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Chris Chiames On Network news

Chiames was on NBC this morning! Looked REALLY bad. The reporter even contradicted him by what Lakefield said abou employees calling in sick! How, horrible that this company cannot even get its message right!

What a frigging fiasco!

I'm so glad I don't work there any longer!!!

US Airways PR is so screwed up, everyone in the press has dealt with this for years. It's funny the bigger the A-Hole the higher they climb US Airways corporate ladder. Sorry guys but with people like this trying to do "damage control" the company is completely hosed.
shinbal, I don't care how bad it got this weekend. The cheapo American public is quick to forget when the price is right. Therefore, it's safe to assume with a few $29 sales the planes will be full when spring break comes. And, yes, I do think the company will fly this entire year unless some unforeseen catastrophe occurs.
EyeInTheSky said:
shinbal, I don't care how bad it got this weekend. The cheapo American public is quick to forget when the price is right. Therefore, it's safe to assume with a few $29 sales the planes will be full when spring break comes. And, yes, I do think the company will fly this entire year unless some unforeseen catastrophe occurs.

I don't believe that the $29 sales, as you say, are a revenue source that will pay the bills in three months any more than they are now. The confidence of a loyal, regular customer base, in combination with other things, will do that. I believe that this weekend's happenings shook that confidence to the core among the airline's bigger customers. I'm certainly not speaking for all of US Airways' loyal customers, but it's happened to me.
FIRE THEM< and DARE the unions to appeal..... While we are at it just fire the unions... This whole things sickens me... all these buts and give backs, and soo close to turning the corner, and a bunch of idiots call in sick who were not sick!!!!!!!!!! Fire them! These employees hurt all of us ALL OF US! Employees and customers. Pax are outraged........
Ignorance is bliss on the boards let me tell you.

First of all if you fire them, they will get their jobs back unless their attendance records are bad or they were caught on video being out somewhere while being sick otr traveling.

Fire them and they will get their jobs back with all the back pay, if you were really a union member you would know that you have to follow the steps of Just Cause for a termination to stick.

And you can't fire the unions, if it was not for the unions this company would have pillaged the employees even more.

And big deal someone goes to the Dr and spends $15 to get a note.

I do not condone what they have done, but your statements are even more rediculous and absurd.
I know PA pays unemployment in termination cases.

I know someone who was accused of stealing from US in PHL and the state gave him unemployment, the company fought it and lost.

What they have to lose is they cannot replace the slots that are open now, how would they replace getting rid of more people?
how the hell are you going to prove who was actually sick and who was'nt? so your saying just fire them all? thats absurd. if one of your children does something wrong, do you also punish the rest for being children?............think before you speak!
700 this is the real world. I know they more than likely will get jobs back , HOWEVER..... based on first hand knowledge, the people who do this usually have a LONG trail.......... Maybe time out and hard times will cause second thoughts u know???? Oh i know all about unions, thats the reason, i for one am ready to give them their walking papers and save my 39 dollars a month!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shinbal said:
Deano, I absolutely love the "ire" and "casting brimstone" references. What a hilarious way to start off my morning. But you're not quite on the page with what I was saying. I don't sign contracts. I buy tickets.

US Airways management has been inept for years. PSA routes: destroyed. BWI: destroyed. Metrojet? enough said. I don't think anyone is saying, "Gee, it's all labor's fault". Those of us who have been truly loyal to this carrier over the years have seen it too. And I'm one of those people who has stood behind this airline purely because of the people operating it day to day, NOT the people managing it.

I wrote my post knowing full well that, if I didn't just write the words - "Go labor, go - do everything you need to - you're 100% right and everyone else is 100% wrong", I would draw the reaction I did. But, this is America, and just as you are able to cast stones at me, I'm still entitled to my opinion.

However, the point of my post was to say that, sadly, this whole event has cost the airline the "get me from point a to point b" confidence of many frequent, high-revenue customers, who can then take their business elsewhere. That's all.
Management can offer the biggest contracts to labor in the history of aviation, but if you don't have people who believe you'll get them there, you can't sell tickets.

First my name is "Curt" Deano is a take-off after my son’s name because I was "cavalier" on here and thrown into the lake of fire but resurrected via Deano because I now "pay" to throw stones.... 😛 I am telling you the truth and that makes it even funnier.

Anyway I knew you were a loyal pax and thank you for it. My post was directed at many others on here with your post being my takeoff platform.

You have you posters on here defending management no matter how screwed up they do things and you have the die hard union member on the other side, "mine" who only want to make a living and be left alone to do our jobs. Well with the constant concessions and punitive policies that management dreamed up working at U in peace and harmony is a thing of the past and why I left and took what little pension I could with me for as long as I can hang onto it.

If we lived in a just world, in a just America then all the executives at U but would be in prison for raping and pillaging the employees. Coming on the property and after only "months" walking away with millions in their pockets while employees struggle to survive is not only wrong but immoral but any sane individuals standard. Yet you have you posters on here backing everything and anything this pathetic and plain evil management team chooses to do whether it's right or wrong. Because they are management then it's assumed, “by some†that they are right and just in their decision making with a BOD who is just as twisted backing them up.

You can't treat your dog the way U employees are being treated and expect obedience and loyalty and U employees and not dogs.

At this point I don't think a lot of U employees really care anymore and why in the hell should they. Just like you as a pax are disgusted, so are the U employees with people who have the nerve to call themselves managers of people when they shouldn’t be trusted when anything that lives and breathes, they are failing everyone and themselves while the news media backs up their lies with broadcasts saying it’s all the U employees fault for the sorry state U is in.

It’s now out of everyone’s hands the true fate of U and only a divine power will decide what is U’s final fate.
Sure you know about unions, you cant give them walking papers unless you can get 50%+1 off ALL active and furloughed F/A's to sign enough cards for a decertification, a task that will never happen.

And the company would love it then you could brown nose them even more as you will become an employee at will and the company will be free to do whatever they want with you.

Or if you are really a union member (something I doubt) you can become a dues objector and lose all rights to vote on your leadership or contracts.

Or take some of your own advice, if you are really a FA you can quit and leave the company so you do not have to be a member of the AFA!
deano said:
First my name is "Curt" Deano is a take-off after my son’s name because I was "cavalier" on here and thrown into the lake of fire but resurrected via Deano because I now "pay" to throw stones.... 😛 I am telling you the truth and that makes it even funnier.

Anyway I knew you were a loyal pax and thank you for it. My post was directed at many others on here with your post being my takeoff platform.

You have you posters on here defending management no matter how screwed up they do things and you have the die hard union member on the other side, "mine" who only want to make a living and be left alone to do our jobs. Well with the constant concessions and punitive policies that management dreamed up working at U in peace and harmony is a thing of the past and why I left and took what little pension I could with me for as long as I can hang onto it.

If we lived in a just world, in a just America then all the executives at U but would be in prison for raping and pillaging the employees. Coming on the property and after only "months" walking away with millions in their pockets while employees struggle to survive is not only wrong but immoral but any sane individuals standard. Yet you have you posters on here backing everything and anything this pathetic and plain evil management team chooses to do whether it's right or wrong. Because they are management then it's assumed, “by some†that they are right and just in their decision making with a BOD who is just as twisted backing them up.

You can't treat your dog the way U employees are being treated and expect obedience and loyalty and U employees and not dogs.

At this point I don't think a lot of U employees really care anymore and why in the hell should they. Just like you as a pax are disgusted, so are the U employees with people who have the nerve to call themselves managers of people when they shouldn’t be trusted when anything that lives and breathes, they are failing everyone and themselves while the news media backs up their lies with broadcasts saying it’s all the U employees fault for the sorry state U is in.

It’s now out of everyone’s hands the true fate of U and only a divine power will decide what is U’s final fate.
very well stated :up: common since will tell you when you kick a Dog too many times he will eventually Bite your A$$!
U management had YEARS to reform and restruture this company, yet here we are years later and millions of dollars wasted in fat payments to do-nothing Executives.

And now, the only survival plan that Lakefield can come up with is raping employee compensation.
local 12 proud said:
very well stated :up: common since will tell you when you kick a Dog too many times he will eventually Bite your A$$!
ahhh i meant (sense) thought i would correct that before getting trounced upon <_<
local.... dogs that bite usually are put to sleep or put into a pind! 700...... 50 + 1 aisnt too far off from reality here.... and i m happy here dude, the reason i stay ......

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