'Bravo' ......... pure and simple !

I saw that. Could not stop grinning as I read the article. That must have chapped some hides in ISIS.
And republicans wonder why they have a problem with the female vote?  The two women on the panel did not even take those two misogynistic pigs to task either.  Shame on them.
Open letter from the Truman National Security Project
Thus the skill of women as fighter pilots is well established. And before you jump to the standby excuse that you were “just making a joke” or “having a laugh,” let the men amongst our number preemptively respond: You are not funny. You are not clever. And you are not excused. Perhaps the phrase “boys will be boys”—inevitably uttered wherever misogyny is present—is relevant. Men would never insult and demean a fellow servicemember; boys think saying the word ‘boobs’ is funny.
Reading that letter it would seem that these two morons really hit a nerve.  
I'm guessing you didn't see the on-air apologies Bolling did? Yeah, didn't think so. It was a dumb comment and a play on words.

War on women? Why is it that Fox has more 3x more women headliners than CNN, MSNBC, or any of the OTA networks do?
Yep. Saw both of them. I'm guessing you did not read the letter from the vets. I agree with them regarding the sincerity of the apology.

Really. 3 x more? Anything to back that up. I just looked for a few min and cannot find a single thing to support it. A few news anchors does not negate all the legislation against women. Look at the poll results. Romney lost the female vote by over 20%. There is a reason for that. This video is an example of the GOP mentality toward women. Watch it and learn from their mistakes. Your justification of the comment leans me to believe you have not learned the lesson.
Ms Tree said:
Yep. Saw both of them. I'm guessing you did not read the letter from the vets. I agree with them regarding the sincerity of the apology.

Really. 3 x more? Anything to back that up. I just looked for a few min and cannot find a single thing to support it. A few news anchors does not negate all the legislation against women. Look at the poll results. Romney lost the female vote by over 20%. There is a reason for that. This video is an example of the GOP mentality toward women. Watch it and learn from their mistakes. Your justification of the comment leans me to believe you have not learned the lesson.
Ms Tree's hero.
(Warning ADULT language)
Typical stupid. loud, foul mouthed libtard.
Excuse me but is there a formal Declaration of War? Anywhere? Between any country? BTW, When did you become a Facist Neo-Con? Hmmm, or were you one masquearading as a Progressive that believes as long as your guy is ordering the bombing then it's OK?
Failing a formal Declaration of war the pilot committed murder. Pure and simple. No different then the ISIS folks.
Ms Tree said:
Really. 3 x more? Anything to back that up. I just looked for a few min and cannot find a single thing to support it. A few news anchors does not negate all the legislation against women. Look at the poll results. Romney lost the female vote by over 20%. There is a reason for that. This video is an example of the GOP mentality toward women. Watch it and learn from their mistakes. Your justification of the comment leans me to believe you have not learned the lesson.
Ms Tree said:
Still incapable of addressing the issues.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
You are nothing but a propaganda spewing liberal, THAT is the issue I am addressing. 
Ms Tree said:
More of nothing. When all else fails, just spew insults and hope people get distracted.
You engage in a conversation about some imaginary "war on women", then when I post a video of a feminazi in action I am only "distracting" people from the issue.
The issue is you are a double standard libtard douche that only accepts what supports your agenda. 
SparrowHawk said:
Excuse me but is there a formal Declaration of War? Anywhere? Between any country? BTW, When did you become a Facist Neo-Con? Hmmm, or were you one masquearading as a Progressive that believes as long as your guy is ordering the bombing then it's OK?
Failing a formal Declaration of war the pilot committed murder. Pure and simple. No different then the ISIS folks.
When a nation decides to engage in an act of war sans a formal declaration then that nation is no different morally than ISIS.
Or it that to hard to grasp?