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CLT cluster F Friday

US wants to start new hires at $8 per hour. IMO that's not even a living wage. They need to realize no one except a kid living at home, can survive on those wages.
You do realize one is not to be a Ramper, CS or reservation agent for life! They are called entry level jobs. You are right kids take them or spouses who need a good health plan but not the money etc. Do that for a few years (or while it suits your lifestyle) and then move up!
Paying entry level employees salaries that can substain a career is one reason the East had the problems it had. I know the unions have ingrained into you the anti-supervisor anti-managment mantra, but your goal should to be one! But as my dad used to say the world needs ditch diggers too! You just be better off if you inspired to use the ditch digging as a starting point and not view it as the end!

Bye the way things can't be all that bad CLT was the 1st quarter pride cup winner and had a complaint ratio of 1.68!
I think you all are probably doing a fine job!


Kindly reconcile your opinion with this fact.


(p. 66)

Top ramp pay at WN is $24.

Also, many fine folks ffrom a variety of airlines have retired as ramp, rez, customer service and f/a's over the years.

It just seems only WN managmenent has the skills to do right by their customers, shareholders and employees.

US managment can't hack it - they still need training wheels.
Friday what a cluster f in CLT. (Fleet Service) When are we going to get some help ? Does anyone know ? Is this the next PHL or worse ? If only our passengers could see behind the scenes or better yet the news media get hold of this crap. Yesterday afternoon gates were so understaffed they told us they could't load the planes till their "help" got there. The bagroom so understaffed the lead told us they couldn't even make a schedule. Then the bag belt broke for a while.(They are not properly taken care of)
I can only iminage where we are headed. Then people thik we are doing so good. If they could only see the missed bags. Reroute was even closed a while yesterday!
This may sum it up, one name....the man with the plan, the one in charge of customer service ..... Al Crellin. The dude with "talent".
And you do realize, I'm sure, how very insulting that statement is to your many colleagues who have spent 20+ years as rampers, customer service agents, and res agents, right?
especially insulting when one lives in a field station and the only way to go up is to move across the country...
And you do realize, I'm sure, how very insulting that statement is to your many colleagues who have spent 20+ years as rampers, customer service agents, and res agents, right?

Not to mention that in the past, ramp jobs were highly coveted and had much prestige. You couldn't just get a ramp job at United, Allegheny, TWA, etc. Someone had to get you in.
You do realize one is not to be a Ramper, CS or reservation agent for life! They are called entry level jobs. You are right kids take them or spouses who need a good health plan but not the money etc. Do that for a few years (or while it suits your lifestyle) and then move up!
Paying entry level employees salaries that can substain a career is one reason the East had the problems it had. I know the unions have ingrained into you the anti-supervisor anti-managment mantra, but your goal should to be one! But as my dad used to say the world needs ditch diggers too! You just be better off if you inspired to use the ditch digging as a starting point and not view it as the end!

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or serious.

If we were to follow your concept of starting on the ramp as "entry level," then we would have nothing but supervisors or shift managers working planes in, say, five years' time. That in itself makes zero sense to me.

Unless, of course, you consider working for an airline is similar to working for a fast food restaurant, a gas station, a department store or ditch digging, which was the example you suggested earlier.

UPNAWAY, I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that your dad was not Ted Knight in Caddyshack. That line came straight from the film, and I doubt it was a common idiom before that.

The jobs that you suggest are entry level are jobs that require a great deal of attention to passenger needs, accuracy and safety. If you think 16 year old kids would be better equipped to handle these jobs at minimum wage, then by all means hire them and fire us. The airline will be able to fly after school gets out and before 9pm local time. Weekends and the summertime shouldn't be too bad, unless the kids take off for camp or decide they just don't have their hearts in it and Mom and Dad are willing to raise their allowances.

Yeah, I guess having us strive to be in management would be good for Tempe. That way, they could abuse us as they do other salaried employees with the threat of termination hanging over our heads like Damocles sword.

No thanks. I do more for than the company in a day than a suit does in Tempe in a year. And I deserve a decent wage to do it.
No thanks. I do more for than the company in a day than a suit does in Tempe in a year. And I deserve a decent wage to do it.

Oh, please, please precious Prince, won't you come out and save us from our folly? The fact that front line employees deserve to earn a decent living for the very reason you listed notwithstanding, your final paragraph is an arrogant diatribe against things about which you have no apparent clue.

Write these 2 points down:

1. No one in Tempe wears a suit. The sooner you and your ilk learn it, the better off we'll all be. Those of us crunching numbers are not the enemy. Why can't you respect us the way we respect your work? I have nothing to do with union negotiations and am not responsible for your current woe.

2. When you can show, like I can, that you are personally responsible for bringing nearly a billion dollars to the balance sheet this year, then we'll talk further about how your contribution is so much greater.

And when we're done implementing all of your fine suggestions, and all flights are rammed through PIT, everyone's salary (except for the low-life idiots in Tempe who clearly don't know anything) is tripled, pensions are back in place, and inflight service rivals that of UA, then you can point to your fine ramshackle regional airline and tell us we were all wrong, wrong, wrong. That is if there's an airline left after all that takes place...
If we were to follow your concept of starting on the ramp as "entry level," then we would have nothing but supervisors or shift managers working planes in, say, five years' time. That in itself makes zero sense to me.

Sadly, there are supervisors on the PHX ramp that attained that position within months of being a glow worm. It's all part of the Tempe Burger King mentality.

Recently, we had several supervisors in their early 20s terminated for playing with matches and hair spray in the Ramp Operations Center (ROC). They set an office chair on fire and then tried to hide their handiwork by throwing the chair in the trash compactor. Yes. Young kids playing with fire in the ROC like Beavis and Butthead at Burger World. <_<


That was cool. Can you do it again?
US wants to start new hires at $8 per hour. IMO that's not even a living wage. They need to realize no one except a kid living at home, can survive on those wages.
You do realize one is not to be a Ramper, CS or reservation agent for life! They are called entry level jobs. You are right kids take them or spouses who need a good health plan but not the money etc. Do that for a few years (or while it suits your lifestyle) and then move up!
Paying entry level employees salaries that can substain a career is one reason the East had the problems it had. I know the unions have ingrained into you the anti-supervisor anti-managment mantra, but your goal should to be one! But as my dad used to say the world needs ditch diggers too! You just be better off if you inspired to use the ditch digging as a starting point and not view it as the end!

Bye the way things can't be all that bad CLT was the 1st quarter pride cup winner and had a complaint ratio of 1.68!
I think you all are probably doing a fine job!
Now that you put it out for all to see what managements position is and this is what the front line employees have to deal with and expect from our management. You are not worthy of a career unless your in management. This division attitude that is going on and your style of management is wrong wrong wrong it is bad for US and bad for America GOD help us if you are involved. Now for our customers this is what management wants you to deal with inexperience's disposable revolving door employees. Management is trying to simplify things (a good thing) but a airline is an airline complicated involved problems always every day. You need good dedicated experiences core front line employees to lead and direct and coach the inexperience. Your style brakes down leadership and teamwork. Customers see what the front line employees have to deal with in management no respect.....
2. When you can show, like I can, that you are personally responsible for bringing nearly a billion dollars to the balance sheet this year, then we'll talk further about how your contribution is so much greater.

Wow. So that means once he becomes an investment banker and/or a bankruptcy judge then he can talk?

Because those are the only two groups that are responsible for a billion of anything on the balance sheet. It is not anyone in Tempe.

The drop off that horse is going to hurt, you know.
Excellent! Boys and Girls, it looks like Barbell has tipped his hand to the rest of us.

Oh, please, please precious Prince, won't you come out and save us from our folly? The fact that front line employees deserve to earn a decent living for the very reason you listed notwithstanding, your final paragraph is an arrogant diatribe against things about which you have no apparent clue.

I'll stand by what I said then, since you don't have a problem with anything I wrote except the last sentence.

Write these 2 points down:

1. No one in Tempe wears a suit. The sooner you and your ilk learn it, the better off we'll all be. Those of us crunching numbers are not the enemy. Why can't you respect us the way we respect your work? I have nothing to do with union negotiations and am not responsible for your current woe.

I guess they only wear suits for official photos and the odd event that requires them. I won't spend too much time defending the use of the word suit, since I'm sure most of us realize it's slang for anyone in a position higher up in a company.

My ilk and I happen to be quite knowledgable, and we know exactly how much we are disrespected by Tempe and the small lies that turn into big lies.

I don't remember ever mentioning anything about woe and unions. That sounds more like an assumption made in anger, which is irrelevant to my post.

2. When you can show, like I can, that you are personally responsible for bringing nearly a billion dollars to the balance sheet this year, then we'll talk further about how your contribution is so much greater.

Okay, so you assert that you are "personally responsible" for $1,000,000,000. So, Captain Barbell Braggadocio, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you are either an insulated number-cruncher or a corporate "suit" that makes the Town Hall rounds in the entourage, if not the head cheese himself.

Give me a telephone, a directory with every number of every business peripherally involved with the airline, a couple sheets of paper and a writing impliment and I bet a trained Cappuccin monkey with an MBA can bring a billion to the table, too. He can talk to the other monkeys and cut the deals. Maybe he can do it without wage and benefit concessions from front line employees.

See how absurd that last paragraph was? Don't you want to chuckle? Truth is, Barbell, one billion dollars on paper is charming, but your airline doesn't fly on aggragate accounting. It takes people to do the job. So, if you think finding a billion bucks is a more important job than earning the billion, as is being done by many thousands of employees right now, then bask in the glow and enjoy that trip to Aruba!

And when we're done implementing all of your fine suggestions, and all flights are rammed through PIT, everyone's salary (except for the low-life idiots in Tempe who clearly don't know anything) is tripled, pensions are back in place, and inflight service rivals that of UA, then you can point to your fine ramshackle regional airline and tell us we were all wrong, wrong, wrong. That is if there's an airline left after all that takes place...

I don't need a tripled paycheck. A reasonable living wage is fine with me.

Pensions? You don't approve? I see. So, rewarding those who work hard for a long time to make the company profitable is wrong? Your bread is buttered on the crust, Barbell. It makes for slippery eating, so better get a napkin.

PIT is underutilized. Parker said no changes would be made at the recent town hall. That position has changed, so if he gets taken to task on it, he earned it.

Inflight should be the BEST anywhere, especially this airline. What a ridiculous idea that not being the best is the way to go!

And finally, if Tempe's opinion is that other opinions don't count, then so be it. Customers and employees can always go elsewhere. Ramshackle regional airline? I thought we were talking about LCC? I will continue to point out flaws, as I suspect others here and elsewhere will. And if someday US ceases to fly, it won't be because my ilk failed the task masters in Tempe.

You're an angry dude, Barbell. It sounds like you are one of the group who can't stand being questioned on difficult subjects over and over. You seemed all hugs and kisses when you got here, and now we've corrupted you. I will finally say WELCOME to you and suggest that if you want to shut me up, you're gonna have to do better than insulting me. I suggest an outdoor pool for PIT employees, because it's been hot lately... 😛

Good day, sir.
First question... why were they understaffed? That many folks call in sick?

What is wrong with the employees here ( perhaps I am wrong on assuming you are an employee) that they almost always find reason to blame their fellow employee, first?

It is not rational, but, apparently, statewide in scale. Could it be the "soma" they put in the water in North Carolina?
It just seems only WN managmenent has the skills to do right by their customers, shareholders and employees.

US managment can't hack it - they still need training wheels.

So, why do we, as employees keep supporting the morons in management? Why do we keep giving away our compensation to continue with management that needs training wheels?

Perhaps, we should make them change before we give them another dime?

It'd help if our unions quit lining us up in managment's sights.

Really, other than ONE f/a MEC chair, who among the rest of the union leaders at US showed ANY stones?

Do you think they've grown any recently?

10 gets you 1 the next time the company says 'gimme', the unions will fork it over - it's ALL about the dues structure.

I've already been sold out a few times - it ain't my first rodeo. :down:

It'd help if our unions quit lining us up in managment's sights.

Really, other than ONE f/a MEC chair, who among the rest of the union leaders at US showed ANY stones?

Do you think they've grown any recently?

10 gets you 1 the next time the company says 'gimme', the unions will fork it over - it's ALL about the dues structure.

I've already been sold out a few times - it ain't my first rodeo. :down:

Well then, how about a job action?

What if all the pilots accomplish all the "free" homeschool modules except for the last one?

Challenge the bastards.............

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