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Awa/usa Merger - Mesa's J.o. Speaks.....

Mwereplanes, you should “rest your caseâ€￾, since you are clearly uninformed and the people you supported are much of the reason why every employee took a deeper cut than necessary, which is the main reason the 279 minimum fleet count was lost. People like you supported the RC4 minus 1, who gutted all of the experience from the ALPA Negotiating Committee and replaced the mwith "rookies", ignored the advice of every ALPA official and legal & financial expert, and refused to allow a much more favorable deal to be voted on prior to bankruptcy.

Yep, you should rest your case because “you can’t fix stupid.â€￾

Boeing Boy, with all due respect, can you tell me where it says that using a well known term like "hardliners" is mud slinging?

Best regards,

USA320Pilot said:
It's tough on the "hardliners" when I am right or the first provide information.
Except for the fact that it appears you were neither first nor correct...

And again, the quoted sentence was the author reporting what the speculation is/was. No where in the article (or other articles) are firm discussions with any party other than HP confirmed.

A report of speculation does not make the speculation true.

Just because the weather page speculates on rain tomorrow does not mean that it will rain tomorrow.
USA320Pilot said:
Yep, you should rest your case because “you can’t fix stupid.â€￾

USA320Pilot said:
I'm not going to continue with "mud slinging", emotional comments, or to try and discredit the messenger. If you choose to do so, so be it.


doing a news search on google news (http://news.google.com/) on terms such as usair, usairways, etc. and posting them here and chiming with commentary saying you think what the reporter or analyst says is going to happen - is going to happen doesn't make you some superstar.

you're a rephraser.

oh except for those calls you get from usairwars senior management (dating back to stephen wolf even) sharing their plans on buying united.

by the way - i don't want to say i told you say - but the sun appears to be setting...
USA320Pilot said:
Mwereplanes, you should “rest your caseâ€￾, since you are clearly uninformed and the people you supported are much of the reason why every employee took a deeper cut than necessary, which is the main reason the 279 minimum fleet count was lost. People like you supported the RC4 minus 1, who gutted all of the experience from the ALPA Negotiating Committee and replaced the mwith "rookies", ignored the advice of every ALPA official and legal & financial expert, and refused to allow a much more favorable deal to be voted on prior to bankruptcy.

Yep, you should rest your case because “you can’t fix stupid.â€￾

Boeing Boy, with all due respect, can you tell me where it says that using a well known term like "hardliners" is mud slinging?

Best regards,


Why can't this guy be US Airways' Runaway Pilot?
mwereplanes said:
I rest my case.


🙄 How true 😀 :lol:...... and the laughs just keep on coming...... :lol: 😀

Someone should be known as the master of regurgitation of information, nothing more.
EyeInTheSky said:
OMG! Did you realize that a grandiose sense of self is a sign of a sociopath?

Yeah. Look up narcissistic personality disorder. It'll be an eye opener.
USA320Pilot said:
It's tough on the "hardliners" when I am right or the first provide information.

Best regards,


When were you right?
From the 2003 Annual Report:

Foreign Ownership Restrictions
Under current federal law, non-U.S. citizens cannot own or control more than 25% of the outstanding voting securities of a domestic air carrier. The Company believes that it was in compliance with this statute during the time period covered by this report.

So there is all ready foreign ownership in US, so any foreign stock ownership is limited to less what is all ready owned by foreigners.
USA320Pilot said:
It's tough on the "hardliners" when I am right or the first provide information.

Best regards,


Seriously, wasn't there some kind of psych test requirement with employment at U? MMPI perhaps?
Please tell us you are not truly fascinated by small shiny objects.
mwereplanes said:
The guy's just wacked folks. He personifies everything in the profession that is wrong. Sad thing is that he doesn't even see it as a profession anymore. Just a job. A job to keep at any price because of his enormous ego which typifies his lack of self confidence and self worth.

Gee, and I thought it was lack of something else. 😉 😛

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