OgieJFK said:
"Putting people in technical and leadership positions they are not qualified for is wrong"...Once again that isn't a seniority issue it is a management issue. Being senior will get them first shot at the spot but they still have to pass the CC test. That test is given by AA management and not the TWU.
I have never seen the crew chief test but I have seen some awfully stupid ass people put into crew chief positions. If that test has such a low standard that it allows the company to put unqualified people in positions of authority then the UNION should damn well get involved. Yet, they never did, at least not where I worked.
OgieJFK said:
You can sit there all day and tell me how union you are but the some of the stuff you've typed on this web forum is anti-union. I'm glad you're anti-TWU as you should be since being laid off by AA with the TWU's help. I forgot but was it AA or the TWU that you tried to get retraining from but was denied since the program only applied to AMTs? As for the AMP....I've never heard of them. If it was setup exactly like AMFA is then signing a card means crap cause you were a FSC.
Everybody on here has their own idea of what UNION really is. In my opinion UNIONS have lost their way. They have become more about pushing a political agenda than representing their members. You should not fault me because my definition of UNION is not the same as yours. The truth is if UNIONS are going to survive in the private sector they need to reinvent themselves.
I am not upset I got laid off. It was hardly unexpected. I made plans long before I got laid off to leave AA anyway. I will not go into detail why I am upset with the TWU on open forums. If you are curious send me a PM and I will explain to you why I feel the way I do.
You are incorrect about the retraining. The retraining was a government program designed for workers who's jobs were impacted by offshoring of jobs. I actually worked hands on many of the aircraft American outsourced. The fact is they did not
JUST offer it to the AMT's. They offered it to alot of workers, including people from Temp Services. I know this for a fact because they made training available for employees of Accounting Principles which ironically is how I got my start at American Airlines. So American Airlines saw fit to retrain paper pushers that worked for a temp service but saw no need to retrain it's own employees that actually had hands on aircraft. The TWU did not do a damn thing because they don't care. They were happy to be rid of Fleet. After all why would a mechanics local care about 108 FSC's?
AMP was a grass roots effort to start a UNION of
ONLY American Airlines employees. I honestly think having a UNION of
ONLY American Airlines employees is a better way to go than
A, but
A is what is gaining steam.
OgieJFK said:
As for supporting AMFA on this forum it might get you a couple of thumbs up but you support them in name only. You've stated repeatably on these forums you don't believe in seniority and better benefits (PENSIONS) are a dirty word. One of the big things that AMFA (really any good union) tries to get for their membership and you seem to be against it by most of you're recent post. Going by your post i'm not assuming anything about you. You've wrote it, you live with it.
I can only support them in name that is true. But that is better than say 700UW, who comes on here and criticizes them. I think everybody on here pretty much knows I say whatever I think regardless of if it is popular or not. If I say I support
A you should believe me and not criticize my support.
I think seniority acts as a form of entrapment. The reason AA mechanics do not go to work somewhere else is because of the "GOLDEN HANDCUFFS" of seniority. Seniority would be much better if it was portable to other carriers. I am hoping eventually
A will make that possible. Then if airlines want
GOOD mechanics they will have to compete for them instead of just cutting pay and benefits because they know most likely their experienced mechanics are seniority locked and are not going anywhere. I also do not like seeing obviously unqualified people getting positions or jobs because of seniority. What can I say? I have had bad experiences because of it.
I do not believe in public sector UNIONS in any form. A group of employees withholding vital tax funded services from a community until there demands are met in my eyes is wrong. Nothing anybody can say on here will convince me otherwise. Public UNIONs only exist to fund the Democratic Party.
I would not say I am against pensions in the private sector, I would say I do not support them in the public sector when the government shows no ability to control costs. Forcing a taxpayer to pay for someone else's retirement that is superior to their own (in a declining economy mind you) in my eyes is wrong. 401k is the new standard and is in a lot of ways superior to a pension. The government needs to adopt it as well. I am not saying to take pensions away or freeze them for people already on them, I am saying that new government employees should be migrated to 401k. I feel I have a right to criticize public pensions when I am involuntarily funding them for an irresponsible government.
You should also consider that for a long time the only reason people stayed at American Airlines was for the Pension, would it not have been better if their retirement was portable?
OgieJFK said:
Truthfully, I'm glad not to be in a union with guys like you anymore with the anti-labor/union thoughts. You'd fit in real well with most of the people at JFK cargo. Instead of knocking what other union people are getting and bringing them down to the AA TWU pay and benefits grow a pair and start fighting to rise up to what they are getting.
I am sorry you feel that way. I do not feel I am anti-labor/UNION. It is a UNIONs function to collectively bargain and enforce contracts, it is not their function to support laziness, stupidity, and political agendas.
I apologize if I have said anything to offend you. That was not my intent. I honestly think you have me all wrong though.