I fly my line and that's it. Of course, the lines are creeping above 80 hours/mo and some over 90. Fortunately, I have income from other sources; so, it's not necessary for me to pick up extra flying. A couple of years ago, I flew 105 hours one month. Didn't like it. W-a-a-a-y too much like a real job.
I've always said, I don't see how f/as in bases other than DFW and STL make it on what we get paid. Even $50 hour on a guarantee of 70 hours/month just doesn't cut it in the high cost cities where we have bases.
Is your base getting any of the 17-19 day lines? We have a 19-day line on the Oct. DFW bid sheet. It's only 16 days of flying because it involves 3 30-hour layovers in Tulsa, but unless you live in Tulsa it's still 19 days away from home. A friend in STL told me that it was posted on Facebook that MIA had a 22-day line this month! Why not just get an office job and sleep in your own bed every night?