B3 Drivers?

External, I'm just not allowed to pickle it. Maybe soon, when I quit and sell turnips on the side of the road...
Now, that sounds like a lot of Turnips to sell, to keep SWMBO in the fine manner to which she has become accustomed.
Is that Chef Boy Var-Dee that is shown in the citizen any relation to you.
Apparently he can really cook. :boff: :oops: :fart:
Turnip Ravioli............what could be better than that ?????
It sure would be better than the daily serving of deep-fried previously-frozen fish and chips at an Alberta fire-camp.
Citizen? As in Ottawa Citizen? Am I famous?

Photoshop should never be sold to monkeys... :lol:
Of course, every other Turnip vendor posting here will be a bit miffed that we gave you this recognition, hey CTD ? (Canadian Turnip Distributor) :eek: :D

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