You are 100% correct! AMFA is not the answer BUT it is the tool we are using to take back control of our union and correct 50 years of backsliding in our craft. We suffer today due to ever increasing levels of lapdog unionism by people who have no vested interest in our craft or our future. These industrial unionist worry only about dues collection to feed bloated bureaucracies and about retaining power and control firmly in the hands of an unelected, unrecallable, and in fact untouchable elite of appointed for life insiders.
The death of industrial unionism is mandated by the very fact they crush any opinion other than what the unelected elite dictate. There is no opposition with industrial unionism because the structure prevents it. Without a diverse opinion any organization will fail. The small voice of opposition is where greatness starts. Deny this avenue of change and your organization will stagnate on tunnel vision.
AMFA is not "the answer"... AMFA is us! We get to decide! We choose our future and choose how best to get there. The simplistic power of this concept is lost till you experience it. What these people really mean when they say, "AMFA will fail (or has failed)" is confirm the fact they think we are not worthy to control our own future... because there is NO AMFA... AMFA is US!
Leaving the smoothering clutches of an industrial union that only sees you as a meal ticket to be maniplulated and spun with fear and rhetoric is like drowning in a puddle only to realize all you had to do is stand-up and walk away to breathe freely. Stand Free and use AMFA to find real change in how we are treated, respected, and rewarded for our contributions to the exceptional level of airworthiness and safety our companies utilize to conduct business!