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Are Changes Ahead for AMFA?

TWU informer

Nov 4, 2003
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Well, maybe not another "UNION", but affiliation with another organization.

November 30, 2006

To: All AMFA Locals in Region I
Re: Region I Director’s Monthly Update for November 2006

Dear Members:

On November 6th AMFA members at Northwest Airlines decided to end their 444 day strike. By a margin of 72% to 28% our NWA members chose to accept a strike settlement agreement. While many lessons can and will be taken from this painful experience, AMFA must now move ahead. AMFA still represents mechanics and cleaners at the airline. It is going to be a challenge as we navigate into the post-strike era at NWA. We will be able to draw on some of our experiences and “lessons learned†from the 1985 Alaska Airlines strike.

This month also saw the resolution to the Mesaba Airlines 1113 bankruptcy proceedings. With the members there approving a consensual agreement that is waiting for the judge’s approval.

November 13th through 16th I was at our National Office in Denver attending NEC meetings and our Association-wide Joint Advisory Council (JAC) meetings. We addressed many topics including the Association’s possible affiliation with the Aircraft Engineers International. You will be learning much about AEI over the next couple of months and will ultimately be asked to vote on an affiliation. You can learn more about AEI on their website http://www.airengineers.org which is linked from the AMFA National website. There is additional information on AEI on Local 9’s website under the News and Updates link.

We’re finalizing our preparations for the United Airlines - Maintenance Controller, Planner and Annalist accretion Letter of Agreement negotiations. We expect to set negotiation dates soon.

It would be redundant to cover, in-depth, each carrier specific update here but please do pursue further information regarding AMFA and other industry related news on AMFA National’s website at www.AMFANATL.org, the AMFA Information Line 1-800-520-AMFA (2632) and the Region I Local websites; Local 14 at http://www.amfa14.org , Local 9 at http://www.amfa9.org, Local 8 at http://www.amfa8.org, and Local 32 at http://www.amfa32.com.

Louie Key
Region I Director
You will be learning much about AEI over the next couple of months and will ultimately be asked to vote on an affiliation.
How dare they allow their membership to vote on an affiliation. As Bill said, these decisions should be reserved to the elite few. As per Bill, this kind of voting would be un-democratic. :shock:
Well, maybe not another "UNION", but affiliation with another organization.
November 30, 2006
To: All AMFA Locals in Region I
Re: Region I Director’s Monthly Update for November 2006

Dear Members:

On November 6th AMFA members at Northwest Airlines decided to end their 444 day strike. By a margin of 72% to 28% our NWA members chose to accept a strike settlement agreement. While many lessons can and will be taken from this painful experience, AMFA must now move ahead. AMFA still represents mechanics and cleaners at the airline. It is going to be a challenge as we navigate into the post-strike era at NWA. We will be able to draw on some of our experiences and “lessons learned†from the 1985 Alaska Airlines strike.

This month also saw the resolution to the Mesaba Airlines 1113 bankruptcy proceedings. With the members there approving a consensual agreement that is waiting for the judge’s approval.

November 13th through 16th I was at our National Office in Denver attending NEC meetings and our Association-wide Joint Advisory Council (JAC) meetings. We addressed many topics including the Association’s possible affiliation with the Aircraft Engineers International. You will be learning much about AEI over the next couple of months and will ultimately be asked to vote on an affiliation. You can learn more about AEI on their website http://www.airengineers.org which is linked from the AMFA National website. There is additional information on AEI on Local 9’s website under the News and Updates link.

We’re finalizing our preparations for the United Airlines - Maintenance Controller, Planner and Annalist accretion Letter of Agreement negotiations. We expect to set negotiation dates soon.

It would be redundant to cover, in-depth, each carrier specific update here but please do pursue further information regarding AMFA and other industry related news on AMFA National’s website at www.AMFANATL.org, the AMFA Information Line 1-800-520-AMFA (2632) and the Region I Local websites; Local 14 at http://www.amfa14.org , Local 9 at http://www.amfa9.org, Local 8 at http://www.amfa8.org, and Local 32 at http://www.amfa32.com.
Louie Key
Region I Director

Holy sh*t!!! :shock: Are they serious? Have they not learned anything yet????

The AEI???????? Can't wait to hear the "haters" point of view on this. Delle and the boys must be in trouble!! Their entire Exec Board are overseas. 8 different countries!! I have got to dig deeper on this one!

Gotta say it again....holy sh*t!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Our point of view still stands.

AMFA represents zero members at NW.
The constitution states that if you don't pay monthly union dues while on lay off, (all their mechanics are on layoff) then you need to do a withdrawal card. Of course withdrawal card means you have no voting rights. The only people who will be/should be paying dues are the officials. They need to pay dues in order to remain in office. Do they vote?

Any way, all other AMFA represented carriers should check this AEI affiliation out, you'll be the one's voting.
Holy sh*t!!! :shock: Are they serious? Have they not learned anything yet????

The AEI???????? Can't wait to hear the "haters" point of view on this. Delle and the boys must be in trouble!! Their entire Exec Board are overseas. 8 different countries!! I have got to dig deeper on this one!
Gotta say it again....holy sh*t!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Hey Billybob, I ask again, what exacty is a "hater" that you keep babbling on about??? Please explain if you possibly can get you head out of your a$$ that long.

In addition, you need to worry about your own twu backyard. The twu can't even get rampers to join up and worship at the altar of the concession bus.
🙄 :lol: :unsure:

Now with contract time looming, and Burdchette a gitin' ready to pull something 'er other out of managements pockets (do we have to wonder what it might be? 😉 ) The twu bubba club has enough on its plate than to be digging around for some trumped up bedtime stories about AMFA.

If I were you, I'd be worried about producing a twu contract that doesn't have more concessions in it. That'll be a stretch for the twu won't it Billdo??? :huh:

I can feel another card drive coming on.... :up:
This isn't a TWU topic it's an amfa topic. I am meerly curious to to the "haters" (very, very disgruntled TWU members on this board since you can't seem to get that Hackman, you know, the ones who HATE the TWU) opinions on this new revelation of amfa wanting to affiliat with another union. The AEI????

Someone brought up the "at elast they can vote" subject...
You amfa lovers had your chance to get a vote and failed. Had your amfa leaders and "recruiters" known what they were doing maybe you would have had the chance to vote. So don't go crying that you couldn't vote because you could have, had you had enough cards. And please don't go bringing up the dead and retired people. It's a moot point. Those folks were weeded out. Does the TWU continue throw fits because amfa had duplicates to inflate their numbers????? OH NO...don't want to talk about that do we????

No trumped up amfa stories here Hackman. Informer started this one!
This isn't a TWU topic it's an amfa topic. I am meerly curious to to the "haters" (very, very disgruntled TWU members on this board since you can't seem to get that Hackman, you know, the ones who HATE the TWU) opinions on this new revelation of amfa wanting to affiliat with another union. The AEI????

Someone brought up the "at elast they can vote" subject...
You amfa lovers had your chance to get a vote and failed. Had your amfa leaders and "recruiters" known what they were doing maybe you would have had the chance to vote. So don't go crying that you couldn't vote because you could have, had you had enough cards. And please don't go bringing up the dead and retired people. It's a moot point. Those folks were weeded out. Does the TWU continue throw fits because amfa had duplicates to inflate their numbers????? OH NO...don't want to talk about that do we????
No trumped up amfa stories here Hackman. Informer started this one!
So basically you are admitting that with the TWU you should not expect to be able to vote on things such as the direction of the union or who represents you. With the TWU at AA members are not able to vote on the person who has control over their contract or the direction of the TWU. But according to you thats just fine. Obviously you do not understand what Democracy is all about.

The USSR claimed that they were democratic because districts could elect representatives to the politburo and the politburo would then elect the premier, pretty much the exact same set-up that the TWU uses. And just like in the USSR where the Premire would file charges against his opponents, appoint his own Judge and Jury and have them eliminated or compromised, thus assuring his "reelection" the TWU Internationale does the same thing.
Bill, my shop teacher use to say that there were more horses asses in the world than there are horses. Your ignorance prooves this correct.

"You amfa lovers had your chance to get a vote and failed."

Perhaps you should braid that tail of yours because you are getting a serious case of back flow.

When did I get a chance to vote for AMFA? I tried but alas a rented coffin, a bunch of dead people and kirk "to the doors and stop" wells prevented democracy from taking place.

But you already knew that. You just like to show your ability to be an idiot. Woa horsie! 😉
Perhaps the amfa lovers through providing informational leaflets and holding informational meetings had exposed their true intentions to effect this membership.

And the amfa lovers unknowing and underestimating the intelligence of the membership were defeated by their own doings....
Perhaps the amfa lovers through providing informational leaflets and holding informational meetings had exposed their true intentions to effect this membership.

And the amfa lovers unknowing and underestimating the intelligence of the membership were defeated by their own doings....

Perhaps if you removed your cranium from the hole you stuck it in the sky will not seem so brown?

I have stated, as others, the facts regarding the twu/company attempts at denying democracy from taking place. Spin it any way your masters tell you to. Fact is fact.
This isn't a TWU topic it's an amfa topic. I am meerly curious to to the "haters" (very, very disgruntled TWU members on this board since you can't seem to get that Hackman, you know, the ones who HATE the TWU) opinions on this new revelation of amfa wanting to affiliat with another union. The AEI????

Someone brought up the "at elast they can vote" subject...
You amfa lovers had your chance to get a vote and failed. Had your amfa leaders and "recruiters" known what they were doing maybe you would have had the chance to vote. So don't go crying that you couldn't vote because you could have, had you had enough cards. And please don't go bringing up the dead and retired people. It's a moot point. Those folks were weeded out. Does the TWU continue throw fits because amfa had duplicates to inflate their numbers????? OH NO...don't want to talk about that do we????
No trumped up amfa stories here Hackman. Informer started this one!
Since when do you stick to "topics" Billybob??? What you seem to be missing, besides a few pounds of "grey matter", is because I dislike the way the crooked twu officials have for years run our careers in the ground for their own gain, and failed to lead, doesn't constitute hatred. I would say CONTEMPT would be a better choice of wording. Along with disdain, scorn, disapproval, base, or worthless. I know those are complicated words for a twu bubba club member such as yourself, but don't give up on yourself. I won't.

Why was the M@R representational vote stopped Billdo??? Was it because the compAAny/twu simply lied and stated AA M&E had 22000 M@E twu members, which was pared down by the NMB to about 18000??? Are these the correct numbers Billy??? It doesn't even come close to the truth now does it Billybob??? In reality, we expected no less, so don't strain yourself with convoluted explanations here. I like the statement a twu bubba made; "We won the right not to have a vote". Just a beautiful quote in its "bubba" type simplicity.

Let's do talk about your false accusation of AMFA inflating the numbers. If you have proof AMFA misrepresented its numbers, please post it for all to see. I'd like to see where the dead, management, and rampers were included by AMFA. The proof of the AA/twu lies to the NMB are well documented. :unsure:

The biggest question is, why would the twu and AA management want to stop a representational vote at all costs??? Worried the twu would lose, and AA's favorite lapdog would be gone forever is my guess. 😛h34r:

BTW, I hope AMFA does affiliate with another craft union, and not the worthless and contemptable afl-cio. 😛

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