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whaledriver said:
Why is the primary focus on 'Pilots' with no mention of the remaining labor groups. Doesn't seem ethical to blame one group without approaching the entire company work force for an even cut across the board. Is DAL mgt going after other groups as well?

Pilots are a dime a dozen. Look at all the training academys out there. what took 4-6 years now can be done in one year.
As long as pilot B will work for 60 bucks an hour compared to a Delta pilot at well over 200 bucks an hour guess what? the cost of labor is driven down.
I'll take a well motivated young "inexperienced" pilot over a "seasoned" disgruntled veteran.
look at the accident stats for airlines , the "legacy" carriers record is dismal compared to the "regionals". its just business/marketing 101. you folks need to realize this.
TheDog2004 said:
Live is an AA employee looking to stir the pot.


The W with a slash through it on his/her header stands for "No work, but pay me anyway."

typical pilot. :lol: :lol:
WNrforlife said:
The W with a slash through it on his/her header stands for "No work, but pay me anyway."

typical pilot. :lol: :lol:

I don't think he/she is a pilot. I think your true prejudice just reared its ugly head.
aislehopper said:
You never answered the question in your own words. Just how did your membership in APFA save you from having to make concessions?
You have yet to answer 2 of my questions I have been posting for a while:

1. How is Song treating you?

2. How is the realtionship going these days?


WNrforlife...The W with the slash stands for; I'm a democrat and don't like the republican party and what it stands for. Also it means I will not vote for Bush and hope he isn't re-elected!
WorldTraveler said:
Luvn737s and Vikedog,

Probably what strikes me most about Delta is that it has never been given any preferential treatment by the government - it was never one of the "chosen instruments" but has had to fight its way to where it is today but running a very good airline and having the money to buy and grow its way into the big leagues. It is truly ironic that Delta will probably be one of the legacy airline survivors and yet is not really cast from the same mold as airlines like AA, UA, or even NW that accumulated significant routes during the regulated era of the industry.


Eastern pioneered routes in jets for years flying empty to places like Huntsville, Montgomery, Talahassee and the like and Delta went crying to the CAB claiming it was being unfairly shut out of these markets. If it weren't for preferential treatment from the government, Delta probably would never have grown to be anywhere near as big as it has become.

I'm not taking anything away from the job they do, they run a pretty good airline. But they did have some help from the CAB. Plus:

Shuttle- Eastern was first.
L1011's- Eastern was first.
ATL Hub - Eastern was first and bigger at it's peak.
Official Airline of Walt Disney World - Eastern was first.
Without Pan Am it would have no JFK operation nor transatlantic flying
Without Western it would still be flying east of the Mississippi
Without Northeast it would have no BOS presence

I guess I know why I didn't get hired when I interviewed in '90.

Sorry to go off-thread
I think you prove my point. None of the carriers you mention still fly; Delta acquired or won in competition w/ each of them.

Given that the industry was regulated for 2/3 of its life so far, there were clearly politics in some route decisions. I think any airline historican would agree that Delta received much less and fought for far more.
LiveInAHotel said:
You have yet to answer 2 of my questions I have been posting for a while:

1. How is Song treating you?

2. How is the realtionship going these days?


Well, let's get your sidestep out of the way.

1. Just like it always has.
2. Fine.

Back to the question.

I would have thought that someone who consistently states that Delta flight attendants are "stupid" for not having union protection would be able to answer how your own union membership protected you.

It seems like a simple enough question for someone who bases his superiority on membership in an organization.

To restate, just how did your membership in APFA save you from having to make concessions?

Are you able to think independently and answer the question, or are you merely a parrot that repeats someone else's rhetoric?


Hotel is a furloughed AA flight attendant, currently performing a Mrs. Doubtfire act on this board.
aislehopper said:
Hotel is a furloughed AA flight attendant, currently performing a Mrs. Doubtfire act on this board.

Now that will just ruin his day.
aislehopper said:
Hotel is a furloughed AA flight attendant, currently performing a Mrs. Doubtfire act on this board.

First off, you have no idea who I'm.

The answer for your question:

APFA saved us millions of dollars that AA wanted from us. Without the APFA our concessions would have been a lot more. Oh and by the way, we actually voted NO and the concessions didn't pass. But, the company found a way to extend the voting an extra 24 hours.

I still have "the dirt" on you from Lefferts!
LiveInAHotel said:
APFA saved us millions of dollars that AA wanted from us. Without the APFA our concessions would have been a lot more.

Really? 'Cause AA demanded $340 million from the APFA and AA got at least that much (probably more). My APFA friends tell me that the concessions were actually worth more than the required $340 million.

So tell us, Hotel, how, exactly, did John Ward and the APFA help save the AA FAs money during January-April of 2003?

Cat got your tongue?
LiveInAHotel said:
First off, you have no idea who I'm.

The answer for your question:

APFA saved us millions of dollars that AA wanted from us. Without the APFA our concessions would have been a lot more. Oh and by the way, we actually voted NO and the concessions didn't pass. But, the company found a way to extend the voting an extra 24 hours.

I still have "the dirt" on you from Lefferts!

Good. You admit that your APFA membership did not save you from making concessions. This is a start.

While you do not maintain that your union membership saved you from having to make concessions, you do maintain that your APFA membership saved you from giving back "millions of dollars" that AA wanted.

However, the facts are that Carty told each union that they would have to come up with a certian dollar amount of concessions. If each union did not come up with that amount, he was going to put AA into Chapter 11.

APFA came up with that amount. If FWAAA is correct, APFA gave more.

Since you feel that your membership in APFA makes you superior to all of us "brainwashed, I will do anything management says, Kool-Aid drinking, non-union Delta employees," you should be able to answer this follow up question.

So tell us, how exactly did your union membership save you "millons of dollars" in give backs to Carty?

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