If you have been lurking on these boards, then without a doubt, you would clearly know that the
U employees have sacrificed more concessions than any other carrier in the industry.
From 2 BK, to loses in the 401K with owning company stock, to double digit wage cuts, with major, yearly increases in medical, horrible working conditions and envirnoment for any employee on the property, to disconnected, bad labor relations with managment, sick pay penalties, 3 concessions, and 20,000 job loses in just our airline alone. Pensions at "death's door", retirment medical soon eliminated for folks who have worked for decades and are at the "end game" of their working careers. And job "outsourcing" just around the corner and displacements.
For whatever reasons you want to cite or make up, whether our airline had high labor costs or was run poorly for 10 years or 50 years, the managment have never taken any responsibility for the present condition of this airline.
Our war is never with the customer...NEVER. The customer had a horrible experience and took it on the "chin" this holiday. Funny, that the public never pays real attention to what is going on in Corporate America with the working class, unless it is in their back yard or until they are directly effected. We don't expect or want your sympathy. We didn't have it before and we surely don't care to have it now.
This is our anguish, our plight, and you see it on this board more than any other carrier on this forum, because we have suffered more than any other carrier. These wounds were not self inflicted, but a consequence of Corporate greed...from stakeholders, investors to senior managment and yes, even the government who allows companies to screw sharholders and creditors, and employees, by dancing into bk over and over again until either there is nothing left of the co. and employees, or they have positioned it for their own self gain.
The hell with the "rank and file" who are worthless in mangements' eyes and the board room, and yes even with the customers who have forgotten that airline employees have worked every single holiday 365 days a year to bring them safely to their destinations.
However, when these kinds of situations happen, and managment is not prepared for the slightest "bump" in the road, weather or holiday staffing, even the customer gets effected. But, the blame will always fall on labor. I've seen it every single year and in every situation. We take the least pay, least benefits, and the world expects the most from the "little guy" who has to carry the world on their shoulders, provide for everyone, at all cost to themselves every single day...AND GOD FORBID YOU GET SICK ON A HOLIDAY. THAT IS NOT ALLOWED OR PERMITTED, PHYSICALLY OR MENTALLY, EITHER THE CUSTOMER HATES YOU, OR MANAGMENT GETS RID OF YOU.
On January 6th, labor either by acquiescing, or by force will be screwed on this property, present and past "rank and file" employees who have served the traveling public for 50 years in this airline. That service is all forgotten by the public.
I personally apologize for the customer's horrible experience and inconvenience this holiday....we, however, as employees will suffer consequences of this mangament's inepteness directly, far beyond this holiday, whether the public keeps flying us or not. And I can promise you this, "what happens to the U employees with these severe concessions will most certainly permeate to the rest of the airline rank an file workers in all carriers. Next year, you will see their posts increase, like ours has in the past couple of years. All "Airline Board members" are watching to see what they can achieve and how, as well.
Happy New Year for you and yours, and welcome on this board, if you can stand the "heat".... B)