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Buyout Package for F/As

johnny kat

Oct 11, 2011
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Noticed the side letter at the bottom of of T/A regarding a buyout package to be negotiated after PBS starts. I am wondering what kind of buyout package would be acceptable to the AFA members? Any suggestions? I have heard that UA/CO are offering a very lucrative buyout for their members and am hearing that DL is going to offer the most lucrative buyout of any airline. I think a buyout package on the scale of the above airlines would be most beneficial to everyone and offer a way for the company to reduce costs over the long run.
PBS less reserves=more blockholders........
same amount of flying does not equal less F/A's???
5 add'l AB330-200's in 2013 equals more upward movement
PBS less reserves=more blockholders........
same amount of flying does not equal less F/A's???
5 add'l AB330-200's in 2013 equals more upward movement
Less reserves required = less jobs.
NO. Buyouts for senior f/as can't be right. AMR executives have already decided that is the wrong course of action to reduce the number of senior top of scale f/as. How could these other airlines' executives be so foolish? :lol:
NO. Buyouts for senior f/as can't be right. AMR executives have already decided that is the wrong course of action to reduce the number of senior top of scale f/as. How could these other airlines' executives be so foolish? :lol:

I think they want to make the f/a's lives so miserable they're hoping a good portion will quit. JMO.
I think they want to make the f/a's lives so miserable they're hoping a good portion will quit. JMO.....

yeah, they tried that and the F/A's turned around and made the customers lives miserable inflight. Go figure.
I think they want to make the f/a's lives so miserable they're hoping a good portion will quit. JMO.....

yeah, they tried that and the F/A's turned around and made the customers lives miserable inflight. Go figure.

Oh, I agree wholeheartedly. However, the company thinks it can control how many do leave. Something like 25% of the AA f/a corps could walk out the door tomorrow with full retirement benefits--doesn't matter whether the payments are managed by AA or PBGC except in monthly amount.

I would not be surprised if there is a mass exodus of f/as--whether by wildcat strike or retirement. Either would serve the company right.
I'm sure there are a lot f/a's age 55 and over, that qualify for healthcare benefits through the PBGC / Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC).

I read somewhere that the average cost to the company to pay the medical bills for these employees averages $40,000 per year. So the longer an employee works between age 55 and 62 the more it cost the company to insure them. 55 to 62 = 7 years, that's $240,000.

This don't include any cost saving from replacing them with a JR employee. How can they not offer a lucrative early out to this group. It's another way for them to dump healthcare cost on the taxpayers through the PBGC. If they split the saving with you it would be over 100,000.00.
usa1, you are using logic to discuss the situation. At AA that is what is called a Rule 32 violation. It's the same as talking dirty or using racial/ethnic slurs. :lol:

All of what you said has been pointed out to the company time and time again. Because they didn't think of it, it must not be a good idea.

As far as the number of f/as over 55? The average age of the AA flight attendant corps is 51. Do the math.
I'm sure there are a lot f/a's age 55 and over, that qualify for healthcare benefits through the PBGC / Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC).

I read somewhere that the average cost to the company to pay the medical bills for these employees averages $40,000 per year. So the longer an employee works between age 55 and 62 the more it cost the company to insure them. 55 to 62 = 7 years, that's $240,000.

This don't include any cost saving from replacing them with a JR employee. How can they not offer a lucrative early out to this group. It's another way for them to dump healthcare cost on the taxpayers through the PBGC. If they split the saving with you it would be over 100,000.00.

Doug split the savings with you..? that was a good one! Just like management gets millions in bonuses for an on time airline and the labor pukes get $50 if we are #1 in three different categories... split the savings... that was too funny... a good idea and rational, but funny (Stockholm Syndrome does that to a person's sense of humor :lol: .)
MY BOE went to the roadshow asked all the important questions, bottom line NO PAY INCREASE EAST sbsidize WEST, her vote " NO WAY" another bancruptcy CBA!

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