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Bye Bye Seniority

Good luck to you. Sorry to lose an ally here! (a non retired ally, that is!)
Be happy you made it! I fear that the rest of us won't make it in terms of receiving a decent pension.
Thanks for your support, especially since you are not a mechanic. It goes to show that the TWU is an equal opportunity concession giver and it's not just mechanics who have a distaste of the TWU.

Good Luck!
Thomas Paine said:
Well I'm from NY. And we voted NO. However If we didnt have MCI, we would not have this contract. The vote only passed by 700 votes, MCI provided the margin.

From what the ex TWA guys here say MCI voted in every concessionary contract that has ever come their way.

So I stand by what I said.

Are you ready for AMFA yet? Or do you want to stay with the TWU, a union thats even worse than your IAM?
<_< T.P.---------- Oh Hog Wash!!! You've been listening to your local T.W.U. rep. again!! Yea sure! We're the ones bought this pig in a pock! Think about it! The T.W.U. needed someonne to pin this on and guess who was picked!!! Problem is all you AMFA supporters are of the same mind!!! As far as MCI/ and what is left of STL is concerned, we're screwed either way!!! But please! Don't blame this @%#^& contract on us!!! Signed: "Just another a.a. redheaded stepchild!"
MCI transplant said:
T.P.---------- Oh Hog Wash!!! You've been listening to your local T.W.U. rep. again!!Yea sure! We're the ones bought this pig in a pock! Think about it! The T.W.U. needed someonne to pin this on and guess who was picked!!! Problem is all you AMFA supporters are of the same mind!!! As far as MCI/ and what is left of STL is concerned, we're screwed either way!!! But please! Don't blame this @%#^& contract on us!!! Signed: "Just another a.a. redheaded stepchild!"

OK what was the vote count out of MCI?

1091 yes votes to 368 no votes

MCI provided a net yes vote of 723.

If you were one of the no votes then I thank you, but how come you couldnt talk to the rest of your coworkers?

Actually St Louis has a pretty good reputation among the line stations.

454 yes votes to 897 no votes.

So in this case the "Red Headed stepchildren" were an assett. Its easy to see where the majority of the "union" men gathered at TWA, and where the rest went. I feel for the 368 courageous souls in MCI.

Ok, whats done is done, how about if we put that behind us and work towards getting rid of the union that pushed this POS on us and get AMFA?
😉 T.P.------ O.K.! If you believe those numbers, and I'm not saying they're not so, the a.a. mechanics, and a.a., created their own Frankenstain! They made sure the mechanics at MCI had no where to go if the base was to close! Remember, these arn't young kids who can easily start over! But they are men with families like yourself! Talk to them? They all have their own reasons for voteing the way they did! I guess understanding comes with maturity! If I told you I voted "No" on this contract! Would you believe me? Just for the record! What was the percentage of votes out of TULSA, compared to MCI????
Hopeful said:
Good luck to you. Sorry to lose an ally here! (a non retired ally, that is!)
Be happy you made it! I fear that the rest of us won't make it in terms of receiving a decent pension.
Thanks for your support, especially since you are not a mechanic. It goes to show that the TWU is an equal opportunity concession giver and it's not just mechanics who have a distaste of the TWU.

Good Luck!
It was an HONOR to post along side a REAL Union Men, like yourself, and(so few) others.

If AMFA is successful, I feel optimistic that most of you AMT's will be OK !!
I say "most', because AA will surely use furloughs as "pay back" for "#### slappin' AA's own lap dog union(TWU).

(GOD FORBID) the TWU wins, then hope Sonny Hall is "bounced" by "roger", and by some MIRICLE, that MIGHT trigger a rebirth of "intestinal fortitude" within local 100, which might flow over to the ADT.

While I hope every "REAL" union AMT keeps his job(no matter where they're based), with AA building the "TAJ MAHAL" on Rockaway Blvd., I figure you NY/NJ guys will be OK, regardless of "who" wins. Though they would dearly like to try, when JFK is complete, I don't figure there would be much "wiggle room" for AA to play games, against you guys.

In a worst case scenario(bumping in), yea, you might get a few "stragglers" here and there, but the folks(native AMT's from TX. and OKIE, think New York is in "another country", so no threat there.

As I mentioned to Bob Owens yesterday, thanks to these boards, you guys will think I never left(JESUS, what a scary thought) :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

Be well,


GO AMFA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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