I am very confused on all of this? It seems to sound like the OLD UM policy of letting them connect and then what happened at the HUB airport. But we do not do that kids are on non-stops only and should have an adult at each end, end of story? The only exception my be that at the arriving end they may have to escort the kid to the security area for grandma to pick up, but most airports will let people get a boarding pass to go through security, certinaly on the departing end.
As for as an early question about the old HP program. At one time gate agents and FAs did the best the could escorting connecting UMs, but we had issues with missing flights, noone to watch them, and the ocassional wrong AC (usual;y after a gate swap). Then they came up with a summer program that an employees kid 18-25 could be a UM escort and it actualy worked very good they got paid a summer interns wage and it free up the agents and the kids actualy had much more supervison becuase they where being watched the whole time. But a mistake or to with irregular ops and hotels etc. and the media got hold of the Kids watching Kids issue and all hell broke loose as you coul imagine. Any way not connecting kids is a great idea to much liability. I mean having a gate agent or FA share a room with a UM on irregualr ops is not a good thing and that happened from time to time. In pHX we made the kids stay atthe airport and sleep on the floor in the break room at least they where watched, controlled and in a safe place. :unsure: