane coming out of the Dominican Republic.

The MIA guys and gals, OTOH, are a PITA.

Now, if you'd said "CLT customs sucks because it's not set up to handle the number of flights they get," you would be spot on. Were it not for the fact that it implies transiting PHL (airport), I'd sooner clear in PHL (absent global entry and the like) because the lines are shorter.
All the Catholics in CLT now have a direct route to the Vatican.
You may have said this as a joke, but honestly, attending a Papal mass in Vatican City is on my wife's "Bucket List", and with a nonstop flight from CLT we will probably go next summer.
I second that .
🙄 🙄 AMEN TO THAt. CLT CUstoms is a full off nasty red-necked, YAnkee hating people. I can only imagine how they will MIStreat the I Talian's...welcome to the south ya'll...dont ya'all speak English? Give me PHILLY anyday of the week.