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BREAKING NEWS: US Airways Election Dates Announced!

MIA is mainline, when US opened up their FLL Focus City they moved maintenance from MIA to FLL.

UA and CO have nothing to do with this thread or topic, there is a UA board for that.

And it was negotiated by the IAM and UA and approved by the members.

Ok, MIA is one of the many stations that closed. Care to address the others? Didn't US downsize BOS back in March 2010 when they closed pilot, F/A bases, and ended most (all?) Caribbean flying? In years past I always saw more US aircraft along Harborside Dr as you exit the airport but no so many now.

Ok, MIA is one of the many stations that closed. Care to address the others? Didn't US downsize BOS back in March 2010 when they closed pilot, F/A bases, and ended most (all?) Caribbean flying? In years past I always saw more US aircraft along Harborside Dr as you exit the airport but no so many now.


Not sure what downsizing BOS has to do with the IAM? You just mentioned that they cut the crew base, they're not IAM. If I recall back to that time, or sometime around then I think the mx headcount went up (or at least stayed the same) due to more 190 work going out there...
Every airline has the right to run their business and determine staffing levels.
Happy IAM 4th Travis!


Andy Marshall is a glorified and overpaid Teamster official drawing at least three salaries and three pension contributions.

He is the Principal Officer of Teamsters Local 104 in Phoenix Arizona (2011 salary: $131,118), Secretary-Treasurer of Joint Council 3 (2012 salary: $13,400) and Chairman of the Western Region Teamsters National Negotiating Committee (2012 salary: $42,973). His three salaries totaled $187,491, not including his three pension contributions and other perks.

His performance as principal officer and secretary-treasurer of both Local 104 and Joint Council 3 are nothing to brag about. As secretary-treasurer, Mr. Marshall has had a very difficult time balancing the check books of Local 104 and Joint Council 3.

For instance in 2011, Local 104 began the year with Net Assets of $1,010,389, under Marshall’s leadership it concluded the year with total Net Assets of $808,306. It’s to say, he overspent $202,083 of the members money without their consent.

As Secretary-Treasurer of Joint Council 3, Mr. Marshall spent $12,526 more than he took in for the year 2012.
This is what his UPS represented employees have said about him:

Our union leaders and representatives at Local 952 have invited us to see Mr. Marshall speak and try to convince us on voting YES on this subpar UPS TA. But as you can see, Mr. Marshall’s leadership and performance has been more than questionable.

America West Mechanics and their contract was a piece of crap since the merger till now the former West mechanics have gotten a 33% raise, not counting improvements in sick time, pension (which they didn’t have), benefits, work rules, holidays and many other items.

His own local has 53 Duty of Fair Representation charges against him see here:

700 you have been BASHING Andy Marshall for years calling him all sorts of names.

Quote 700uw: Posted 18 February 2013 - 08:27 PM

What about Andy Marshal, the UPS package delivery driver who was your main rep and contract negotiator who wasnt even an HP employee nor an aircraft mechanic?

Quote 700uw: Andy Marshall is a glorified and overpaid Teamster official drawing at least three salaries and three pension contributions.

Looks like Mr Marshall moved up with the IBT and you have not other that a IAM paid internet watch dog (IAM STOOGE TO TWIST and MISLEAD) for them.

Some what looks as if your jealous of the accomplishments of a man who put in his time at different positions and gets paid for his work.

Quote 700uw: America West Mechanics and their contract was a piece of crap since the merger till now the former West mechanics have gotten a 33% raise, not counting improvements in sick time, pension (which they didn’t have), benefits, work rules, holidays and many other items.

700 you compare a IBT AWA 1998 contract to today 15 years ago and at the time of the merger AWA AMT's made more money than US AIR AMT's we had unlimited sick time and full pay for sick we also lost holidays. If you give us some of what we lost by going into the IAM POS contract, (That YOU help screw up). I don't CALL THAT improvements and we are still the lowest paid AMT's in the Major Airlines.

As a note: This was the first contract we at AWA had ever had as a UNION group back in 1998 as we were non-union before the IBT.
As we all know the IBT was in contract negotiations for our second contract at the time of the merger.

So get your facts straight 700uw and quit the TWISTING and the MISLEAD of the facts.
Keep making up lies, I dont get paid by the IAM or anyone to be in the internet.

And the facts and figures posted were from the IBT LM-2s, cant lie about those figures, yet you change and try to avoid the issues at hand.

And the average increase was 33% since 2055 for the former HP mechanics, you know have a sick bank which you didnt have, and also a pension that you didnt have and scope language which you didnt have.

AA mechanics make less and you just got another 3% raise, the IAM bankruptcy CBA was better than your IBT cba, ever.

Look at the pre-chapter 11 CBAs and they kicked any CBA the IBT had, with workrules, pay, benefits and etc...

The ATSB didnt demand concessions from any HP employees after 9/11 for you to get the ATSB loan, as they said your wages were at the bottom of the industry anyhow, those are facts.

Now call Andy and find out what to post next.
A little birdie told me something at work the other day.

It seems that Andy Marshall, and Al Hemeneway might be getting a visit from the Federal Authorities.

Seems confidential information was obtained from US Airways and given to the IBT about all the furloughed employees.

The ibt organizers who visited their homes, had their new US Airways Employee numbers, funny those members were laidoff anywhere from 1999 to 2005, and never received new employee numbers from US Airways after the merger, yet the ibt had all their information, address, where they worked, where they were laid-off from and other personal and confidential information that came from US Airways personnel files.

Wonder how Andy and Al will look in orange, since it is a crime to obtain that information from the company.

Some of the furloughed employees are contacting authorities about it.
The Teamsters will stop at nothing. This does not surprise me. I wonder what information the Teamsters acquired during the AA card drive? They get caught and continue to do illegal things. I wonder if this will affect the current election at USAir? If information was obtained illegally how could it be allowed for an election to move forward. Again if this latest claim is true.

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