Well, I think many on here are too quick to lay the blame for his predecessors upon the feet of Mr Lakfield. That is not quite fair IMO.
As for Mr.Lakefield, I guess the main criticism I have heard is that he has not implemented his plans sooner. I have not heard much of a beef with the restructure plan (other than towrds pay/rules cuts).
Other than that I think it comes down to fustration with negotiations.
Well, I am quite sure that it takes two to tango in that regard. One glaring example is the unwillingess of the IAM to even come to the table. <_<
If you (the company) had that kind of response from IAM, would you not think that the leverage of bankruptcy was your best option too...? You cannot fix this company's issues without addressing the situation at IAM also. That was one of the massive problems with Metrojet, that besides cheaper pilots, it really had all of the same issues the remainder of mainline had.
Why go through that mistake again...?
Peace B)