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Bronner: Report Says Chairman Joked Re Us Airways


Jul 15, 2003
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I cannot beleive he joked at this...........We people working here their whole lives and he jokes......

"It's a whole lot cheaper for me to have the assets and start over than to have the liabilities," Bronner said. The newspaper said he joked that the remains of US Airways could be used to start a new carrier named "Bama Air" in tribute to his home state of Alabama.
You thought Delta Air Lines (nyse: DAL - news - people ) was having a lousy Thursday? Compare-and-contrast with US Airways Group (nasdaq: UAIR - news - people ). No two ways about it: US Air Chairman David Bronner said its unions must agree to $800 million in new wage and benefit cuts within 30 days or the airline might be liquidated. So reported The New York Times on Thursday, quoting Bronner, who not only fills the C-level post but runs a pension fund that has invested in the carrier. The fund, Retirement Systems of Alabama, sunk $240 million into US Air, an infusion that helped it emerge from bankruptcy. Bronner said that if cost-saving pacts could not be reached with employees before Sept. 30, he will not invest more money into the carrier. "Why would you put new money in, if they don't make a deal?" the chairman asked his interviewer, presumably rhetorically. Bronner then pointed out that he and other investors could well be better off if US Airways did indeed liquidate, as they could buy the carrier's aircraft, gates and routes dirt cheap--and wouldn't be belabored with labor contracts. "It's a whole lot cheaper for me to have the assets and start over, than to have the liabilities," he declared. The newspaper said the chairman then enjoyed a witticism on the matter. He joked that the remains of US Airways could be used to start a new carrier named "'Bama Air," in tribute to his home state of Alabama. But putting frivolity aside, he hastened to underscore that liquidation is "what you want to avoid." Meanwhile, at another troubled airline, United (otc: UALAQ - news - people ) said on Thursday in a bankruptcy court filing that it "likely" will be necessary to terminate and replace its employee pension plans. The carrier, led by Chief Executive Glenn Tilton, cited the size of further cost cuts, and the need to find bankruptcy-exit financing as reasons for such a drastic move. The filing comes a day before a federal bankruptcy court hearing on United's pension plans. More...
Look Ladies and Fellas, First, Alabama is a 3rd rate state, if that. Second, a Doctor of Philosophy who insist on the title being used is someone with a CHIP on their shoulder/something to prove. Trust me, real 'doctors' almost never use their title, unless of course it will get you 7pm table at French Laundry on a Saturday night. And last, USAirways is a loser airline. Now, bear with me here, I'm not saying we are losers ourselves. Quite the contrary. We have done everything we can to make this work, though this writing has been on the wall for a decade and a half.

Tomorrow you'll go to work and survive another day. Surviving is one thing, thriving is another. The essence of your existence should be striving to thrive. Get out...no more excuses...turn off the cable, sell the car, the house, tighten your belts. School is starting RIGHT NOW. Take Anatomy, Physiology and Microbioloy. Take IT courses. DO IT NOW.

I'm sure we all agree that power can be a nasty individual and money is worse,
though we wish for both. David Bronner has them, you don't. But you do have resources the good Doctor doesn't...a vivid history of this company. And there is almost nothing there to indicate that this situation is going to improve. It most certainly will never go away...think about it...do you want to deal with this crap ad infinitum? Yes, there will be other stuff to deal with, but maybe, if we make truly informed choices about whats to come, we will never have to deal with this great a drama again. For all of us involved it truly is epic.

So, let the man make his wishes come true, for surely another discounter cant be detrimental. And a discounter with the name 'bama air' will surely survive and prosper. To hell with you JetB and VirginA. Who says you have a patent on style and panache.? 'Bama air will own the skies. Who is this f#####g idiot? Yes, he has very deep pockets but his obligation to the Ethel and Moe trumps our card. Money is king and he holds the checkbook.

I took the f/a seperation. Hardest decision of my life. But, I can tell you one thing, it is so much better being an interested bystander as opposed to an interested party.

Take care all. I love so many of you and I LOVED this company sometime ago. But sometime ago is also when I loved if, but, maybe, could and should.

I never posted much, but don't forget that there are alot of 'newbies' out there who don't.

For those of you who choose to stay, hang tough and vote no.

How true. O how true. It is so sad when the almighty dollar rules one's life. All I am asking for is to provide for my family. I am happy with just enough money to pay bills, feed my kids, and put some away for their future.

I saw it coming a few months after being recalled and have prepared for the unemployment line once again. This time I want it to last longer just to be able to get help with tuition to complete my Master's. On the other hand, I am looking for job opportunities that look very promising. By no means am I nor my coworkers sitting idle.

Bronner is a man losing it. No one with any business sense would incite the employees the way he did with his comments. Where I come from one good turn deserves another.
You know Doc, at the risk of being candid - " What goes around comes around".

People who are greedy and uphold the almighty dollar as their god are in the end very unhappy and miserable individuals. You can't buy happiness or respect and in a way I feel sorry for those individuals who think they can. I may be poor and struggling but at least I know happiness. It is in my family and friends. Money cannot buy either.

I am tired and going to bed. Good night.
PineyBob said:
There we go with the sense of "Entitlement" again. No one evey forced an employee to "work here their whole lives" it was that employees choice. Sorry to say but Dr. Bronner can and may well do exactly what he said.

Consider if you will the fact that load factors are way way up! Especially in GoFare cities. If the public supported you and your unions the opposite would be true. One of the key reasons the public in general doesn't support unions in general is most people resent the sense of entitlement that prevails. That somehow by virtue of the fact that you showed up on time, did your job, that somehow you are "Entitled" to lifetime employment, That the "Company" owes you something. Did your payroll checks clear the bank? Then you got what you're "entitled" to. Don't even tell me "they violated this or that in the contract" Until and unless a court or arbitration panel says so then US Airways has fulfilled it's obligation to you. They OWE you NOTHING and conversely you don't OWE them a thing either.
You dont get it do you?
Were talking about our live's, were talking about our livelihoods, were talking about giving our families the best that we can give them and then you come on to this board and defend DR Bigmouth and speak of entitlement.

Why dont you entitle your ### off this board and off this airline, we dont need you and we sure the hell dont want you especially knowing that we the employees are down and you come in a kick us when were at our most vulnerable.

I have a reason to be here, what's your reason Bob? Better yet what gives you the right to tell us what we are and are not entitled to? So what you fly US Air, so do thousands of other individuals but you dont see them coming onto this forum and tell us what were entitled to.

Bob, you like to voice your opinion well heres mine. LEAVE US ALONE! God you pish me off.
hell no, pineydoes not get it..

he not employed here.

stupied comments....let db deal with this-now he understands,maybe what WE arefeeling..then again not!
golden1 said:
hell no, pineydoes not get it..

he not employed here.

stupied comments....let db deal with this-now he understands,maybe what WE arefeeling..then again not!
DB understand's, if he didnt understand he wouldnt be so frustrated with this situation and wouldnt be spending so much time and energy on U.

DB himself said he hates to lose, well guess what were all losing.
Misery loves company Dr B... glad you could join us.
colorado_cowboy said:
You dont get it do you?
Were talking about our live's, were talking about our livelihoods, were talking about giving our families the best that we can give them and then you come on to this board and defend DR Bigmouth and speak of entitlement.

Why dont you entitle your ### off this board and off this airline, we dont need you and we sure the hell dont want you especially knowing that we the employees are down and you come in a kick us when were at our most vulnerable.

I have a reason to be here, what's your reason Bob? Better yet what gives you the right to tell us what we are and are not entitled to? So what you fly US Air, so do thousands of other individuals but you dont see them coming onto this forum and tell us what were entitled to.

Bob, you like to voice your opinion well heres mine. LEAVE US ALONE! God you pish me off.

What you have to understand is Bob is like static heard on AM radio, we call it white noise. We hear it but don't hear it, in other words, it's there but we tune it out with our brain filters. I have had my rounds with Bob on here, he has his good points and then at times you would like to back hand him when he gets heady.

Bob is Bob and basically a harmless big fuzzy furry ball, right Bobby?
cavalier said:
What you have to understand is Bob is like static heard on AM radio, we call it white noise. We hear it but don't hear it, in other words, it's there but we tune it out with our brain filters. I have had my rounds with Bob on here, he has his good points and then at times you would like to back hand him when he gets heady.

Bob is Bob and basically a harmless big fuzzy furry ball, right Bobby?
Your right and Ive been here long enough to know Bob is out for Bob as to why I let him get to me so early in the morning is beyond me.

Truth is my days at U are numbered, Ive gotta another job paying me as much as Im making with U. Ive been waiting for this company to call me for the past 6 months and I finally received the call a few days ago.

Excuse me while I go clean up the mess my cat just made, I think you referred to it as a Bob.... or a fur ball if you will. Either way it irritates your stomach and makes you want to throw up.
Well Cav, that white noise one day will end, I would be afraid when it does. You guys are getting ready for a nasty wake up call. The youll truely have a reason to complain!
usfliboi said:
Well Cav, that white noise one day will end, I would be afraid when it does. You guys are getting ready for a nasty wake up call. The youll truely have a reason to complain!

Colorado and myself will have been long gone before the decibel level reaches maximum output, you see, the both of us saw the future and prepared accordingly, did you?
Bronner says, "It's a whole lot cheaper for me to have the assets and start over than to have the liabilities." The newspaper said he joked that the remains of US Airways could be used to start a new carrier named "Bama Air" in tribute to his home state of Alabama.

Now why doesn't this surprise any of us ?

As your history says, there is life after the fall. You rose from the ashes, no matter how unpleasant it was at the time.

I expect nothing less from the fine people that work at this company. Will the process be fun? Probably not, but they'll rise from the ashes too.
