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Carmine Romano

I got the honor of riding the same elevator as him yesterday, so he's still on payroll, and on his way up to see either Reding or Arpey, as he was with minions in tow.

Well I don't know if the word honor is the correct word to be used in relation with Carmine,but that is your choice of words. If you were that close to him,it might not be a bad idea to call ORKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As far as the rumors go about him being terminated,we can only hope. We do know that the wheels of justice turn slowly. Dave Cruz(spelling may be incorrect) decided to retire rather abruptly after he made his stellar performance in RAT FEST. I would only think that the con man would end up with a similiar fait. After all it was on video,unless this tape just happens to disappear. Let's not forget about the Cunningham arbitration which has all these juicy details in the transcripts. Believe me these transcipts are a must read. If AA can protect this moron they are truely miracle workers. It is damage control time for AA, the twu int'l and 514. Like I said before the wheels of justice turn slowly and AA will eventually axe him. Being a VP in Tulsa during an AMFA drive doesn't seem to be to healthy for ones career. After all this will be the second VP to bite the dust during an AMFA drive. I guess a persons true colors come out during stressful times. The turnstyle ordeal is a perfect example of how AA will go to any length to protect its :censored:.