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Charlotte Douglas International Airport was the biggest international hub for Piedmont Airlines and

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robbedagain said:
Our current cba rules regarding downsizing transfers cld not be more clearer tha whats written in it. Clt will remain a large hub despite ya all claims that there be major cuts... if ur in phx thats the one id worry about more so than clt
Robbed do you think some here will be gleefully celebrating if freedom is impacted in PHX? People keep harping on him for voting on the '08 agreement.
WorldTraveler said:
precisely, Josh.

The problem is that none of that mattered post 9/11 when airlines did what they had to do to survive and cared less about the confrontation with labor that the cuts would create.

and, in general, overall industry cuts hit the WEAKEST players in a market, not the largest. ON an absolute size basis, the largest carriers might lose more but they have a lot more flesh to be able to "sacrifice" in order to stay alive.

and it still comes down to the fact that DL and UA are not aggressively growing their networks at the expense of profitability as AA is doing with its Asian and European growth while at the same time gearing up to face dramatically increased competition at DCA and DAL.
Are more slots opening in DCA? Dramatic increases? 
737823 said:
Robbed do you think some here will be gleefully celebrating if freedom is impacted in PHX? People keep harping on him for voting on the '08 agreement.
Don't take the bait.

And you are just spreading hate and discontent, once again.
Not gonna take the bait but will say the past is the past new contract is 14 not 08. Cant undo the past but move fwd and learn from the past
Not bait, why do people keep attacking freedom?

Sure it is.
...And relevant to this thread- it being about CLT- when/if frontline cuts come, you'll use it as fodder to taunt IAM members, and WT will take as roundabout way as possible to dismiss it as just business.
Kev3188 said:
Sure it is.
...And relevant to this thread- it being about CLT- when/if frontline cuts come, you'll use it as fodder to taunt IAM members, and WT will take as roundabout way as possible to dismiss it as just business.
But the membership will have those wonderful protections and a transparent and orderly process right? Real fair, they then go and displace someone junior at an unimpacted station, that's what solidarity and the labor movement is all about.

I already know you're looking to pour gas on the fire; no need to start already & prove me right...

Pace yourself; the fight against working class America is a marathon, not a sprint...
Kev3188 said:
I already know you're looking to pour gas on the fire; no need to start already & prove me right...Pace yourself; the fight against working class America is a marathon, not a sprint...
Jimntx just established that AA F/As aren't paid a livable wage, so then US IAM fleet certainly isn't either. So is it really working class America we are taking about here?

737823 said:
Jimntx just established that AA F/As aren't paid a livable wage, so then US IAM fleet certainly isn't either. So is it really working class America we are taking about here?

Liar.  What I said was that I could not live on what our new hires make if f/a was my only income.  If they want to be a f/a bad enough to live 15 to a 2 bedroom apt in Queens, that's their business, not yours or mine.
jimntx said:
Liar.  What I said was that I could not live on what our new hires make if f/a was my only income.  If they want to be a f/a bad enough to live 15 to a 2 bedroom apt in Queens, that's their business, not yours or mine.
New hires make considerably less than $50/hr:

jimntx said:
I fly my line and that's it.  Of course, the lines are creeping above 80 hours/mo and some over 90.  Fortunately, I have income from other sources; so, it's not necessary for me to pick up extra flying.  A couple of years ago, I flew 105 hours one month.  Didn't like it.  W-a-a-a-y too much like a real job.  :lol:
I've always said, I don't see how f/as in bases other than DFW and STL make it on what we get paid.  Even $50 hour on a guarantee of 70 hours/month just doesn't cut it in the high cost cities where we have bases.
Is your base getting any of the 17-19 day lines?  We have a 19-day line on the Oct. DFW bid sheet.  It's only 16 days of flying because it involves 3 30-hour layovers in Tulsa, but unless you live in Tulsa it's still 19 days away from home.  A friend in STL told me that it was posted on Facebook that MIA had a 22-day line this month!  Why not just get an office job and sleep in your own bed every night?
737823 said:
New hires make considerably less than $50/hr:

Yes, and they are living 15 to a 2 bedroom apt stuffed with bunk beds in Queens.  If you want to call that living.
Time for another thread to be locked due to josh the so called passenger who hates unions and workers.
BLUTO said:
Was wondering when you would show up. Besides you work(ed) in PHL not CLT, right?

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