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Chris Chiames On Network news

You mean this?

US Airways said:
PITguy, I apologize for the delay. I haven't been online and just saw your note.
We are not going to outsource heavy maintenance in PIT or elsewhere. We never even proposed it. (Unlike UA which has proposed the outsourcing of heavy maintenance.)
We will pay all furlough pay as provided for in the contract.
We have no further plans to lay off more mechanics beyond what is published. With the new commitment to operate 279 a/c, we will need just about all the mechanics on the property to perform the maintenance we have scheduled, since our fleet plan anticipated retiring some planes that we will now be flying.
Finally, we are not trying to vendor maintenance with either Boeing or Airbus.
Chris Chiames
Thanks, that was the piece.........he must have been confused!!!!!!!
SalesGuyCCY said:
Why don't they fire that MORON Al Crellen?? The buck should stop with him at the head of ops?! Also, Chiames and and the rest of the crew should go too!

I think Chapter 7 is sooner than one thinks--and I for one, won't lose ANY sleep over it!

another rat has bailed???

If you have been lurking on these boards, then without a doubt, you would clearly know that the U employees have sacrificed more concessions than any other carrier in the industry.

From 2 BK, to loses in the 401K wipe-out from owning company stock, to double digit wage cuts, with major, yearly increases in medical, horrible working conditions and envirnoment for any employee on the property, to disconnected, bad labor relations with managment, sick pay penalties, 3 concessions, and 20,000 job loses in just our airline alone. Pensions at "death's door", retirment medical soon eliminated for folks who have worked for decades and are at the "end game" of their working careers. And job "outsourcing" just around the corner and displacements.

For whatever reasons you want to cite or make up, whether our airline had high labor costs or was run poorly for 10 years or 50 years, the managment have never taken any responsibility for the present condition of this airline.

Our war is never with the customer...NEVER. The customer had a horrible experience and took it on the "chin" this holiday. Funny, that the public never pays real attention to what is going on in Corporate America with the working class, unless it is in their back yard or until they are directly effected. We don't expect or want your sympathy. We didn't have it before and we surely don't care to have it now.

This is our anguish, our plight, and you see it on this board more than any other carrier on this forum, because we have suffered more than any other carrier. These wounds were not self inflicted, but a consequence of Corporate greed...from stakeholders, investors to senior managment and yes, even the government who allows companies to screw shareholders and creditors, and employees, by dancing into bk over and over again until either there is nothing left of the company and employees, or they have positioned it for their own self gain.

The hell with the "rank and file" who are worthless in mangements' eyes and the board room, and yes even with the customers who have forgotten that airline employees have worked every single holiday 365 days a year to bring them safely to their destinations.

However, when these kinds of situations happen, and managment is not prepared for the slightest "bump" in the road, weather or holiday staffing, even the customer gets effected. But, the blame will always fall on labor. I've seen it every single year and in every situation. We take the least pay, least benefits, and the world expects the most from the "little guy" who has to carry the world on their shoulders, provide for everyone, at all cost to themselves every single day...AND GOD FORBID YOU GET SICK ON A HOLIDAY. THAT IS NOT ALLOWED OR PERMITTED, PHYSICALLY OR MENTALLY, EITHER THE CUSTOMER HATES YOU, OR MANAGMENT GETS RID OF YOU.

On January 6th, labor either by acquiescing, or by force will be screwed on this property, present and past "rank and file" employees who have served the traveling public for 50 years in this airline. That service is all forgotten by the public.

I personally apologize for the customer's horrible experience and inconvenience this holiday....we, however, as employees will suffer consequences of this mangament's inepteness directly, far beyond this holiday, whether the public keeps flying us or not. And I can promise you this, "what happens to the U employees with these severe concessions will most certainly permeate to the rest of the airline rank an file workers in all carriers. Next year, you will see their posts increase, like ours has in the past couple of years. All "Airline Board members" are watching to see what they can achieve and how, as well.

Happy New Year for you and yours, and welcome on this board, if you can stand the "heat".... B)
AP Tech said:
Is that the same "we have no plans to farm out heavy maintenence" Chris Chiames? You truly can believe what he says!!!!!!
...........AP Tech, Could'nt of said it any Better !!! Just plain SAD what's become of this airline.... 🙁
skyflyr69 said:
[ disgruntled U employees who like to air their dirty laundry in the public forum. Whereas other airline employees keep it in house like American. I have switched to AA awhile back and they have some of the same issues but they know about this websight and basically keep it in house.


Maybe you'd like to check out the American Airlines Board . Oops. :shock:
shinbal said:
Without customer confidence, without people getting on the planes, it's all "pointless".

Your post raised my ire as I picked up brim stone to cast at you, but I see pitbull was kind yet direct and correct responding to your clueless post. Your post was just yet another from someone who when compared to the U employee was "slightly" inconvenienced, but yet feel the U employee deserves eternal hell for their actions. I worked there for almost 15 years of my life then left realizing U was in stage four of its terminal disease. I know exactly what the U employee goes thru, "HELL". You just don't get it so I'll explain it "again" . The spirit of the U employee has been crushed by a management team and BOD who make the defendants in the Nuremberg Trials
look like innocent victims. Like a pack of wild dogs the news media and corporate America jumps on labor when the real cause is only as far as their mirrors. Welcome to the new world order where the very wealthy and powerful are heroes and the ones who make them what they are treated like waste products that they have trouble ridding themselves of.

PS: My Daddy flew Allegheny and the 440’s as well and if he were still here to see what the employees are going thru he would be 1000% behind them!
EyeInTheSky said:
4merresrat, true. However, the company wouldn't have made it this long if it weren't for the employees ongoing professionalism and personal sacrifices.....

Thank you Eye. I'm inclined to agree with you 1000%.

skyflyr69 said:
shinbal said:
........So long Usairways: Hello LUV and AA and Delta.

Yeah, and you are cordially invited to dine where I deficate. Get the picture?

PITbull said:

If you have been lurking on these boards, then without a doubt, you would clearly know that the U employees have sacrificed more concessions than any other carrier in the industry.
From 2 BK, to loses in the 401K with owning company stock, to double digit wage cuts, with major, yearly increases in medical, horrible working conditions and envirnoment for any employee on the property, to disconnected, bad labor relations with managment, sick pay penalties, 3 concessions, and 20,000 job loses in just our airline alone. Pensions at "death's door", retirment medical soon eliminated for folks who have worked for decades and are at the "end game" of their working careers. And job "outsourcing" just around the corner and displacements.

For whatever reasons you want to cite or make up, whether our airline had high labor costs or was run poorly for 10 years or 50 years, the managment have never taken any responsibility for the present condition of this airline.

Our war is never with the customer...NEVER. The customer had a horrible experience and took it on the "chin" this holiday. Funny, that the public never pays real attention to what is going on in Corporate America with the working class, unless it is in their back yard or until they are directly effected. We don't expect or want your sympathy. We didn't have it before and we surely don't care to have it now.

This is our anguish, our plight, and you see it on this board more than any other carrier on this forum, because we have suffered more than any other carrier. These wounds were not self inflicted, but a consequence of Corporate greed...from stakeholders, investors to senior managment and yes, even the government who allows companies to screw sharholders and creditors, and employees, by dancing into bk over and over again until either there is nothing left of the co. and employees, or they have positioned it for their own self gain.

The hell with the "rank and file" who are worthless in mangements' eyes and the board room, and yes even with the customers who have forgotten that airline employees have worked every single holiday 365 days a year to bring them safely to their destinations.

However, when these kinds of situations happen, and managment is not prepared for the slightest "bump" in the road, weather or holiday staffing, even the customer gets effected. But, the blame will always fall on labor. I've seen it every single year and in every situation. We take the least pay, least benefits, and the world expects the most from the "little guy" who has to carry the world on their shoulders, provide for everyone, at all cost to themselves every single day...AND GOD FORBID YOU GET SICK ON A HOLIDAY. THAT IS NOT ALLOWED OR PERMITTED, PHYSICALLY OR MENTALLY, EITHER THE CUSTOMER HATES YOU, OR MANAGMENT GETS RID OF YOU.

On January 6th, labor either by acquiescing, or by force will be screwed on this property, present and past "rank and file" employees who have served the traveling public for 50 years in this airline. That service is all forgotten by the public.

I personally apologize for the customer's horrible experience and inconvenience this holiday....we, however, as employees will suffer consequences of this mangament's inepteness directly, far beyond this holiday, whether the public keeps flying us or not. And I can promise you this, "what happens to the U employees with these severe concessions will most certainly permeate to the rest of the airline rank an file workers in all carriers. Next year, you will see their posts increase, like ours has in the past couple of years. All "Airline Board members" are watching to see what they can achieve and how, as well.

Happy New Year for you and yours, and welcome on this board, if you can stand the "heat".... B)

Once again, thank you Pit Bull; I couldn't have said it better myself!

deano said:
Your post raised my ire as I picked up brim stone to cast at you, but I see pitbull was kind yet direct and correct responding to your clueless post. Your post was just yet another from someone who when compared to the U employee was "slightly" inconvenienced, but yet feel the U employee deserves eternal hell for their actions. I worked there for almost 15 years of my life then left realizing U was in stage four of its terminal disease. I know exactly what the U employee goes thru, "HELL". You just don't get it so I'll explain it "again" . The spirit of the U employee has been crushed by a management team and BOD who make the defendants in the Nuremberg Trials
look like innocent victims. Like a pack of wild dogs the news media and corporate America jumps on labor when the real cause is only as far as their mirrors. Welcome to the new world order where the very wealthy and powerful are heroes and the ones who make them what they are treated like waste products that they have trouble ridding themselves of.
PS: My Daddy flew Allegheny and the 440’s as well and if he were still here to see what the employees are going thru he would be 1000% behind them!

Thanks for sticking by us Curt; and for enlightening the uninformed. You and your wife are in my prayers.

The Lazarusman
FSA Lead
USAirways DFW
Hey Spin head,

What part of my post were you able to digest?

The blame lies equally and squarely on this mangement...step up to the plate, big guy. You've struck out again by "swinging at the air".
PITbull said:
Hey Spin head,

What part of my post were you able to digest?

The blame lies equally and squarely on this mangement...step up to the plate, big guy. You've struck out again by "swinging at the air".


I agree. Senior management of US
dragged their feet in the past and did
not have an appropriate plan of action
to fight the LCC's and for that, they
have a lot of 'splaining to do.

However, the most recent actions of
PHL ramp personnel most certainly
affected THE CUSTOMER more than
anything else, and those who called
in sick need to be held accountable
for their actions. Doubtful it will
happen though because the IAM
will try to deflect the real issue at
hand as they always do.

All of the bitching and whining about
management errors in the past is NOT
going to change the CURRENT situation.
Living in the past will not get you
very far and will certainly not make
the company suddenly profitable.

I'm pleased that AFA has done their
part by reaching a T/A that is acceptable
to the members and the company.
At least your work group had the
nuts to do that. The IAM obviously
doesn't GET IT, and their members
are staging rogue work actions
instead of stepping up to the plate
to address the situation that is
in play right now. The IAM obviously
wants to let the company outsource
all of their members or they would
have been proactive and advised
their members to avoid calling in
The IAM had nothing to do with what happened in PHL.

You seem to forget the IAM represents the Mechanic and Related employees also, and they came to work.

This only happened in PHL with the ramp, no where else.

Gee don't let the facts get in your way.

And the company cannot outsource the work because of sick calls, you seem to forget Judge Mitchell denied that in the Section 1113e.
700UW said:
The IAM had nothing to do with what happened in PHL.

You seem to forget the IAM represents the Mechanic and Related employees also, and they came to work.

This only happened in PHL with the ramp, no where else.

Gee don't let the facts get in your way.

And the company cannot outsource the work because of sick calls, you seem to forget Judge Mitchell denied that in the Section 1113e.

See what I mean? Instead of trying to
find a solution to keep US afloat, all you
ever do is contradict anything anyone says.
You constantly harp on the past, when
everyone else is trying to find a way to
deal with TODAY and the FUTURE.
Your Kharma has got to be really bad.

All I can say is that I hope you get what
you DESERVE when this scenario plays out.
You really DON'T understand and cannot
grasp long term economics. Do you fully
appreciate the fact that Judge Mitchell will
send you and your IAM brothers to the
unemployment line without even
hesitating? Does it even bother you that
you are misleading union brothers who
just might want to keep their jobs with
US? Your type is SCARY man.

If I need EAS for being hateful (not an
understatement) and disappointed with
the lack of effort put forth by your union
to resolve the issues at hand, then YOU
need a reality check and an education on
economics, particularly the state of
the airline industry in 2004/05.
You have no idea or clue what is going on.

And if Judge Mitchel abrogates, the place is gone, the ATSB will pull the loan. (By the way still waiting of your response where I proved you wrong point by point with the ATSB loan and all the other creditors)

Before the ink was dry on the Second round of concessions with the M&R group the company stole the airbus work, Judge Cindrich and Arbiter Bloch agreed with the IAM. The theft of the airbus work ruined any relationship between management and the IAM. The union did not do this the company did. Got to hate the truth don't you?

Until the airbus issues was resolved their was no talking to this company as they are nothing more then liars and thieves who cannot be trusted.

The IAM has been at CCY for 2 months for 4 days everyweek, sometimes 5 days, straight trying to get a consensual agreement, but when you sit across the table from the hired guns the company has been paying to "negotiate" and all they want to do is outsource everything and layoff over 50% of the IAM workforce, there is no way in Hades that will ever get ratified.

And for you to say you hope 9,000 workers with an average seniority of over 15 years gets what they deserve shows your lack of class.

Lets see there was no job action by mechanic and related (IAM) and everywhere where the Ramp is (IAM) except PHL had no problem.

I do not know why I waste my time with someone who does not have a clue to what is going and posts people should be killed and run over by a 767, now you have some serious mental defects and should seek mental help.

No one in the IAM is misleading its members, maybe you should take the time and read the propsosals the company has put out where the company says it wants to outsoucre everything and everything, and read the IAM updates. Once again you have no idea of, get your head out of the sand.

You are nothing but a union hater who has no idea of what is going on.

Here is some airline economics, fuel goes up, raise ticket prices.

Here is some more Bruce Lakefield who has NO, NONE, ZILCH airline experience makes more the Doug Parker who has spent his whole career with WN and Bruce makes more then Dave Neelemen at Jetblue, lets see Neeleman helped found Morris Air then went to work at WN when they purchased Morris Air and then started Jetblue.

Hmm what is the difference, hmm US Airways is losing money hand over fist while WN and B6 are making profits.

Most employees at US took a 21% paycut, but Millionaire Bruce Lakefiled can't give back one penny? Leadership starts at the top and there is NONE at US Airways, that is why this place will go out of business and is doomed.
SpinDoc said:
then YOU need a reality check and an education on economics, particularly the state of
the airline industry in 2004/05.

Ok, for laughs why don't you give us an economics lesson. You can start by explaining why airlines that have cut expenses less than U did in BK1 (on a % basis and not counting the cuts demanded in BK2) have lowered their unit costs more than we have.

deano said:
Your post raised my ire as I picked up brim stone to cast at you, but I see pitbull was kind yet direct and correct responding to your clueless post. Your post was just yet another from someone who when compared to the U employee was "slightly" inconvenienced, but yet feel the U employee deserves eternal hell for their actions. I worked there for almost 15 years of my life then left realizing U was in stage four of its terminal disease. I know exactly what the U employee goes thru, "HELL". You just don't get it so I'll explain it "again" . The spirit of the U employee has been crushed by a management team and BOD who make the defendants in the Nuremberg Trials
look like innocent victims. Like a pack of wild dogs the news media and corporate America jumps on labor when the real cause is only as far as their mirrors. Welcome to the new world order where the very wealthy and powerful are heroes and the ones who make them what they are treated like waste products that they have trouble ridding themselves of.
PS: My Daddy flew Allegheny and the 440’s as well and if he were still here to see what the employees are going thru he would be 1000% behind them!

Deano, I absolutely love the "ire" and "casting brimstone" references. What a hilarious way to start off my morning. But you're not quite on the page with what I was saying. I don't sign contracts. I buy tickets.

US Airways management has been inept for years. PSA routes: destroyed. BWI: destroyed. Metrojet? enough said. I don't think anyone is saying, "Gee, it's all labor's fault". Those of us who have been truly loyal to this carrier over the years have seen it too. And I'm one of those people who has stood behind this airline purely because of the people operating it day to day, NOT the people managing it.

I wrote my post knowing full well that, if I didn't just write the words - "Go labor, go - do everything you need to - you're 100% right and everyone else is 100% wrong", I would draw the reaction I did. But, this is America, and just as you are able to cast stones at me, I'm still entitled to my opinion.

However, the point of my post was to say that, sadly, this whole event has cost the airline the "get me from point a to point b" confidence of many frequent, high-revenue customers, who can then take their business elsewhere. That's all.
Management can offer the biggest contracts to labor in the history of aviation, but if you don't have people who believe you'll get them there, you can't sell tickets.

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