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Be careful guys!

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I've heard that the west (especially flight attendants) write everybody up for anything and everything. I pray that the pilots' mess forces a separate operation at least for the next several years so I don't have to deal with the west flight attendants. They sound like a bunch of (edited.)

Well you heard wrong, busdriver.
I can assure u not all f/a's in phx are write up happy... there are tons of bad apples EVERYWHERE, but def. not ALL or even a majority is write up happy, I guess cuz I started out east I share the same mentalities as NEVER write up a fellow f/a.... makes me sick too to think someone would do this. I hope u will grieve this matter if in fact u have grounds to get your job back. To ALL f/a's: GO TO PROF. STANDARDS IF U HAVE AN ISSUE!!! I wish we could find out who this scum bag is and be on the look out....there is 1 f/a that I know of that is also involved w/ the union as a grievance rep. and has and WILL write up fellow f/a's. He got 1 west f/a fired over something the beg. of april. To my east brothers/sisters please don't assume we or even most are like that, it's the complete opposite.
Well you heard wrong, busdriver.

Based on the posts on this thread, I don't think so.

And a question for anyone here to answer:

Doesn't the AFA have a professional standards committee. If you west f/a's feel a need to snitch on your fellow workers, why not tell the union first? Or does that not adequately massage those egos in desperate need to feel superior?
Snitching occurs in every workplace everywhere around the world. Watch yourself because there is always a snitch. The snitch is ubiquitous.

Okay. As long as we're on this subject, can anyone tell me why there is a culture at US that encourages throwing people under the bus, such as there is at the new AmericaWest Ways?

People who have the need to throw others under the bus should be strung up and ridiculed like there is no tomorrow. When I was a manager at US and someone made an error, I politely sent them an e-mail or called them on the phone to give them an opportunity to correct the error, much as I would have liked them to do for me. Now, it seems that every time someone makes an error, no matter how minor, an e-mail is automatically sent out to the person who allegedly made the error, plus copied to every person in the company who could possibly give a rats arse about the situation. That's just weak if you asked me.

It all comes down to a culture that is out of whack and needs to be corrected by management in Tempe. If everyone is constantly under a culture of fear, the company is doomed to failure because no one will take a chance to make things better for the customer or their fellow co-workers without fearing being thrown under the bus.
Sorry that you lost your job... BUT why would you post something like this on here? We do not write up our own! Now you have put this in the minds of all EAST FA's and makes it worse for us! Whatever you did, take responsibility unless you in your mind did nothing wrong. I DO NOT condone writing people up but at the same time you need to think about your actions all the time "Would I want to lose my job over this?" Stop pointing fingers.
Oh how wrong you are. Employees are told they will be on the good side of management if they "snitch" on other employees. I saw it happen on both sides of the country but a lot more on the west side. Now it seems the East is getting into the swing of things. I have it on good information that agents are "snitching" on each other all of the time. Come on guys--you have a union to protect you and you are suposed to be brothers and sisters. If management wants to catch you doing something they have other ways of doing it than having each other tattle on everyone.
For instance--let's say you're out on medical leave. Well, they actually have a company of PI's that can follow you around and take pictures of what you're doing. Yep. Don't do anything you're not suposed to be able to do on medical. God forbid you have a bad back and are caught carrying a bag of groceries into the house.--They don't weigh it but assume it's heavy.
Also, in reservations they tape EVERYTHING. If there's a question about what you said or did they can go back and find it. If they don't like the way you say Hello--they can get you--and by the way the West res union is not up to snuff. They make suggestions to HR--even though the agent did not agree to it--and then you're stuck.
Be careful and stick up for each other.
Oh how wrong you are. Employees are told they will be on the good side of management if they "snitch" on other employees. I saw it happen on both sides of the country but a lot more on the west side. Now it seems the East is getting into the swing of things.
Customer service supervisor (CSS) in the east have been awarded with keeping there jobs during furloughs if they play ball with management THIS IS A FACT. Keep very junior CSS’s and lay off senior agents and exchange for there loyalty. Passengers Service contract allows furloughs out of seniority by classification. Keep a select jr group and hang there job over there head
You know the company doesn't have it out for us that way. That's just mean. They;d rather not give us masks so we can all get the swine flu and die. Not that I'd wear one. I'm so tragic I'll catch it anyway.

Hey, op, you can have a buddy pass, let's party it up in mee hee coo i hear there are cheap deals to be had.

Okay. As long as we're on this subject, can anyone tell me why there is a culture at US that encourages throwing people under the bus, such as there is at the new AmericaWest Ways?
funny you should ask that question...
i am reading a seminal book on opposition under tyranny. the similarities between this regime (which i won't identify for fear of sanction--another component of tyranny) and the current america west management team is uncanny...
indeed, it is a must read for all east and west flight attendants...but, again, i cannot mention the title...because "the Fuerher" is apparently watching our posts...
pineybob, based on posts he has made in the past, could speak well to this psycho-social reality regarding tyranny and opposition...and, without sanction.
It all comes down to a culture that is out of whack and needs to be corrected by management in Tempe. If everyone is constantly under a culture of fear, the company is doomed to failure because no one will take a chance to make things better for the customer or their fellow co-workers without fearing being thrown under the bus.

Two thoughts come to mind.

First, management is not about to do anything to "correct" this situation. They are reveling in it.

Second, you are absolutely correct in that the company is doomed because of this culture, and the fact is that management is too nearsighted to see how it is tearing the place apart. Management by division and fear only works for a time and up to a point. When a meltdown occurs, it will be a whopper, and there will be no foundation left on which to rebuild.
Sorry that you lost your job... BUT why would you post something like this on here? We do not write up our own! Now you have put this in the minds of all EAST FA's and makes it worse for us! Whatever you did, take responsibility unless you in your mind did nothing wrong. I DO NOT condone writing people up but at the same time you need to think about your actions all the time "Would I want to lose my job over this?" Stop pointing fingers.

This is NOTHING new!! We have known/heard about the Westies writting each other up for years now. I have a friend on the West and he confirmed that YES they do do that over there.

Whatever you want or chose to believe is fine, but you don't write someone up for stupid things. Confront the person yourself if you feel the need to stick your face where it doesn't belong!
First, management is not about to do anything to "correct" this situation. They are reveling in it.

Second, you are absolutely correct in that the company is doomed because of this culture, and the fact is that management is too nearsighted to see how it is tearing the place apart. Management by division and fear only works for a time and up to a point. When a meltdown occurs, it will be a whopper, and there will be no foundation left on which to rebuild.
The above needs to be repeated throughout this corporate regime, it being about as close to reality as I have seen here in quite a while.

Well stated.

As an outsider, I saw it in the final years at Eastern, crew-members simply walking off aircraft in disgust. I see the initial signs at USAir. Pathetic.
I believe there is more to the story than the op. is posting. To the op do you care to post the real story ?

I've been here for almost 11 years and have never turned someone in for anything. That does NOT mean that I won't. I see rules being broken all the time, and it doesn't get reported, but there is a line. An example would be drinking on the job. I will not tolerate it and WILL turn someone in for that. I know that's kind of a crappy opinion to some, but that's the way I am.

I want to know what the writeup was for. A West FA snitched on you. OK. Did you steal a can of Coke (as was offered as an example earlier)? If so I'm with you 110% that it was BS. Did you miss a latch on a galley cart? I'd be with you there too. But if it was something more serious like drinking, well, you deserve it. You can't (well you CAN, but you know what I mean) come in here, say someone snitched on you and they're evil because of it without putting it in perspective. Don't cherry pick facts, give the whole story or none.
I've been here for almost 11 years and have never turned someone in for anything. That does NOT mean that I won't. I see rules being broken all the time, and it doesn't get reported, but there is a line. An example would be drinking on the job. I will not tolerate it and WILL turn someone in for that. I know that's kind of a crappy opinion to some, but that's the way I am.

I want to know what the writeup was for. A West FA snitched on you. OK. Did you steal a can of Coke (as was offered as an example earlier)? If so I'm with you 110% that it was BS. Did you miss a latch on a galley cart? I'd be with you there too. But if it was something more serious like drinking, well, you deserve it. You can't (well you CAN, but you know what I mean) come in here, say someone snitched on you and they're evil because of it without putting it in perspective. Don't cherry pick facts, give the whole story or none.

I agree that the nature and gravity of the offense must be considered. But I still think that, for those groups that are unionized, a call to the union's professional standards committee should still be first, if possible, as long as safety isn't an immediate and present factor.
Coming from the west, I can tell you that it is SOP to dime out your fellow co workers over minor stuff. I am not one of them, I'd say its about 30% who does, and they make life miserable on everyone. I haven't worked with as many east employees, but it doesn't seem to be as prevalent.

Unless someone's life is in jeopardy I will not get management involved. Then again if someone's life is at stake, im calling the cops not a manager. So I guess under no circumstance do I believe that an employee should ever go up to a manager and snitch on a fellow union member.

I must admit though that I have seen this start to change as of late and there are far fewer employees who do snitch than there used to be.... Of course one is enough though.
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