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BOS,LGA,andLAS bases to close in 2010

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US Airways does not fly any of those routes

That's a little bit of apples to oranges - other than the Shuttle and hub flights, US mainline non-stop service at BOS is basically non-existent except for Caribbean flights. US sends most of their non-Shuttle BOS passengers through one of the hubs or through LGA/DCA via Shuttle flights. B6 has a lot of point-to-point service from BOS - I guess you could call BOS a mini-hub or focus city for them. Anyway, if you look at markets (city pairs) instead of non-stop flights, B6 is expanding service in several markets where it competes with US.

Then there's the Caribbean. Look at the non-stop service B6 has between BOS and the Caribbean that didn't exist even 2 years ago. It's hard to argue that that growth by B6 hasn't had any influence on US' drawdown of non-stop Caribbean service from BOS.

That's exactly what they said about every other station closing ........If DP's lips are moving.......well you know the rest. :lol:

Don't forget about boy wonder! Does he ever say anything important? Reminds me of the old E.F Hutton commercial in a strange way. " When E.F. Hutton speaks.... everyone listens." to "When boy wonder speaks... everyone wants to puke."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but when the Old US went into Chapter 22, didn't all executives over a certain level also take an across-the-board paycut? I am not a fan of across-the-board paycuts; I think that picking off your under-performers is the far better solution.......but at least during Chapter 22 all employees could at least feel like they were in it together.

CH-22? Ok, good one, SS255! I had to think on that. Too much ozone. Parker and Co take a pay cut? When pigs fly free! Wait, we already did that. Or was that when Swine Flu for nothing? (Is that an old stale joke?)

I figured that LCC would get more gate space in DCA as part of the deal, but PHX has 4 huge concourses at the disposal of LCC to operate its 250 flights. DCA will be a nightmare of epic proportions.

230 out of DCA? That much expansion? B-Boy had a current number of 65 or so. I haven't flown out of DCA in years, but as I remember, it never was a hub and spoke, just constant coming and going. 230 is 13 ops an hour. Maybe they can handle 230 a day that way.

Aside, notice how the E/W pilot board dried up? Too bad it took this bad news to do it. Time to circle the wagons and not for a circular firing squad. Shoot out, not in.

Two words...Harry Reid

Here's six words back at ya: "Harry Reid for another 15 months." But good point until then.
Furthermore, the House and Senate have legislation headed to Conference Committee that is expected to lift the DCA perimeter rule in 2010. Once this occurs Doug Parker indicated in a recent Crew News session that US Airways will fly from DCA to West Coast cities, which is expected to further increase the company's RASM.

If this happens you have to believe that US will face stiff competition from UA, AA, AS. Essentially the west coast routes may not be the gold mine people think they will be when facing competition from 2 or 3 other carriers.
If this happens you have to believe that US will face stiff competition from UA, AA, AS. Essentially the west coast routes may not be the gold mine people think they will be when facing competition from 2 or 3 other carriers.

If DCA is able to do coast to coast, you can bet that UAL will put 3 class P.S. on those routes ASAP.
I work for another US carrier(not CAL), very sorry about the announcement. I've been furloughed 2x so i know how it feels.Is AFA offfering leaves first before actual furloughs? Will the crews from closed bases get to transfer to other bases? I commute on US and everyone's been great. Really appreciate it. When AE closed the Boston base, fas were offered slots in other bases. I hope the same can work out at US.
Take care.
Even if they lift the perimeter restriction, the number of slots will likely not be increased. Therefore, airlines would have to use existing slots for coast to coast service.
But in the last 2 years it seems the workforce to be "overseen" has shrunk quite dramatically, but the size of (mis)management has increased. It would seem that if there are fewer employees to manage, you shouldn't need as many managers to do it! Maybe they should trim some of the management fat to trim the payroll down. Getting rid of some upper/middle management isn't personal..."Even though these are difficult decisions, which we don't take lightly, it's just business and needs to be done for the betterment of the company and it's future".



Common man get with the program! In these difficult economic times we need to start giving out retention bonuses to keep all of the talented vice presidents and directors here because they are doing such a bang up job. We wouldn't want them to leave and go to some other airline with all of the majors hiring at the moment!

If this happens you have to believe that US will face stiff competition from UA, AA, AS. Essentially the west coast routes may not be the gold mine people think they will be when facing competition from 2 or 3 other carriers.

US wouldn't face much if any competition from neither, AS, UA nor AA.
UA has the IAD hub which is where they need to take their people to. UA only has 16 DCA slots and one is dedicated to DEN (beyond perimeter that might or might not be required to stay depending on the law passed). They have to compete in DEN so they would need to put more flights there. I'm sure it ticks them off F9 has 3 DEN-DCA slots and they only have one. And then maybe they can add a flight or two to SFO and/or LAX. But they would have to put from the 15 ORD slots. They can't compete with US and 229 slots.

AS only has 3 slots in total, 2-SEA & 1-LAX on a 737. AS can't do anything at all but try to hold on to the 1 LAX slot that they have and try to keep subleasing the DCA gate space that they currently have.

AA has about 59 DCA slots and they are properly deployed throughout their hubs. They would have to pull some capacity from their hubs where they face competition. ORD they compete with UA so UA could add more capacity if AA drops flights.
AA competes with US on the DFW, BOS, BNA, RDU 8MIA, & soon MIA routes. US could add more capacity on the STL route or on the competing routes. AA has higher operating costs that US so AA would have a hard time competing.

If the restrictions are lifted it would definitely give US a bunch of cash with flights to SMF, SEA, SAN, AUS, LAX, SFO, SJU & more Caribbean flights.
They can't compete with US and 229 slots.

And how many of those 229 are "commuter" slots? (As an aside, the DOT is guaranteed to be taking a long look at that many slots in one carrier's hands. Remember that it was the concentration of market power @ DCA that shot down the UA/US merger and the DL deal would give US a larger share of the market than that merger would have given US/UA.)

Well USairways is YET AGAIN shooting themselves in the foot. BOS and LGA are major US cities and US just cant and WONT compete. Always has been a TIER II airline, now they just moved to TIER III. Just handed over yet another major operation to another carrier. GOOD FOR JB. They know how to run an airline. US never has known and NEVER will. SO SAD! 😛h34r: :down:
This is so true! If we can compete with SWA in PHX and PHL.. why couldn't we have done the same against B6 in BOS?? At one time.. not too long ago we were the dominant carrier in BOS. No one even heard of JetBlue. Delta moved into a new terminal and Jetblue took over all their old gates and started p2p service. They didn't have a hub there but they went ahead anyway with a great product and expanded while we cut back. I keep forgetting we're US in name only.. this is really America West trying to compete on the east coast and doing poorly. DCA only works marginally because no one else can get in. :down:
Will Airlines Like the Disappearance of the Perimeter Rule in Washington?

See Story

This bill was introduced on June 8, 2009 and is in the first step in the legislative process. Introduced bills and resolutions first go to committees that deliberate, investigate, and revise them before they go to general debate. The bill has been read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.


Not a word from VP Inflight Mr. Adler .... Nice!

LGA received "scripted" phone calls (most of which went to VM) saying that they wanted to let us know first, before we found out from "other sources".

I received my call at 2:30pm.... 2 hours AFTER the Press Release... Nice!

Now we move on.... LGA, is a fun little base and will miss it dearly!

Don't go pissing on Hector. He is the best thing to happen to US Airways in a long time. He spent A LOT of time in LGA AND BOS< FYI!!
And how many of those 229 are "commuter" slots? (As an aside, the DOT is guaranteed to be taking a long look at that many slots in one carrier's hands. Remember that it was the concentration of market power @ DCA that shot down the UA/US merger and the DL deal would give US a larger share of the market than that merger would have given US/UA.)


Jim if not mistaken after 9/11 those slots were tranfered to a "Force Majer" transaction and is why Airways is still allowed to fly only 44 Airways aircraft slots including the Shuttle without losing slots. If this deal is approved (DL/US transaction) and there is another merger attempt with UA why could it not go through this time around after a DL monopoly in the NYC market was already approved? Also remember ironically the Supreme court shot down DL's lawsuit at the Port Authority in '86 after their merger with Western where DL wanted LGA/SLC flights and the High Court basically said the PANYNJ Authority basically was a "club" and all airlines in this club had to abide by their rules.
Folks I'm going to put one warning in here on the board rules posted at the top of the forum. Please read before posting. Suspensions have been given for violations. We are serious about this.
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