Pilot Buyout?

I'd pit my airmanship/experience against yours any day pal. You being older only means your weaker and slower. Get over yourself.

Hmmm....I'm always open to any AWA wagers :up: Your Challenge is hereby accepted sir. Kindly come up with something you deem as appropriate by way of a duel.
I'm fond of the "Fighter Fantasy" setups idea myself..but you may have other ideas more acceptable to you.

5 to 10 Grand range as stakes if that works for you sir. Of course?..You, as a demonstrated gentleman, may naturally wish to offer me odds, given that I'm "weaker and slower" ;) As frail and senile as I am: I'd prefer straight wagering though;) No offence..but: cash only.

...And I ain't your "pal" sonny.
You wish.."junior" :lol:

..Although it speaks volumes for your noble character that you would think it amusing to see others, of vastly more experience/etc than you may perhaps ever get...eternally toiling away in "that B737 right seat". Ah well..one can only expect so much from those of Company Grade;)

Thats how all those idiots are. They are smart asses who I cannot wait to meet. I bet not one of them will run their mouth when face to face. Come east girls and boys you will be treated with the same respect.
Thats how all those idiots are. They are smart asses who I cannot wait to meet. I bet not one of them will run their mouth when face to face. Come east girls and boys you will be treated with the same respect.

Yeah...I've gotten fully sick of the punk-mouthed/self-righteous BS myself lately. Flying with guys/gals that would be stapled below the lowest-rent/last-hired Mesa/AWA "babies", and seeing how it's effecting them, has finally put me over the edge, and into unfriendly territory. This, coupled with all the "Nyaah Nyaahs..We make more money...You guys are stuck on Loa 93 forever if you don't give us your seniority!!...Nyaah Nyaah!"..well/etc...I just ain't none too well disposed towards friendship anymore.

Care to "act as my second"/witness if Callsign Cactus actually wants to back his mouth up? :lol: :up:
It was not a "challenge" oh great one - it was merely a statement. Although, tempting as it is, I'll save you from the embarrassment. Besides, I prefer to remain anonymous and not reveal my credentials in public. One day, maybe, I would gladly share my world experiences with you over a brewsky. We may both be retired by then so it might add to the amusement.

Ok, I won't call you "pal"...does "putz" work for you?

Hmmm....I'm always open to any AWA wagers :up: Your Challenge is hereby accepted sir. Kindly come up with something you deem as appropriate by way of a duel.
I'm fond of the "Fighter Fantasy" setups idea myself..but you may have other ideas more acceptable to you.

5 to 10 Grand range as stakes if that works for you sir. Of course?..You, as a demonstrated gentleman, may naturally wish to offer me odds, given that I'm "weaker and slower" ;) As frail and senile as I am: I'd prefer straight wagering though;) No offence..but: cash only.

...And I ain't your "pal" sonny.
Thats how all those idiots are. They are smart asses who I cannot wait to meet. I bet not one of them will run their mouth when face to face. Come east girls and boys you will be treated with the same respect.

Ahhh I would and I often do, ask around!!! I purposly do the SAN PHL run so that I can confront you sheep on your poor behavior...
Yeah...I've gotten fully sick of the punk-mouthed/self-righteous BS myself lately. Flying with guys/gals that would be stapled below the lowest-rent/last-hired Mesa/AWA "babies", and seeing how it's effecting them, has finally put me over the edge, and into unfriendly territory. This, coupled with all the "Nyaah Nyaahs..We make more money...You guys are stuck on Loa 93 forever if you don't give us your seniority!!...Nyaah Nyaah!"..well/etc...I just ain't none too well disposed towards friendship anymore.

Care to "act as my second"/witness if Callsign Cactus actually wants to back his mouth up? :lol: :up:

Furloughed for a good chunk of your career huh?? Now you're upset and I understand that, suck it up man and move on. BTW what is your hire date at AAA, I wsh to show you something, you and hawk as well...
It was not a "challenge" oh great one - it was merely a statement. Although, tempting as it is, I'll save you from the embarrassment. Besides, I prefer to remain anonymous and not reveal my credentials in public. One day, maybe, I would gladly share my world experiences with you over a brewsky. We may both be retired by then so it might add to the amusement.

Ok, I won't call you "pal"...does "putz" work for you?

Woosie Callsign Cactus: "I'd pit my airmanship/experience against yours any day pal. You being older only means your weaker and slower. Get over yourself." But, immediately therafter:
"It was not a "challenge" oh great one " I see then "oh punkazz/cowardly one" :lol: It was merely a typical AWA weenie/I'm great..just ask me!!" BS attack on a "Better";)?

"I'll save you from the embarrassment." Sounds much akin to a 15 year old getting himself off via BS to his contemporaries :lol: I'm not 15 years old punk, and I'll give you fullest exemption via any "embarrassment" I might suffer at your awesomely skilled hands...said with almost a straight face;)

"Besides, I prefer to remain anonymous and not reveal my credentials in public. "
Whew!!..That's a relief...I've so few "credentials" to offer myself that I find it kind for you to nobly do such "sir" ROTFLMAO :lol: :lol: :lol: BTW: I'm assuming you to also be ex military..or I'd offer odds;)

"I would gladly share my world experiences with you over a brewsky"
Ummm...NO THANKS PUNK....I've flown/fought along side with, and certainly heard more actual Aviators in conversation than you can imagine...and I don't count you as being amongst the company of such, nor much worthy of listening to....

.How about "sharing your experiences" via a test of skills???? :lol: :shock:

IF you've insufficient nads for the task...kindly just shut tha' fugg up as per your imaginary abilities and skills...especially when affronting some "weaker and slower" old man :lol: :lol:

Callsign Cactus: ""I'd pit my airmanship/experience against yours any day pal. You being older only means your weaker and slower. Get over yourself."

EastUS: You're an utterly pathetic joke punk. Put up or shut up. If the 5-10 grand stakes put you running to momma....suggest your own. IF you're ex USAF/USN..then you do no service to a superior via your chickensh-t BS....nor embellish the resonance of Service, nor our "Fraternity"..unless you've the actual stones to back up your sorry BS>.....PERIOD. You've become, in fact, naught but a sorry/BS excuse for a "Momma's Boy"...so spare me the reference to your "experience" in ANY way...you pretty much just disgust me. No decent man affronts another without the willingness to back it up...PERIOD. I'm fine with backing it up, and I don't much like, nor have the slightest respect for "your sort".

Callsign Cactus: ""I'd pit my airmanship/experience against yours any day pal. You being older only means your weaker and slower. Get over yourself."
Callsign Cactus:"It was not a "challenge" oh great one "

Sigh..apparently NOT..it was just some utter PUNK running his AWA mouth off...Heavy Sigh: what's new?

And..the wager stays on the table;) ANY other "Badazzed" AWA "Tigers" out there?
Furloughed for a good chunk of your career huh?? Now you're upset and I understand that, suck it up man and move on. BTW what is your hire date at AAA, I wsh to show you something, you and hawk as well...

Given that you've some clear obsession with sheep...I'm not sure that anyone wants to see you "show you something" :lol: :lol: :lol: As for "suck it up" as you said...I'm not going there either..I'll leave you to personally play that with your ALpo "gods" in some properly circuitous setup;)

The bottom line AWA320..is simply that you're some 30 degree bank/"I'm a Pylut..just ask me" numb-nutts/found your ATP in a Cracker Jack box bozo that could only manage to get a job at AWA...no one on the east, fully properly, takes you as anything other than a total joke;)

PUH-LEEZE take mighty umbrage at my insults..and "call me out"....Pizzant;)

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