Is LIM an "OPEN SKIES" market where any US carrier can start service or are they limited? Which South American markets are currently open skies markets?
The bilaterals in place with nearly all of the countries in S.America allow the US to designate any airline to provide service between the US and that particular country. The trick is, that most of the lucrative markets are rather restricted. The general agreements in place with the other countries are as follows:
Argentina: Not open skies per se, but a recently expanded agreement allows up to 112 wkly frequencies by 03/2009. I don't know exactly how many are in use today, but it certainly isn't anywhere close to that number.
Brazil: 7 wkly in 06/2009, 7 addtl wkly in 10/2009, 14 addtl wkly in 10/2010; The first seven must be used for N/NE Brazil, CNF, or GIG. The remaining 21 can be used for any city except GRU (unless the regulatory constraints related to infrastructure concerns at GRU are lifted by that point, which most believe won't be until around 2011)
Chile: Open-skies
Colombia: All available frequencies currently in use. BAQ and CTG are open skies, but US would have no interest in either of those
Ecuador: I forgot to mention GYE/UIO in the previous post. Ecuador has traditionally been a strong cargo market, plus there is probably
some tourist traffic to GYE as it's a jumping off point for the Galapagos Islands. Both UIO and GYE are within the range of an A319 from CLT; however, UIO sits at about 10,000 ft. so that may cause some operational implications.
As far as the bilateral with Ecuador goes, my understanding is that a total of 22 wkly frequencies are available to points in the US to cities other than MIA or NYC. Of those, CO is currently using 7 for IAH-UIO and DL is/will be using a total of 8 for ATL-UIO/GYE. CO may be holding onto some dormant ones as well since they just recently dropped GYE; hence, few, if any, frequencies are probably available for a new airline wanting to start service.
There are 15 frequencies dedicated to NYC, of which none are being used, so I'm sure the Ecuadorian govt would have no problem entertaining an argument that some of those be used for service to another gateway, but that's just my opinion.
Peru: Open-skies
Venezuela Any written agreement that may exist apparently doesn't hold much weight with Chavez and his pals.