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Be careful guys!

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I have never understood people that find glee or pleasure out of tattle telling. I find the whole thing to be so childish and juvenile.

We are supposed to be adults and that kind of thing should be beneath us.

It's a far different thing from being a whistler blower because of safety violations than some kind of petty bs like walking off the plane with an entire liquor kit. Whoops..I didn't mean that. :lol:

Anyway, no kidding aside......folks stop wasting everyone's time and energy over silly ####. We have bigger fish to fry.
Bigger fish is right! I can think of one AFA Blue Whale in particular. I hope the Superfresh in South PHL has enough Dixie Fry. 😉 ^_^ I guess my basket of Hush Puppies will come first and would give me less gas.
Not today. Take a number....we will try again tomorrow? 😛
WOW....here I was confused. Thanks for the update. If you hold your breath you may get something substantial. Like a fourtune cookie...you never know. PS, what flew up your koolots? Gees.
🙄 Boring. I could but it would require something that retaines my interest. Which this doesn't. This subject is about someone that lost their job because some busy body turned them in. Well, my only suggestion is to stop putting out your business for all to read. It hurts any grievance they may have, if any. That better?
🙄 Boring. I could but it would require something that retaines my interest. Which this doesn't. This subject is about someone that lost their job because some busy body turned them in. Well, my only suggestion is to stop putting out your business for all to read. It hurts any grievance you may have, if any. That better?
I guess your 'interest" was diverted. Much better.

I apologize if I came off too pissy-I just didn't see how some things applied to the original poster. Sorry.
God it's like being in a relationship. I will go sit in my corner and ponder now. LOL Sleep tight! Really, I think this whole thread was a bait. Just for something to yap at. I hope I am wrong but I think everyone was baited into nonsense. Even if you catch someone drinking you give them the option to call out sick before you pick up the phone to turn them in. Unless they so something unimaginable, be quiet.
Nobody likes tattletalers! Just ask Cyndy! :lol: That type of behavior is very immature and it's just not cool! I vote that we close this thread. It serves no real purpose.
Look, unless you witness someone doing something that truly compromises your safety or the safety of passengers I don't see what turning someone in does for the person doing the snitching. I don't care whether right or wrong nobody likes a snitch. You WILL snitch on the wrong person at some point in time and your ruined. It's like the kid that would go to the teacher and tell her Billy or Susie is chewing gum in class. It's those kind of kids that got their rumps kicked after school. Bottom line is if they aren't hurting YOU have a talk with the person to correct the situation. Jobs are hard to come by these days. With all this being said, don't put yourself in a position of getting busted for something ya know is wrong and you won't have to worry about a snitch turning you in.
It would be helpful if the OP filled us in on the details.

I agree with the above posters-take a problem to the union first.

If they don't take it to the union they may not want to work within the system and may be trying to make a name for themselves.

These people should be identified.

Let us know. Knowledge is power.
This has been happening at America West for years!
Flight Attendants writing up gate agents, and vica versa. Not cool.. Very rarely does an FA write another FA, when they do, it spreads like wild fire!!!! Not cool..
Furthermore. Be careful, like everyone has said in the past, the Company DOES READ THESE BOARDS!!
I agree with an early posters comments with the alcohol issue. PLEASE.... Don't show up in your uniform ready to jumpseat when a flight is full, and you have been drinking prior to the flight. Or even well non-reving in and out of uniform, complete ignorance!
Don't put yourself and other employees in a bad place.
That being said, please don't fear US WEST FA's, we are not out to get anyone! PLEASE GO TO PRO STANDARDS with AFA 66, or any East AFA MEC. Not cool to rat on each other!! :down: :down: :angry:
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