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Bullet Holes Found On Jet


I can assure you, if there are bullet holes in commercial airliners, employees did not put them there. Take a look are the surrounding areas of most airports. Many are located in very bad areas. It's possible the bullets came from some idiot who was firing a gun off airport property into the air.

As I understand it, this most recent incident was found to be not caused by bullets.

Listen, I put my body on airplanes 18 days a month. I have family responsibilites. If there was any question in my mind that flying on US Airways was one hair more dangerous than flying on any other carrier, I'd quit. I promise you that.

We have the best mechanics and pilots in the industry. I would not entrust my life to any less. I may not care for some persons point of view or their politics, or even their personality, but I stake my life every time I go work secure in the knowledge the planes I fly on are safe.

I hope you will look further into this. I wish I could provide the links, but I don't have them. I hope some of our mechanics can post the facts of the the MCO incident and it will put your mind at ease.

Employees are under a lot of stress now. There may be some venting on these boards and things said out of frustration of the moment. I know you understand.

I hope you will reconsider. You will be missed. The vast majority of employees value our customers and want to make this company suceed. If this airline is "shot down" it will happen in the boardroom, not on the line.

Under present circumstances, what happens if the general flying public reads this and thinks irate employees are putting bullet holes in USAIR planes?
Well then they would also have to believe the following:

* Employee concessions save airlines.
* US Airways will buy United Airlines next year in ICT/UCT.
* Airline employees are all losers who do nothing but argue and spread negativity.
* Airlines frequently casually discuss strategy with a pilot in New York prior to the shareholders or public.
* Either airline management or labor unions are the devil itself.
* I am a "dude."
* That this board holds any more weight than a middle school bathroom wall.


Oh, and they would also have to be interested enough in a failing airline to pay for access.
"I can assure you, if there are bullet holes in commercial airliners, employees did not put them there. "

How can you assure me of that? On what basis?
Thank you . . . and I agree (I hope I don't get fired by posting.)

We're not allowed to book US anymore (previously our no 1 carrier). I heard the bullet hole thing sent it over the edge for our CEO. I heard too that the CO rep said we'd get UG's and meals in Y to the west coast. We'll see, my next trip is next week and do they really serve a meal Newark - LA?. Someone in acctg said they got food. Well, I'll see.

Folks, I am your best supporter. God bless all of you.
Continental is indeed the last of the airlines to serve hot meals in coach on select domestic flights. Thier aircraft are clean, the service/IFE is great and there seems to be a general sharpness and quality to the airline. Continental Express is a consistent product, within itself and with the mainline. CO offers a variety of destinations nationwide and worldwide.

As an airline they really are more attractive if you have the choice, but you can't beat the people of US Airways (though as a former employee I am kind of biased to US). Hopefully you and your company will return, but I suspect a local newspapers reports of "bullet holes on planes" were not behind the decision (it was not widely reported at all). More likely, the constant shameless airing of dirty laundry, threats of liquidation, shrinking schedule, and increasingly inconsistent product from US were the cause. I doubt a few paper's reports of gunplay real or imagined, or jokes on a relatively obscure airline message board were the main reason for US's loss of your company's business.
Trip Confirmed said:
Under present circumstances, what happens if the general flying public reads this and thinks irate employees are putting bullet holes in USAIR planes?
well if thats the way it goes...what can we do about it?
why are we being singled out?
maybe the perp's should be persuaded to do it to others in the interest of fairnes??
after all its affecting our revenue....
EyeInTheSky said:
Its best to be Independent. The party line on both sides is "crossing the line." Still, Bush has had four years to do "his thing"...and look at us now. Sorry, time's up.
Another gem!!! Now George W is responsible for ALL the troubles in the airline industry, and U in particular!!! LOL, Some of you people really make me laugh. Actually, its sad to see such ignorance. GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!!

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