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Bruce Lakefield’s Weekly Message


May 18, 2003
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Bruce Lakefield’s weekly message recorded yesterday is encouraging. Lakefield speaks about Transformation Plan operational changes and the company’s performance.

To listen to his message call 800-873-2459 (800-US-DAILY) and then select prompt 4.

Best regards,

This phone # is for employees and is not suppose to be put up the internet for everyone to listen too.

Time to call Corporate. Hawk are you reading this?
With all due respect, the code-a-phone is available to the public and is a tool to communicate a message, regardless of whether or not it's for employees. When the company wants to deliver a personal message to employees they use regular mail, internal electronic messages, or personal communications.

Interestingly, it appears the Charlotte Observer already listens to the recorded message.

Click here for the story.

I'm surprised some of US Airways' employees do not understand this...on second thought...no I'm not.

Best regards,

700UW said:
This phone # is for employees and is not suppose to be put up the internet for everyone to listen too.

Chill dude. The whole world knows about this number, it's not like he is posting nuclear launch codes.

God forbid there should be any good news on this website. It is reserved for the naysayers and gloom-and-doomers. <_<
700UW said:
This phone # is for employees and is not suppose to be put up the internet for everyone to listen too.

Time to call Corporate.  Hawk are you reading this?
We all know it anyway.

You've got to pay to get on this site now if your not a founders club member. So not the whole internet is reading these posts, just us avation geeks.

We're all family here. One big happy dysfunctional family.

700UW said:
This phone # is for employees and is not suppose to be put up the internet for everyone to listen too.

Time to call Corporate.  Hawk are you reading this?

Don't worry employees will make up the cost of calls in round 4 thanks to 320
I doubt very highly anyone at corporate would care. Everyone in the media knows this number. Hell, WBT-AM radio in CLT has played audio clips of Lakefield's messages during news breaks. I doubt very much they put anything on that number they don't want the public to hear. As a matter of fact, they probably want them to use it.
USA320Pilot said:
With all due respect, the code-a-phone is available to the public and is a tool to communicate a message, regardless of whether or not it's for employees. When the company wants to deliver a personal message to employees they use regular mail, internal electronic messages, or personal communications.

I'm surprised some of US Airways' employees do not understand this...on second thought...no I'm not.


With no respect where does the public get the number that is so readily available the white or yellow pages?

Just curious does USAirways foot the bill to have any old yahoo pick up the phone and dial that number? Oh wait that would be employees footing the bill of a call to a number you so freely give out.
700...why are you so worried about the "800" phone number going public??. You should be worried about the "PUBLIC" reading what is posted here. Some of the things that gets posted here IMHO should NOT be open to the general public. To many different opinions posted by to many different opinionated people. Alot of it simply rumor or bad info, no matter who is posting it. Let them hear what Bruce has tho say rather then reading some of the false crap posted here by disgruntled employees!!!

Every company has it's "pot stirers"...and boy do we have them here.

Don't worry about the "800" number 700...I would be worried about the material here...if I was going to worry!!!!!! I believe this board and the material here open to the public can do much more damage to us then letting people here the tape. But then again, how would the "Know-it-alls" let everyone know how knowledgeable they are about the company and it's problems!!! That's important to alot of posters here you know!!!! If I was the general public reading the crap posted here...I probably would NEVER ride our airline...it's way to biased to the negative!! Some of the subjects talked about HERE, I don't think should be public knowledge!!!!!

Anyone feel the same way I do????

There is a certain fool factor here combined with many who would just like to see the airline fail for spite...they are sad, angry, & very unhappy individuals. They need professional help.

Feel sorry for them, I have a feeling no one else does. They probably do not have the courage to ask for help....

Flufdriver said:
700...why are you so worried about the "800" phone number going public??. You should be worried about the "PUBLIC" reading what is posted here...Some of the subjects talked about HERE, I don't think should be public knowledge!!!!!

Anyone feel the same way I do????
Flufdriver said:
700...why are you so worried about the "800" phone number going public??. You should be worried about the "PUBLIC" reading what is posted here.
Anyone feel the same way I do????

I feel the same about some postings shouldn't be made public but the point is is USAirways paying to have someone read this site and is it costing USAirways money for the public to call a 800 number meant for USAirways employees at a time they are struggling financially? If it was meant for the public why not have an option for it by calling the regular toll free reservation number?

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