Does anyone know the details/timeline on the new runway going into CLT or when they are expanding E concourse?
And a Starbucks in "E" while we're at it! 🙄
As a flight crew member though, sitting in the CLT airport for 2.5 to 3.5 hours once or even twice in a day is a bit much. They need new food choices and more rocking chairs.
There is the Starbucks in D at the junction of the escalators down to E. IIRC, Coach's son works there.
Yes, that's the one those of us who work on "that" end of the airport go to now. Didn't know about Coach's son though!
With 26+ gates in the "E" concourse, we need our own. 😉
The clearing and grubbing has started on the west side of the field. The next phase will be the bid request for grading and dirt work. Final gate count stands at 47 when E is complete..Does anyone know the details/timeline on the new runway going into CLT or when they are expanding E concourse?