Excellent! Boys and Girls, it looks like Barbell has tipped his hand to the rest of us.
Oh, please, please precious Prince, won't you come out and save us from our folly? The fact that front line employees deserve to earn a decent living for the very reason you listed notwithstanding, your final paragraph is an arrogant diatribe against things about which you have no apparent clue.
I'll stand by what I said then, since you don't have a problem with anything I wrote except the last sentence.
Write these 2 points down:
1. No one in Tempe wears a suit. The sooner you and your ilk learn it, the better off we'll all be. Those of us crunching numbers are not the enemy. Why can't you respect us the way we respect your work? I have nothing to do with union negotiations and am not responsible for your current woe.
I guess they only wear suits for official photos and the odd event that requires them. I won't spend too much time defending the use of the word
suit, since I'm sure most of us realize it's slang for anyone in a position higher up in a company.
ilk and I happen to be quite knowledgable, and we know
exactly how much we are
disrespected by Tempe and the small lies that turn into big lies.
I don't remember ever mentioning anything about woe and unions. That sounds more like an assumption made in anger, which is irrelevant to my post.
2. When you can show, like I can, that you are personally responsible for bringing nearly a billion dollars to the balance sheet this year, then we'll talk further about how your contribution is so much greater.
Okay, so you assert that you are "personally responsible" for $1,000,000,000. So, Captain Barbell Braggadocio, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you are either an insulated number-cruncher or a corporate "suit" that makes the Town Hall rounds in the entourage, if not the head cheese himself.
Give me a telephone, a directory with every number of every business peripherally involved with the airline, a couple sheets of paper and a writing impliment and I bet a trained Cappuccin monkey with an MBA can bring a billion to the table, too. He can talk to the other monkeys and cut the deals. Maybe he can do it without wage and benefit concessions from front line employees.
See how absurd that last paragraph was? Don't you want to chuckle? Truth is, Barbell, one billion dollars on paper is charming, but your airline doesn't fly on aggragate accounting. It takes people to do the job. So, if you think finding a billion bucks is a more important job than earning the billion, as is being done by many thousands of employees right now, then bask in the glow and enjoy that trip to Aruba!
And when we're done implementing all of your fine suggestions, and all flights are rammed through PIT, everyone's salary (except for the low-life idiots in Tempe who clearly don't know anything) is tripled, pensions are back in place, and inflight service rivals that of UA, then you can point to your fine ramshackle regional airline and tell us we were all wrong, wrong, wrong. That is if there's an airline left after all that takes place...
I don't need a tripled paycheck. A reasonable living wage is fine with me.
Pensions? You don't approve? I see. So, rewarding those who work hard for a long time to make the company profitable is wrong? Your bread is buttered on the crust, Barbell. It makes for slippery eating, so better get a napkin.
PIT is underutilized. Parker said no changes would be made at the recent town hall. That position has changed, so if he gets taken to task on it, he earned it.
Inflight should be the
BEST anywhere, especially this airline. What a ridiculous idea that not being the best is the way to go!
And finally, if Tempe's opinion is that other opinions don't count, then so be it. Customers and employees can always go elsewhere. Ramshackle regional airline? I thought we were talking about LCC? I will continue to point out flaws, as I suspect others here and elsewhere will. And if someday US ceases to fly, it won't be because my
ilk failed the task masters in Tempe.
You're an angry dude, Barbell. It sounds like you are one of the group who can't stand being questioned on difficult subjects over and over. You seemed all hugs and kisses when you got here, and now we've corrupted you. I will finally say
WELCOME to you and suggest that if you want to shut me up, you're gonna have to do better than insulting me. I suggest an outdoor pool for PIT employees, because it's been hot lately...
Good day, sir.