Carry ons

I thought we should have some facts added to this discussion. I know, they get in the way of a good rant but ya'know. I have to try.

Plz see this link for bag reports. I took this info from the Jan-Sep report

US Air, enplaned a little over 29 million passengers between Jan-Sept of 2005. Out of those 29 million they had a little over 290 thousand bag reports filed. Now I have never worked baggage services but I am guessing a fair number of those complaints were not valid but for arguments sakes, lets say that every single one was a lost bag and not a bag that was abused, broken to begin with packed improperly, had bottles in it ... etc. That ends up being (by my math at least) 1%. Out of the major airlines, they are the worst and that, and in my eyes is still very good. American Airlines enplaned over 60 million people and our bag reports only amount to 6/10 of 1%. That is less than 6 bags for every 1000. SWA, the best of the majors only messed up on 4/10 th of 1%. The difference between them and US Air was barely more than 1/2 a percent.

I did a walk a mile once with baggage services and it amazes me that 50% of bags get to the same place and at the same time as their owners much less that 99% of them do. You have a huge airport with who knows how many departures every hour. You have about 140 people per plane give or take with maybe 100 bags plus cargo and mail. it has to go all the way from the curb to an air plane in about 1-2 hours.

So, FWAAA, please get your facts straight before you go spouting off.

I’ll take those odds any day. Hell, the US military can’t keep track of it’s nuclear material and you are complaining about at most 1% of the bags having problems.

Now please keep in mind that all the bag reports are not “lostâ€￾ bags. And I am guessing that not all are legit so when all that is taken into account, the odds of your bags getting to the same place and at the same time as you, are better than 99% in the worst case scenario.
I'm not sure how Air France does it but they do NOT allow excessive carry ons. I flew last fall and even though my bag was the right size, the fellow at the ticket counter lifted it and told me that I had to check it because he thought it was too heavy. I checked it because I had no choice and I have never seen such a flawless boarding in my life. And the deplaning process was much smoother also. And yes, my bags did make it.........both ways!! Maybe someone who knows someone from Air France could get an idea.
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Great link Garfield, I dropped it into my favorites. It doesn't look as if the scabs are performing near as bad as some of the guys here like to portray. You union gurus at AA better look out some bean counter might be thinking the same thing.

Hey Kev I got called onto a late call today, got to the aircraft and they were ready for push back. I ran up on the aircraft and had to step over fourteen bags and two strollers stacked up by the jetway door. I cleared the logbook then went down stairs and told the tug driver they had a shet load of bags on the jetway. When I got off the aircraft there was +2 minutes on the clock, needless to say the aircraft took a delay. This carry-on deal is getting out of hand.

FWAA, I bet your one of the ones that come on board with two full size duffle bags a beach bag and a laptop case that could hold a desktop computer, monitor and printer.
Hey Kev I got called onto a late call today, got to the aircraft and they were ready for push back. I ran up on the aircraft and had to step over fourteen bags and two strollers stacked up by the jetway door. I cleared the logbook then went down stairs and told the tug driver they had a shet load of bags on the jetway. When I got off the aircraft there was +2 minutes on the clock, needless to say the aircraft took a delay. This carry-on deal is getting out of hand.

You bet it is.

My record still stands at 17. :shock:

There's even a delay code for it.

I have no problem with folks wanting to carry on their bags, but the rules need to be enforced correctly, or the whole flight is bogged down.

As an aside, we have a CRJ RON here every night; I'd bet 3-4 nights a week, carry on bags (or "gate checked" in 9E's case) out number regularly checked luggage.

P.S. I think boarding by window seats, then middle, then aisle as some carriers have adopted is a great way to help with boarding/deplaning effiviency.
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P.S. I think boarding by window seats, then middle, then aisle as some carriers have adopted is a great way to help with boarding/deplaning effiviency.

I couldn't agree with you more on that note. Looking in the delay reports I noticed in several of the comments where it said, "passengers slow to board". NWA really does need to try something different.
we at usair express had a bag come off the DASH-8 that was the size of a checked bag but was a carry on.the airlines ought to do something about it. when we used to havce a 435 CLT flt, using the jetway caused a delay all the time because either the carryons or the flt crw doing paper work. the carryons were always last minute.
ahhh the carry on baggage delema...i remember my days working at mesaba carry ons would make or break a flight from being ontime and overweight!!!

the problem we had was that flight attendants were all different on what they would allow some were by the book and some were alittle bit more generous on the size. Oh and don't forget the Pax always knew everything don't know how many times i would try to take a piece of luggage from somebody cause i thought it was to big for the overhead bins only to get in a good argument on the jet bridge.....

nothing worse than getting the plane loaded, all doors shut get the weight card up to the pilot...pressed for an ontime departure and the flight attendant opens the door and says "we have one that needs to go in the back."
Hey Kev I got called onto a late call today, got to the aircraft and they were ready for push back. I ran up on the aircraft and had to step over fourteen bags and two strollers stacked up by the jetway door. I cleared the logbook then went down stairs and told the tug driver they had a shet load of bags on the jetway. When I got off the aircraft there was +2 minutes on the clock, needless to say the aircraft took a delay.
Well PTO being the Super SCAB that you are why did'nt you just hand carry those bags down the jet bridge and deposit them in the cargo hold?

I mean its no different than hand delivering Blue Juice to an unserviceable Lav to get an aircraft out is it?

Sceerrrd the IAM might slap your pee pee?
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Yes, please do! I'm sure someone up in DTW could use the 4 hours of overtime they'd get from time-slipping you! :lol: :lol:
Well PTO being the Super SCAB that you are why did'nt you just hand carry those bags down the jet bridge and deposit them in the cargo hold?

On my way down the jetway I did grab two bags and put them on the cart. Told the guys to have a good night and walked off. There was one guy that had a perplexed look on his face but didn't say anything.

Also today, the flight crew was standing on the jet bridge with a senior citizen waiting on his walker. The aircraft was empty and they asked me about the stroller. I told them the ramp was working on it and went on into the aircraft to check the books. On the way out I told them I would check on the walker. The ramp was already loading bags and I asked a ramper about walker. She knew nothing about it but instead of getting the usual ignorant shrug of the shoulders (is that a union thing?) she walked to the belt loader at the aft cargo and found the walker leaning on the side of it. She then asked if I would take it upstairs, me being the gentleman that I am took it from her. As I was approaching the stairs a ramper had started up the stairs and saw me coming. He was most adamant about being the one to take it upstairs. I am sure the senior citizen that had been leaning against the cold wall of the jetway all of this time was glad to se his walker.
On my way down the jetway I did grab two bags and put them on the cart. Told the guys to have a good night and walked off. There was one guy that had a perplexed look on his face but didn't say anything.

Also today, the flight crew was standing on the jet bridge with a senior citizen waiting on his walker. The aircraft was empty and they asked me about the stroller. I told them the ramp was working on it and went on into the aircraft to check the books. On the way out I told them I would check on the walker. The ramp was already loading bags and I asked a ramper about walker. She knew nothing about it but instead of getting the usual ignorant shrug of the shoulders (is that a union thing?) she walked to the belt loader at the aft cargo and found the walker leaning on the side of it. She then asked if I would take it upstairs, me being the gentleman that I am took it from her. As I was approaching the stairs a ramper had started up the stairs and saw me coming. He was most adamant about being the one to take it upstairs. I am sure the senior citizen that had been leaning against the cold wall of the jetway all of this time was glad to se his walker.
Does'nt your SCAB Airline offer wheel chairs for the elderly or handicapped? I mean should'nt someone like yourself being the Gentleman that you are have assisted this senior citizen in getting off the jet bridge out of the cold in a more expedited fashion?
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Does'nt your SCAB Airline offer wheel chairs for the elderly or handicapped? I mean should'nt someone like yourself being the Gentleman that you are have assisted this senior citizen in getting off the jet bridge out of the cold in a more expedited fashion?

Yes they do have wheel chairs available at the customers discretion. I guess the guy just wanted his own walker.

There were four or five grown people there assisting this man. Or maybe they were just marking time waiting for the ramp to do their jobs. The rampers know they are to bring strollers, wheel chairs and walkers onto the jet bridge as soon as possible. That’s pretty much as soon as the cargo doors are open. They do not do this because it pisses passengers off when they have to wait ignorant amounts of time for their belongings. Its like when they don't marshal an aircraft and let it sit out on the ramp for twenty minutes. I do not understand why the company puts up with it. I would be firing people left and right. It would be very bad for ignorant or disgruntled people here if I were in charge. I would put a bag out on the roadway and every ramper that drove by it without reporting it would get fired right then and there. I would fire everyone that should have been at the gate that wasn't there to meet the aircraft and marshal it in. Let the union even attempt to arbitrate anything concerning these terminations, then I would lay everyone off and out source the whole thing.