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BaRack, Worst President Since WWII

Glenn Quagmire said:
It is what has been screamed the loudest by the talking tv/radio/social media talking heads within the last week that shapes these "worst/best" polls. Look at the congress poll. I think most people polled may have not lived under more than 3 presidents? And most probably couldn't name the last 5 if you asked.
So now these polls are shaped?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I have been very vocal about not accepting statistics and polls. They are based off of junk science and are too easy to manipulate 
Glenn Quagmire said:
That explains much of the content of your posts.

Eventually you will run out of air in your little box.
Funny in the Congrats Michael Sam! post #163 you were singing a completely different tune.
Just another example of a lying, manipulating liberal.
Obama and Bush get my votes for first and second and we have yet to see the full impact of their actions.
JFK was the last President that wasn't a puppet of the Central Banks and Fortune 100.  
southwind said:
So before you Bush Basher's begin..............

"Over the span of 69 years of American history and 12 presidencies, President Barack Obama finds himself with President George W. Bush at the bottom of the popularity barrel," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of Quinnipiac University's polling unit."

"In a survey of 1,446 registered voters, 33 percent said Obama was the worst president since World War Two, while 28 percent pointed to his predecessor, George W. Bush, as the worst, the poll by Quinnipiac University found."


So much for "Hope and Change"!
so, the eqivalent of every republican, ie 33%......why am I not shocked with this poll?
im back..!! said:
so, the eqivalent of every republican, ie 33%......why am I not shocked with this poll?
with the repubs about to Perot themselves.....dems could run an idiot an win....wait there runnin hillary?, ok, the dems could run hillary and win....lol
Carter whatever one thought of him as POTUS did a lot of good for people after he left office
Like what? Habitat For Humanity? Can't speak for ALL HFH homes but in my area most needed dire repairs within 5-7 years! But they did come with ADT and cable!
im back..!! said:
with the repubs about to Perot themselves.....dems could run an idiot an win....wait there runnin hillary?, ok, the dems could run hillary and win....lol
the hillary clinton campaign the ones who brought us the birther movement... i cant wait... 
Glenn Quagmire said:
It is what has been screamed the loudest by the talking tv/radio/social media talking heads within the last week that shapes these "worst/best" polls. Look at the congress poll. I think most people polled may have not lived under more than 3 presidents? And most probably couldn't name the last 5 if you asked.
US0714 Demographics 
From June 24 - 30, 2014 Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,446 registered voters with a 
margin of error of +/- 2.6 percentage points. 
PARTY IDENTIFICATION - Generally speaking, do you consider yourself a Republican, 
a Democrat, an Independent, or what? 
 Republican 26% 
 Democrat 31 
 Independent 35 
 Other/DK/NA 7 
 Cell only 30% 
 Land Line only 7 
 Both, cmp from cell sample 14 
 Both, cmp from land sample 49 
 White 73% 
 Black 13 
 Hispanic 7 
 Other/DK/NA 8 
 REGISTERED VOTERS................................................. 
 AGE IN YRS.............. 
 Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom 18-29 30-49 50-64 65+ 
Weighted Percentage 100% 26% 31% 35% 47% 53% 16% 30% 30% 23% 
MoE (+/-%) 2.58 4.90 4.59 4.39 3.70 3.59 9.90 6.14 4.43 4.03 
the last lines got jumbled up you can see it clearly on this link 
but as you can see the majority of the people polled had lived under more than 3 presidents..  
Thank you Phxconx. I will look it over. The results do not surprise me at all. There are not many in government who are very popular right now. His performance has not helped.
im back..!! said:
with the repubs about to Perot themselves.....dems could run an idiot an win....wait there runnin hillary?, ok, the dems could run hillary and win....lol
It worked once already. Look at the clown we have in office now.

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