Vendors and creditors gave their pound of flesh up to a year before labor was asked for anything.
Labor gave up a lot, but Boeing alone deferred between $3B and $4B of firm aircraft deliveries for AMR. EDS and Sabre also agreed to discounts and modifications to their existing contracts worth tens of millions. There were several aircraft lessors who lowered their monthly lease rates by 10-15%, and lots of banks restructured debt either by lowering interest rates or pushing out repayment dates.
Why did they do that? Because 85-90% of something is better than 100% of nothing. Your union leaders recognized that as well, and based on how the folks at the bankrupt carriers fared, you're probably damn lucky that the concessions didn't go further than they did. Just ask the former TWA employees you look down on so often. They got raped and beaten. You got an unwanted pat on the ass.
well stated
It was everyone else except AMR's piss poor management that turned the company around
yet AMR's management still reaps the rewards of everyone elses sacrifice